Comments for “Yavapai County Regionally Significant Roads Study - Cornville Road”

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  1. November 13 2022

    Add three way stop signs Verde Santa Fe Parkway and Tissaw Road.

  2. November 13 2022

    Resurface Cornville Road with material that reduces noise and reflects solar heat.

  3. November 13 2022

    Limit the size and weight of non-local trucks.

  4. November 13 2022

    Add a paved path wide enough to accommodate walkers and bicycles on the south side of Cornville Road.

  5. November 13 2022

    Change the speed limit from 89A to switchback to be 35 miles per hour.

  6. November 10 2022

    Many residents of Verde Santa Fe ride bikes for exercise or recreation. And increasing numbers have e-bikes. But most are afraid to ride their bikes outside of the community because that would mean having to ride along the shoulder of Cornville Rd. Bikes and vehicles traveling 50+ mph do NOT belong on the same road.

    There should be dedicated bike paths along the south side of Cornville Rd. to provide a safe, efficient and enjoyable ride for VSF residents into Cottonwood. By dedicated, I mean paved routes separate from the Cornville Rd. thoroughfare. A wider shoulder with rumble strips just means a "noisier" accident.

  7. November 10 2022

    Radar sign data from Amante Dr. indicated an average of 900+ vehicles a day entering or exiting Cornville Rd. from the Amante Community. Most of these motorists are heading toward Cottonwood. Further, a Yavapai County traffic study from Dec. 9, 2021, showed 1,091 vehicles an hour passing through the Amante/Cornville intersection during the morning rush.

    Amante residents need a safe means of accessing Cornville Rd. especially when turning left. A roundabout on Cornville Rd. at Amante Dr. would offer the best solution, while helping to calm traffic accelerating East from the intersection at 89A.

  8. November 10 2022

    I am a resident of VSF that lives off Tissaw. I am a retired traffic accident reconstruction expert. I am opposed to roundabouts at any of the VSF intersections. I think these would be overkill, unsightly , expensive and it seems not enough space without massive changes.
    My experience is that while they reduce major accidents, they increase minor ones. While there has been accidents, particularly at Tissaw I am not sure the number is excessive. I think you may increase congestion with 3 roundabouts.
    I think a better solution would be to just lower the speed limit to 35 approaching Tissaw WB. With this you keep traffic moving, improve sight time for vehicles turning onto Cornville Rd, increase perception reaction time and distance for all traffic, and reduce severity of any collisions.
    I think a 35 speed limit trail, and then checking the accident rate. If it is still high, a light would be my preference, I think only needed at Tissaw.

  9. November 10 2022

    Trying to get onto Cornville Road from any of the Verde Santa Fe neighborhoods is a challenge to say the least. Several accidents in recent years should be evidence enough that something needs to be done to ensure the safety of all concerned. Most of the comments speak to the speed in the area and some type of mitigation to make entrance on to the road safer. We agree completely. Speeds should be reduced from 89A to an area past the final entrance into Verde Santa Fe. Roundabouts should be a consideration as well as a stoplight at one or more of the entrances. Walk / bike paths would also certainly be nice for people who want to use the road for exercise. It is also a safety concern when there is a probability of future development across from VSF and surrounding area.

  10. November 09 2022

    As Page Springs Road sees more traffic congestion due to wineries and other local businesses, it is becoming significantly more dangerous to walk or bike alongside the road. Especially with commuters driving well over the speed limits. I would like to make the suggestion of a bike/hike/horse trail that parallels Page Springs Road so that physically active residents have a safe place to travel. I think this would also prove as an effective method for reducing vehicle traffic as many winery visitors would love to travel by bike rather than by car.

    Since the Mason Lane Ditch already parallels a large part of page springs road it would be fairly easy to construct a pathway alongside it, and would make for a a nice “nature walk”, and maintenance access point for the ditch.

  11. November 09 2022

    Single lane traffic circles at Amante, Verde Sante Fe and Tissaw along with lower, (40 mph?), speed limits would do a great deal to slow and calm traffic along this stretch of highway. Separate, (from the road), two way bike lane and a pedestrian walkway would be greatly appreciated.

    It is really not that hard to access the road from any of these three intersections with Cornville road. All it takes is a little patience and standard driving skills. Nevertheless, improvements would be appreciated.

    The person who stated that she/he regularly straddles the white line should have their license revoked. That person is the real killer of bicycle riders. Also, roads are not just for cars! The people who walk and ride bikes pay taxes too. Relax, be patient and wait for a safe opportunity to pass bike riders with at least 4 feet of clearance.

  12. November 09 2022

    We retired to Cornville 20 yrs ago because of the peace & quiet. Small community. Live on Sexton Ranch Rd & access Cornville Rd (Rd) by Loy Rd. Traffic so congested, difficult to turn onto Rd. GPS shows drivers on I-17 that Rd + Page Springs is fastest access to Sedona but most traffic travels to/from 89A, impacting entire Rd. We worked for ADOT for many years & know of their obsession for roundabouts. Those on 179 are badly backed up. Now 260 has 7!! Most cars avoid those 2 because of congestion & unsafe conditions with drivers who have never seen "small" roundabouts. Huge amt of traffic now on Rd often to avoid roundabouts. Large trucks further backup Rd. Rd only 2 lanes. Don't want 4 lanes; don't want roundabouts. Only want peaceful travels. Please do SOMETHING TO REDUCE TRAFFIC ON CORNVILLE RD. Change GPS (which can be done & has been done by overhead signs); add 1 roundabout near I-17 exit (northbound already a disaster) & place it on Rd just after exit. Surely there is some safe way to reduce traffic congestion & preserve our small town ambience.

