Comments for “Tuolumne County Evacuation Needs Assessment”

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  1. December 05 2022

    Evacuation access previously accessible on private landowner route inaccessible due to downed trees and lack of maintenance. Google maps is not accurate showing the route. This road connects to mount Provo as well as Ponderosa Hills. Access is crucial for not only an evacuation route but access for fire fighting personnel. Owners parcel is Frey.

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  2. December 04 2022

    Gates installed by THCSD are blocking emergency egress to Pinewood Ln. THCSD was asked to remove the gates but thus far has refused to do so. Wildwood & Shadybrook currently have only one ingress/ egress route. This could be easily remedied by removing the THCDS gates or facilitating access in emergencies (combo locks etc).

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  3. December 02 2022

    Can we ensure this road is maintained as an alternate evacuation route from Cedar Ridge and upper Mount Elizabeth? It currently has signs at the intersection with Elizabeth Peak Road saying no public access.

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  4. November 30 2022

    This seems like a dangerous bottleneck, especially if there's an evacuation in Sonora. Are you planning any remediation to this, like adding lanes, or widening the shoulder for an additional emergency travel lane?

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    December 04 2022

    We only have one access road from the Questa Serena subdivision and that is Campbells flat. If there is a fire there we have no way to escape. We need another outlet to ensure residents can evacuate when a fire happens.

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