Comments for “Space Coast TPO Vision Zero Plan”

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  1. April 15 2020

    Shrubs are blocking the road view when you need to turn right from Durham Drive

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  2. April 15 2020

    Seen several people running across the road here

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  3. April 15 2020

    Drivers often turn in here from Hollywood and don't yield to pedestrians. With the addition of the Carlton apartments this problem may get worse.

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  4. April 15 2020

    Drivers often run the stop signs here at the 4 way stop or seem confused as who should go first.

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  5. April 15 2020

    People speed through this area way over 35 mph frequently

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  6. April 15 2020

    The sidewalk doesn't continue here

    Liked 2 times
  7. April 15 2020

    Heading north from Burger Ling, it's difficult to see if vehicles are coming from west to east toward Wickham Rd. due to bushes to the left of the marker.

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  8. April 15 2020

    Dangerous Merge for cyclists and merge from 192 to Strawbridge. Bike shoulder abruptly stops into dirt and cars have to negotiate bikes and merging into 45 MPH zone from 25 MPH

    Liked 8 times
  9. April 14 2020

    Insufficient street lighting makes it dangerous turning onto Porada Dr from northbound Stadium Pwky.

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  10. April 14 2020

    No sidewalk

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  11. April 14 2020

    No side walk

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  12. April 14 2020

    No side walks

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  13. April 14 2020

    Missing Sidewalk

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  14. April 14 2020

    Missing Sidewalk

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  15. April 14 2020

    No sidewalk on S side of Jordan Blass dr, so no safe way for Suntree students to walk from Suntree Elementary to any homes located S of Suntree without crossing Jordan Blass Dr twice (no crossing guards posted at crosswalk near Suntree Library or Wickham Road)

    Jordan Blass was a 8th grader killed riding his bicycle, btw.

    Liked 1 time
  16. April 14 2020

    Missing sidewalk

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  17. April 14 2020

    No bike path from here (Palm Bay Rd) to US-1

    Liked 3 times
  18. April 14 2020

    Extending newly created Harvest Cove walking/biking path to Waterford Drive would add safety for Plantation Point residents walking or biking to Rockledge Crossing shopping area.

    Liked 5 times
  19. April 14 2020

    No sidewalk on Hollywood Blvd. from 192 south to Henry Avenue.

    Liked 2 times
  20. April 14 2020

    No sidewalk on Hollywood Blvd. from Eber Boulevard south to Imagine Way.

    Liked 2 times
  21. April 14 2020

    No sidewalks or crosswalks to serve neighborhoods on the east side of US 1.

    Liked 1 time
  22. January 31 2020


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