Comments for “Okeechobee Blvd & SR 7 Multimodal Corridor Study”

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  1. August 16 2021

    Deadly bike lane design

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  2. August 16 2021

    Why does an alley have a slip lane? Between Crossing Okeechobee and this insanity, walking to Chipotle is taking your life into your own hands

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  3. August 16 2021

    This light turning left off of Spencer takes FOREVER. Please convert this to a roundabout

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  4. August 16 2021

    Add traffic light or roundabout. Too many lanes here on PBL to easily cross or even change sides of road to get to things. Varies between 6 and 10!!!!! lanes for a road that isn't even very busy except at the mall

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  5. August 16 2021

    Lots of room here for bike trail paralleling main road, needs a bridge over I-95

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  6. August 16 2021

    Convert middle lanes into a Bus Rapid Transit or Light Rail. Okeechobee is so dangerous with speeding up, slowing down, speeding up, slowing down, and just terrible design. Redevelop north side near West Gate to be more "urban" fronting street, reducing turning traffic

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  7. August 16 2021

    This crosswalk is evil. You can't cross here without almost dying, even if you wait. Make a multi-use tail overpass so people walking and biking don't have to doge all the cars on these on and off ramps

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  8. August 16 2021

    Pedestrianize Okeechobee East of Australian. This road cuts our city and half and kills people regularly. Cars don't belong in the city. Put a park and ride station here instead of this massive freeway interchange

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  9. August 16 2021

    convert to 3 lane roundabout

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  10. August 16 2021

    need safe bicycle trail to commute to downtown with kids

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  11. August 16 2021

    Would love to see mass transit such as trolley, train, people mover, etc that runs st road 7 and down okeechobee to palm beach.

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  12. August 11 2021

    Tried to ride the bus from the Willows (on Okeechobee west of SR 7) to the Wellington Green Mall and only made it this far. Found out I would have to transfer buses. I got off the bus and called my mom to pick me up.

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  13. June 24 2021

    Build a 3 Lane Bridge above Okeechobee Bvld. and Build a Busway That has Buses every 10-15 minutes From the Proposed Transit village or Palm tran bus loop to Wellington Green Mall The Bus way could start at Proposed Transit village continue Down Okeechobee to SR 7 to wellington Green. Have a Bus station There so People can transfer to Local Routes like a express bus to Belle Glade.
    The stations could Be on the North or southside of Okee with a Station at Church st. Chillingsworth Just West of Congress Near Westward Plaza Palm Beach Lakes Waboso Okee and Military
    Tr. With Pedestrian Crossing over intersection Haverhill Century Village and TPK Jog and okee Golden lakes Sainsbury ln and Sr7 and okee then Head south Belvedere and SR7 and Southern and SR7 and Pioneer SR 7 and old Hammock Wellington Regional and The Mall of Wellington Green. This could Mean a quick trip from Downtown to Wellington in Maybe 20 Minutes Then From There you could have feeder routes Through the Western communities I think this would be a sensible transportation asset ans also could encourage Transit oriented Development.

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  14. June 16 2021

    okee from SR 7 to Turnpike ramps moves quick from a traffic perspective. Traffic signal coordination works well. Consider adding shared-use path on both sides of road since vehicles travel at a high rate of speed.

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  15. June 15 2021

    It takes 20-25 min to travel the SR 7 study corridor on midday Saturday. Additional approved traffic signals not constructed yet such as the HD/Lowes entrance will compound to the problem. Poor perceived signal coordination increases aggressive driving between intersections.

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  16. June 15 2021

    Existing bus stops on the east side have no amenities and sit close to the edge of pavement without any protection.

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  17. June 15 2021

    No sidewalk on east side of SR 7 north of Belvedere Rd.

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