Comments for “Okeechobee Blvd & SR 7 Multimodal Corridor Study”
Why is this bus stop so far from Haverhill?
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I agree. The turn lane onto Haverhill prevents it from being closer. Also notice that there used to be a bus bay east of Haverhill on Okeechobee but it was removed for....another turn lane! Jeesh, starting to think FDOT doesn't care about transit or pedestrians or anyone who isn't in a giant truck.
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Please reconnect Florida Mango and Okeechobee for people biking
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I agree on connecting Florida Mango and Okeechobee for people walking/biking. If you are on Okeechobee Blvd, the only way to get to Accomplice Brewery is through Church Street unless you can somehow find a path through the other properties.
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