  13. November 08 2022

    The posted speed limit on this stretch of Cornville road is 40 mph. The ACTUAL average speed going up and down this hill is 45+. The radar sign can’t even show the speed. It forever in to eternity shows “SlowDown”. This stretch of Cornville road has many residents. I would like to see the limit reduced to 35 MPH and then ENFORCED!

  14. November 06 2022

    This exchange is the worst. Limited sight lines, Sort on and off ramps. Confusing design. On and off the 5 year ADOT plans for years, it's time for some Action!

  15. November 06 2022

    Cornville is growing. Traffic form new developments at Cornville Rd an 98A will only make it worse. Cornville needs a bypass Road for the safety of not only the residents, but visitors to our area as well.

  16. November 06 2022

    With the new development and commuter traffic between our communities, I feel that the existing traffic light is ineffective. Please conciser a flyover and diamond exchange at this intersection. It would greatly improve traffic flow on Cornville Rd. The light causes traffic to bunch together slowing flow and excessive vehicular passing in an unsafe manner.

  17. November 05 2022

    There does not appear any plan to provide a safe space for walkers along Cornville road. This corridor is used by many residents to make a loop around the subdivision. Please incorporate a safe walking corridor.

  18. November 04 2022

    These first 2 have no reason not to be adjusted immediately, doing otherwise causes negligence and dangerous conditions. So PLEASE don't wait until the other construction starts!

    1. 25-35 mph speed reduction ASAP! At least from 89A to Tissaw.

    2. Weight and size restrictions on non local trucks. Get them off Cornville road ASAP!

    3. Traffic lights at several spots, otherwise pedestrians won't be able to even think about crossing the road! Proper sized roundabouts can't fit anywhere other than Tissaw, and that won't slow traffic down enough by itself.

    4. Add bike lanes.

    5. Add sidewalks, many in the community want to be able to walk along  on or across the road.

    6. Widening the road with another lane in too many places will only add to the traffic amount and abuse and ruin the rural feel of the area. Also bike lanes should have space too, but can't afford space wise to have 2 vehicle lanes all over and safe sized bike lanes...

    7. Study 260 and learn where that design was messed up, so we don't repeat those mistakes.

  19. November 04 2022

    After reviewing previous comments I see that the majority of them have already addressed my main concern which is posted speed of 50 which is way too high & unsafe for a residential area. Just across 89A on Mingus Rd the posted speed is 45 in a non-residential area & reduces to 35 & then 25 upon entering residential areas, yet on our side of 89A it immediately increases to 50 right in front of Verde Santa Fe Homes which makes no sense and endangers the residents of this community. I also agree the widening to 4 lanes would just invite additional traffic and would imperil rural living along Cornville Rd.

  20. November 04 2022

    A roundabout at Tissaw is an inadequate solution to the problems that exist there and at VSF Parkway and Amante. All three intersections need traffic lights that are controlled by a single light controller.
    The situation is very bad now and will get worse when the development to the north of Cornville Rd is completed.
    Cars in the right turning lanes block the view of people making left turns. I know this because it caused my accident at VSF Parkway in March 2022. Two cars were totaled, two people went to the hospital, and our recovery was long and painful.


  21. November 04 2022

    Things I’d like to see as the area grows and becomes more traveled is a middle turning lane down cornville rd., a side walk on at least one side as many people walk along this area, bike lanes on both sides. It’s not a very pedestrian friendly road. Verde Santa Fe seems to be cut off from lower cornville and cottonwood. If one wants to walk, run, or bike ride, you’re risking your life trying to stay away from traffic. I don’t agree with round abouts as they seem to bring on more road rage and confusion for some.

  22. November 04 2022

    We live in Amante and it is getting harder to get out of our complex. There is so much traffic that we feel like we are taking our life in our own hands when we try to go left onto Cornville Road from Amante Drive

  23. November 03 2022

    Posted speed is 50mph approaching a densly populated area...should be 20-25mph as people exiting Amante have to wait a few minutes to get onto Cornville road....Maybe should be roundabouts at each entrance to the Verde Santa Fe development. Speed reduction on both sides of the road from Corbnville stoplight past Tissaw Road.

  24. November 03 2022

    We need a roundabout ASAP! Major safety issue.

  25. November 03 2022

    We've only lived in Amante for 5 years, but in that time we've seen the traffic double - and it's getting faster and more aggressive. Just going southeast toward Cornville proper is very dangerous - there are some very aggressive drivers and on more than one occasion we've been forced onto what little shoulder there is to avoid a head-on collision. The speeding coming down from the switchbacks toward 89a is totally out of control and dangerous for anyone who drives through that area - and particularly those of us that have to pull out of Amante and turn left. We need a roundabout (or two) and a much slower speed.