Comments for “Downtown 11th Street Bikeway Concept Design”

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  1. June 12 2020

    Needs more protection for southbound bikes waiting to cross from turning traffic.

  2. June 12 2020

    When biking north bound on the proposed bike route it is very hard to see traffic approaching on eastbound Franklin due to parked cars, fences, etc. Perhaps stop signs for Franklin would allow both bikes and pedestrians to cross more safely.

  3. June 12 2020

    Cross traffic is very hard to see here. Not allowing parking so close to 11th would help both bikers and pedestrians cross safely. It is hard for drivers to see pedestrians waiting to cross in time to stop for the crosswalk.

  4. June 12 2020

    Definitely an awkward crossing between bike lanes and Pioneer Pathway in both directions.

  5. June 12 2020

    Have almost gotten hit numerous times riding a bike along this stretch by people opening their car doors into the bike lane as they get out. Always end up riding in the car lane to pass parked cars.

  6. June 12 2020

    The fence on the BHS campus currently blocks the sight line if you are traveling south towards this intersection.

  7. June 12 2020

    Visibility can be difficult at this intersection on a bicycle due to parked cars in sight lines.

  8. June 12 2020

    I use this crossing and several times have seen cars almost hit pedestrians or bikers from either not stopping/travelling at high speeds off 184 or making a turn when the bikes/pedestrians had the right away. Agree that an "all-way crossing" where all traffic stops and bikes and pedestrians can cross in any direction may be a good solution and will better utilize the existing bike path that connects to the greenbelt.

  9. June 12 2020

    All intersections need to have long enough cross times to enable casual cyclists to cross before traffic starts again. I second the need for "bike buttons" to trigger this behavior.

  10. June 12 2020

    Agree that this is a good path to use as a connection from the greenbelt to downtown.

  11. June 12 2020

    There is too long of a wait time between pushing the button to cross and the light stopping cars. Most of the time when I cross here traffic clears up long before the crossing signal is activated, making it mostly pointless.

  12. June 12 2020

    The Fort St. and 11th St. intersection seems the most dangerous to me on this corridor. Always a lot of parked cars on Fort blocking visibility. Having some parking not allowed near the intersection to increase visibility would be nice.

  13. June 12 2020

    So this plan doesn't actually get cyclists/pedestrians to the greenbelt - one would need to continue along River, which is a very unfriendly street, to get to the greenbelt.

  14. June 12 2020

    I agree with needing an on demand light.

  15. June 11 2020

    I've seen cars speed through this interesting without even stopping. Some traffic calming would not go amiss

  16. June 11 2020

    I've grown old waiting to jaywalk here.

  17. June 11 2020

    For safety on this stretch, all two-way stops halting flow of 11th need to be either flipped or converted to 4-way stops. As a biker, coming up on a 2-way stop is one of the most nerve wracking things. A car could blast through at any moment. At least with a four way stop you know the cars should be stopping also and you can exercise an Idaho stop when appropriate. As planned, I would never bike this way with kids solely because of these stop signs.

  18. June 11 2020

    Getting to the greenbelt from here is still really difficult, even though you're so close. Certainly not all ages and abilities.

  19. June 11 2020

    I've almost been killed at this corner several times

  20. June 10 2020

    I take 11th nearly every day to River or the greenbelt and had no idea this path existed.

  21. June 10 2020

    I'd like a bike box at Front & 11th. I take the lane anyway because all the cars use the bike lane as a right turn lane.

  22. June 10 2020

    Cars turning in and out of Panera bread are the most dangerous part of my commute on 11th.

  23. June 09 2020

    Better timing is needed here. When I get to this crossing it takes too long for it change and many times I just cross before and then leave motorist waiting for nothing.

  24. June 09 2020

    There needs to be a safe connection to the pioneer pathway which then leads to the greenbelt. This is the linch pin to the whole connection. If you can't make a safe connection its pointless. A cycle track along 11th in the section leading to the pathway might be a good idea on the west side of 11th. or if you had it on the west side then a diagonal crossing from JUMP.

  25. June 09 2020

    Agree with comments about making this an on-demand crossing.