Comments for “North Valley Road - Interactive map”

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  1. November 09 2021

    Reduce speed limit. Additional signage warning drivers of potential seasonal icy roadway. Widen 240/Ribbon Ridge.

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  2. November 07 2021

    Drop the speed limit to 45 install enforcement cameras. Truck load and length restrictions. 20 mph, 300 feet North and South bound lanes in front of Tilikum. Repair the hazard areas.

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  3. October 29 2021

    North Valley is a country road with too many users driving too fast with little enforcement of posted speed limits. Why redesign the road only to enable violators to drive faster? Suggest fixing road as is, reducing the speed limit and installing photo enforcement cameras that issue large fines.

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  4. October 29 2021

    North Valley is a country road with too many users driving too fast with little enforcement of posted speed limits. Why redesign the road only to enable violators to drive faster? Suggest fixing road as is, reducing the speed limit and installing photo enforcement cameras that issue large fines.

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  5. October 28 2021

    Can we have an "Entering Dangerous Zone" or something like ODOT does? Congested Area? Safety Corridor?

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  6. October 28 2021

    I support slowing drivers down with the rumble strips, speed reduction and speed boards. It is a scenic drive and people just need to slow down. How about some sheriffs doing tickets once in awhile?

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  7. October 28 2021

    The wetlands area along this road is a bird watching area and a pull out would help with distracted drivers not paying attention. Also allow for slower drivers to pull out.

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  8. October 26 2021

    Drop the speed limit to 45 mph. Although this isn't part of this survey the length of North Valley Road from College Street in Newberg to Albertson should all be 45 mph. Too many cyclists and farm equipment is on the whole road with multiple rises and blind curves.

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  9. October 26 2021

    Install a flashing warning light prior to the last curve before the entrance to Camp Tilikum. The lights could be activated at the camp office during peak entry and exit times. There are often dozens of buses and/or vehicles leaving this entrance. With people driving too fast coming around the curve it is extremely dangerous. I live near here and have seen numerous accidents in this area.

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  10. October 26 2021

    Install a stop sign for all the roads. There are many accidents and near misses at this point. I drive this road several times a day. It might be considered a "hassle" by some but it would be well worth saving lives.

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  11. October 25 2021

    Monday, Oct 25, 6:45AM traveling north. The road was dry, but in the dark the white and yellow lines were nearly invisible. They have warn almost entirely away. When there was any oncoming traffic, they vanished entirely. If raised reflectors were installed then there would be no need for rumble strips because they would offer both visual and bumpy reminders to stay in the correct lane.

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  12. October 23 2021

    It seems unlikely that there are enough funds to turn this county road into a substitute for a state highway. Anything that can be done to improve and encourage use of Hwy 240 and 47 for the F. Grove to Nberg (connect to 219 and beyond) will help discourage use of this road: reduce speed, restrict weight, etc. Much of this traffic is traveling between the Tualatin Valley and the I-5 corridor, not "county traffic". Paving Albertson Rd has significantly increased NValley Rd traffic for the same reasons as above. When the Ayers Creek bridge was out for nearly a year, traffic seemed to find alternate routes. Why is the county expected to finance routes that should be supported by and using state highways maintained from state funds? Sen George proposed such a highway back when he was in the state legislature (Tualatin Valley to I-5 link), Am I remembering that correctly?

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  13. October 23 2021

    If Possible, add a left turn lane into Camp Tilikum

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    October 25 2021

    In the summer season (June to August) it would be very helpful if Camp Tilikum had a "camp zone" reduced speed similar to a "school zone". For instance every morning and afternoon we have at least a 100 cars and busses arrive and depart from this entrance. Dennis Littlefield, Executive Director

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  14. October 22 2021

    The entire 4 mile stretch of road should definitely not be more than a 45 mph speed limit. Anything else is just unsafe, considering that whether or not you put bike lanes in, bikes will be traveling. I don't know how many times I have seen a bicycle coming towards me in the other lane, and then I go a little ways and see a car speeding coming my way. Borrow the money and do the bike lane option! There is no other responsible option. It should not be legal to repave roads and not add decent bike lanes. Figure it out. How about a County Resolution that the Federal Government cut a few trillion off the military budget and use it instead for something that will actually make the citizens safe????

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  15. October 21 2021

    Digging ditches won’t help if the water can’t go anywhere!!! Owners need to clean the creek!!
    Drop the speed limit !!!

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  16. October 21 2021

    Digging ditches won’t help if the water can’t go anywhere!!! Owners need to clean the creek!!
    Drop the speed limit !!!

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  17. October 21 2021

    Drop the speed limit to 45 mph

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  18. October 21 2021

    Drop the speed limit to 45 mph

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  19. October 21 2021

    No rumble strips!!!! Then we have to listen to that noise which is way louder than the traffic noise!!! Drop the speed limit to 45 mph !!! And add enforcement!!

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  20. October 21 2021

    This section needs widened.

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  21. October 21 2021

    Rumble strips or stop sign at this intersection to slow people down for the turn. Maybe also remove signs that distract drivers trying to read them while trying to figure out if they should stop, turn, or go straight.

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    October 25 2021

    If you choose not to add a stop sign, some large chevrons in the triangle might be helpful. That corner is essentially invisible in the dark.

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  22. October 21 2021

    Speed limit on the road should be reduced to 45 mph.

    I do not support the addition of rumble strips as they will greatly increase the risk to cyclists. If a cyclist is forced onto them it is likely to cause a crash and it also removes what little shoulder does exist for cyclists to utilize when large vehicles attempt to pass.

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    October 21 2021

    I'd support a center rumble strip to keep people in their lanes, but agree that a reduction in shoulder would not be wise.

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  23. October 18 2021

    Although it was recently improved/patched, this bend in the road frequently causes cars to drift across the center line. As someone who commutes on this road from Beaverton to McMinnville each morning, I see this frequently and am even guilty of it myself from time to time. The lanes are just too narrow and if a larger vehicle is coming in the opposite direction, there's minimal room for everyone involved. I would love to see this section widened, as well as the inclusion of signage reminding drivers to slow down in these turns.

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  24. October 18 2021

    Put up a sign that says “ you can’t fix stupid “

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  25. October 18 2021

    Drop the speed on the road.

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