Comments for “Yavapai County Regionally Significant Roads Study - Iron Springs Rd”

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  1. November 23 2022

    Most of Iron Springs has a wide bike lane, but it's not the entire road. Motorists are too close to cyclists. Need wide, clearly marked, bike lanes. Please help Prescott become as road bike friendly as it is mountain bike friendly.

  2. November 17 2022

    Adding passing lanes in this area would be desirable and help with frustrated drivers that are unable to pass slower vehicles.

  3. November 12 2022

    This is the most popular Bicycle in Northern AZ.
    A wide bike lane in each direction is needed.

  4. November 02 2022

    A designated wide bike lane and signage indicating bikes share the road may create a more safe bicycling experience for all bicyclists. Nothing will force a distracted motorist or trucks that are in a hurry to deliver their payload to care or pay attention but having a paved bike lane would help keep the bicyclist out of the vehicle lanes.

  5. October 31 2022

    The Kirkland Junction needs to be better marked going onto the Kirkland Valley/Hillside Rd, maybe with some reflective signs that make it easier to see the road shoulders at night.

  6. October 31 2022

    There needs to be a sign indicating cars coming from the west side of the railroad tracks do not have a stop sign. Many drivers assume it is a three-way stop.

  7. October 30 2022

    Road cyclists regularly ride on the shoulders of Iron Springs Road, as do occasional mountain bikers. Fast traffic in ever-increasing amounts poses a major risk on that roadway. This is particularly true with regard the truck traffic that is being generated by the newly-opened Kirkland Mine. Please consider widening the shoulder and marking a defined bike lane.

  8. October 29 2022

    Widening the paved shoulder, clearly marking shoulders and adding “Share the Road” signs will enhance the roadway: increased safety for cyclists and e-bike riders. This will also help traffic flow and safety as vehicles will no longer need to navigate around cyclists and e-bikes.

  9. October 29 2022

    Traffic coming out of Prescott and up to Skyline Drive has more than doubled in the past few years. Visibility is a problem looking west from Skyline Drive. Vehicles coming from the west are mostly speeding which means they get to the intersection faster than we can see them coming. Speeding and tailgating is a major problem as is passing in no-passing zones. Increasing the speed limit will only make the road more dangerous. We need better law enforcement.

  10. October 29 2022

    Adding multi-use paths or paved shoulders on Williamson Valley Road and a multi-use path along Pioneer Parkway would be particularly helpful. Too many cars come way too close to us cyclists. It’s getting to be too dangerous

  11. October 29 2022

    Adding multi-use paths or paved shoulders on Williamson Valley Road and a multi-use path along Pioneer Parkway would be particularly helpful. Too many cars come way too close to us cyclists. It’s getting to be too dangerous

  12. October 28 2022

    Adding multi-use lane or wide, paved shoulder, will enhance the roadway: increased safety for cyclists and e-bike riders, better traffic flow and safety as vehicles will no longer need to navigate around cyclists and e-bikes,

  13. October 28 2022

    Paved shoulders for cyclists, for safety.

  14. October 27 2022

    Now that the Skull Valley Station is open, foot traffic around the junction of Iron Springs and Old Skull Valley Road has increased tremendously. I lost track of the number of vehicles I have watched come through this junction at double the posted 25 mph speed limit. It is only a matter of time before a pedestrian is struck. Are speed cameras a consideration for such an area?

  15. October 27 2022

    thanks ahead of time for taking the advice of locals in terms of avoiding more issues with the traffic accidents that occur on Iron Springs Road......we all know that increased traffic due to a "man camp' will only threaten the situation further.

  16. October 27 2022

    I agree that there should be a passing lane in this area. I am concerned that increasing the speed limit will only encourage people to drive even faster than they already do. Increasing it to 60 -65 will encourage people to go 70-75 who normally drive 60-65. Since becoming the conduit between Prescott and California traffic has increased 10 fold. Adding large developments will only add to the problem and ruin our rural lifestyle.

  17. October 27 2022

    Our LARGEST SAFEST PASSING ZONE (near Disney Pit Rd and Contreras Rd NEEDS TO BE PUT BACK! ALSO, this ENTIRE ROAD needs to be LEFT ALONE! The only acceptable change (beside the above-referenced passing zone) would be increasing the speed limit to 60mph or 65mph as these are safe on this road! DO NOT EVER AD SPEED BUMPS OR RUMBLE STRIPS ANYWHETE ON THIS ROAD! It is unnecessary. This road is safe. LEAVE IRON SPRINGS ALONE AND LEAVE IT RURAL!

  18. October 26 2022

    It would be really nice to have this section of Iron Springs Road widened to be a 4 lane road (2 lanes in each direction) to ease congestion from here until Wildwood Rd. or even Granite Basin Rd.

  19. October 26 2022

    The newly installed culverts under the railroad did not really improve the flood water management in the area. It probably made it worse, as more water seems to be accumulating here when it rains. Also, it does not help with diverting the rain water away from the school where it routinely floods...

  20. October 26 2022

    Vehicles passing both directions on yellow lines as they are in such a hurry and in my opinion, this should be solid double yellow lines.

  21. October 26 2022

    Often times, the vehicles at the south side of the intersection do not realize that this is not an ALL WAY STOP intersection and the traffic coming from the north has the right of way even if they turn left since there is no STOP sign on the north side (which I like, do not put a STOP sign there!). I have had several instances where I am driving from the north turning left onto Iron Springs and the vehicle already stopped at the STOP sign (from Kirkland Valley Road) attempts to turn right in front of me (ignoring my left turning signal).
    Maybe there is a way of making it more obvious that the traffic from the north has no STOP sign by adding a sign saying something like: "Incoming traffic does not stop".

  22. October 26 2022

    Vehicles are always passing multiple vehicles since this is the last passing area until Mile marker 10.

  23. October 26 2022

    Beginning of the 35mph from 50mph headed north, vehicles always passing and speeding

  24. October 26 2022

    Almost daily vehicles are passing on a double yellow headed north
    need more deputies to stop and give out citations.

  25. October 26 2022

    There should be a turning lane for vehicles turning onto Skull Valley Connector Road, vehicles tailgate and then when you are about to turn off Iron Springs Road they go to pass and almost cause a head on collusion. This intersection needs a study done as so many speed and pass with no visible sight of oncoming vehicles.