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City of Tampa Low Stress Network

Do you ride in your bike in Tampa? Let us know where! Where you ride your bike will tell us about streets in Tampa that are most suitable for biking and may contribute to City prioritization criteria for bicycle and pedestrian improvements or potential wayfinding solutions. Add your favorite bicycle route to the map and be a part of Tampa's future!

INSTRUCTIONS Zoom and pan the map to find the location you're looking for. Then, double-click where you'd like to begin drawing. You can then continue your route by single-clicking on the map to finish drawing your line.

Copy and paste into your browser to return to the previous page.

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Having trouble viewing or using the map? Please contact with your comments.


INSTRUCTIONS Zoom and pan the map to find the location you're looking for. Then, double-click where you'd like to begin drawing. You can then continue your route by single-clicking on the map to finish drawing your line.