Comments for “Allston-Brighton Mobility Study”

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  1. February 23 2019

    Rules about double parking need to be enforced

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  2. February 23 2019

    This can be a tight intersection with the light. Need to enforce parking regulations so cars are not parked to the corners on all four corners of this intersection.

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  3. February 23 2019

    The road is too narrow here. Cars travelling north over the bridge gain speed then can't stay in their lane at the corner, entering the oncoming lane of traffic

    Liked 4 times
  4. February 23 2019

    Thank you Brookline for the dedicated cycle lane. This addressed a very dangerous narrow stretch of road where cars tend to speed up, only to be stopped at the light at Washington street anyway. There is still ample room for cars to collect waiting for the light, even if traffic is slowed on Beacon Street. A good example of using existing space better to improve safety for all. Frequent repainting of lane is helpful, and it would be great if some of the bollards could be replaced.

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  5. February 23 2019

    This intersection is a disaster! Cars are turning left and right onto Washington at the same time, blocking cars from turning right onto Allston. Visibility is poor in either direction due to parked cars, and left turn is immediately into cross-walk.

    Liked 2 times
  6. February 23 2019

    This street is very narrow and treated as a one way street by westbound (uphill) traffic. There needs to be a yellow stripe in the middle to demarcate the lanes.

    Liked 4 times
  7. February 23 2019

    The parking lanes (often empty at rush hour) with hard curbs that jut into roadway are cyclist deathtraps. This route needs a dedicated cycle lane on both sides of the street. Going down the hill on Washington St, it is very dangerous to go into empty parking lane to let cars pass as drivers do not realize that there is a curb and cyclist needs to re-enter traffic lane

    Liked 2 times
  8. February 23 2019

    The parking lanes (often empty at rush hour) with hard curbs that jut into roadway are cyclist deathtraps. This route needs a dedicated cycle lane on both sides of the street. Going down the hill on Washington St, it is very dangerous to go into empty parking lane to let cars pass as drivers do not realize that there is a curb and cyclist needs to re-enter traffic lane

    Liked 1 time
  9. February 21 2019

    To add to an existing comment about this intersection - This intersection has basically 6 lanes converging into it or near it. 1) Linden, 2) Reedsdale, 3) Comm. Ave, 4) The side street parallel to Comm. Ave., 5) The lane from the other side of Comm. Ave for cars trying to turn into the intersection from the other side of Comm. Ave., 6) The train.

    There is either a lack of stop signs here or they are not visible enough. The poor design reflects badly on the image of the area. It's also a liability.

    Liked 4 times
  10. February 20 2019

    This crosswalk always feels dangerous. Cars speed through and hardly ever stop, unless there’s a crossing guard present, usually only at school pick up times. We have come close to getting hit while crossing numerous times.

    Liked 5 times
  11. February 14 2019

    Remove Cambridge St/Elko bus stop. Entrance to St. Es at this location is closed so the stop is not used/needed.

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  12. February 14 2019

    Need bike parking infrastructure in Oak Square.
    Only options currently are locking to fences and street signs.

    Liked 7 times
  13. February 14 2019

    Need a stop sign at Faneuil and Bigelow.

    Liked 4 times
  14. February 14 2019

    Western Ave is in dire need of proactive funding from developers with a Complete Streets focus from the City. This throughway cannot be designed based on current needs but based on what will be here in 5-10 years. MBTA has no plans to improve service on the 86, 70, 70A even though hundreds if not thousands more people will be moving through this corridor and developers continue to rely on their "transit-oriented" builds, already stressing a system at capacity. Developers must be required to have holistic TAPAs that fund public infrastructure improvements for everyone, not just their residents. The City must hold them to this standard.

    Liked 8 times
  15. February 14 2019

    Enforcement needed of double-parked cars in bike lane. Creates dangerous situation for bikes merging around cars into traffic.

    Liked 5 times
  16. February 14 2019

    Improve bike lane. Bike lane becomes parking spaces, creating dangerous situation and cyclists merge back in with cars.

    Liked 6 times
  17. February 14 2019

    Need police enforcement of ride-sharing vehicles that illegally park in bike lane/bus stop. Harvard contends that there is a designated pick-up spot for students to use on Kresge Way but they don't, creating a dangerous situation for cyclists coming westbound on Western having to merge around a car in the bike lane and into traffic.

    Liked 4 times
  18. February 13 2019

    ridiculously deep depression in the street here that leads to tons of water collecting & hanging around well after rain, cars driving even normal speed splashes water all over reaching even the sidewalk

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  19. February 13 2019

    Replace this long, graffiti magnet of a bridge with a straight across, at grade pedestrian connection with a bike lane to bridge the neighborhood.

    Liked 6 times
  20. February 13 2019

    Need AT GRADE easy to cross, pedestrian bridge across the Pike. This current ramp must go way up and over the pike, then comes out in a place where there is nowhere to go.

    Liked 3 times
  21. February 13 2019

    Now that Jack Young is gone, allow left turn from Cambridge Street down Highgate at any hour, without restriction. Add a traffic light sync if necessary. Also, make Highgate ONE WAY and don't allow OUT traffic unless required for the new development.

    Liked 2 times
  22. February 13 2019

    A traffic light in sync with Harvard Ave should have a crosswalk. Cars turning right from Linden should have a protected right turn that is not delayed by a crosswalk. Any crosswalk at this intersection should be to the left of Linden Street so traffic does not back up, and pedestrians have the maximum opportunity to cross.

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  23. February 13 2019

    Street crossing required here. While there is technically no intersection, the stairs from Mansfield Street / Lincoln Street come up here, and people want to get to Linden Street to head for the Green Line. The only 'legal' way is to cross at Harvard Ave and walk back up, which nobody does. Now, people just run to the center strip, then run across the other 2 lanes. There should be a crosswalk to Linden Street, and a Linden traffic light that is timed with Harvard Ave light.

    Liked 2 times
  24. February 13 2019

    This intersection is nuts. There is never enough time to cross the street as a pedestrian, and cars turn every which way.

    Liked 1 time
  25. February 13 2019

    it is impossible to see cars coming down this street when walking west on comm ave and i've been in several near-accidents thinking no one is coming (especially during the day when you can't look for headlights, or during snow/rain with low visibility). remove the parking space nearest the corner so we can see who's coming!!!

    Liked 3 times