Comments for “Yavapai County Regionally Significant Roads Study - Cornville Road”

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  1. October 26 2022

    In order to safely connect bike routes, trail systems and people in the area. Pedestrian and bike lanes need to be added to Cornville Road and Tissaw. Roads should be designed to allow for the maximum amount of mobility for all users. Not just cars!

    If there is going to be a development on the north side of Cornville Road. Residents will likely want to access the trails system on the southside of Tissaw Road. Every effort should be made to allow for easy pedestrian and bike access across and along Cornville Road.

    There may even be reason for people in Verde Santa Fe that want to cross over to the North side of the road depending on what is constructed over there.

    Roads are not just for cars!

  2. October 26 2022

    My wife and I have been residents of Verde Santa Fe since 2004 and own multiple properties. We have watched the area grow and the traffic increase dramatically over the years. The speed limit on Cornville road should have been lowered years ago. Along with a change to the intersections at Tissaw and Verde Santa Fe Parkway. There have been numerous accidents, excessive speeding and poor visibility for too long. The lack of planning and concern for the community is staggering. Things have only gotten worst since the changes to 260.

    Any changes to the roads should also include bike lanes. There are numerous road bikers in the area that ride Cornville Road and connect to 89A, Mingus Ave, Tissaw, Page Springs Road and other roads in the area. We should encourage the use of bikes and provide for safe transit along all roads in the Verde Valley. This is also great for visitors that want to enjoy the beauty and nature of this area. Years ago I use to be able to ride Cornville Road all the way to Montezuma's Well and feel safe. Not any more! Let's make this area a safe biking destination for locals and visitors.

    I would also suggest slowing down traffic on Tissaw as well. There are numerous residents that walk on the roads in this area since there are no side walks. Please help make this a safer community for all users of roads in this area.

  3. October 25 2022

    Making a left turn from any of the 3 Verde Santa Fe streets onto Cornville Rd is EXTREMELY dangerous! It is even worse now with since turning lanes were added a few years ago. Cars in the turning lane block the view for people trying to make the left turns of the oncoming vehicles in the main lane. The current speed limit on that stretch of the road is too high, especially when considering how many vehicles are trying to get out of those 3 streets on a daily basis. Additionally, many residents walk along the side of Cornville Road between those intersections. Sidewalks or trails well off the shoulder of the road should be installed to improve pedestrian safety. I used to live in Verde Santa Fe and still frequent the golf course. That road is very dangerous! Roundabouts are needed at all 3 intersections!

  4. October 23 2022

    Since arriving in the Cornville area in 2012 we have observed a dramatic increase in traffic on the Cornville Road and in those 10 years, it seems there is an increasing number of accidents on this road. The two-lane traffic without shoulders, speed, and poor access control from side roads onto the Cornville Road contributes to these accidents. It is our feeling that many of the causes of accidents could be controlled by widening the road, putting in rumble strips by sharp curves, and installing roundabouts at strategic locations. Possible locations for roundabouts would be Page Springs Road, and one or two for access at the Santa Fe development. If possible, developing an alternate route to remove the switchbacks would also be beneficial. Overall, we feel if the traffic flow is slowed down on Cornville Road, many travelers from the Montezuma Rimrock and Camp Verde might opt to go back to traveling 260 to get to Cottonwood and West Sedona.

  5. October 22 2022

    Cornville road continues to become more heavily traveled and more dangerous. There are several simple and cheap adjustments for the safety issues. The speed should be changed to 35 mph for at least the 1 mile, from the light on 89A to Tissaw road. There are so many residents living and pulling out along that road, no reason for it to be 50 mph...It gives drivers a reason to speed as well, which is so LOUD! The sign posts are there already, just swap the signs, and this would be so cost effective! You can make extra revenue for the police dept by putting police at Tissaw road for several times after the change. By the way, a roundabout at Tissaw will do nothing for the speed and noise pollution in the area if the other suggestions aren't taken into consideration. If the speed is not lowered, not only will the drivers still speed in that section, but many trucks will speed up the previous hill to the west and downshift into the roundabout and cause a loud engine noise.

    After the construction on highway 260 with the roundabouts there are so many large trucks that are using Cornville road as a throughway. There needs to be a weight limit added to the road and mention certain sizes or local deliveries only. Again, not expensive, just rezoning and posting a few signs and then enforcing for several months after. So many large trucks are on this road and have no business traveling on it, they should be taking 260. Traveling up and down those hills around Cornville they are liable to have brake issues and it's easy to cause an accident. In this area everyone is big on light pollution, what about noise pollution?! The road sounds like a nuisance for all who live along the busiest parts, especially the areas where it's allowed to be 50 mph! Slowing that section down from Tissaw to 35 mph only adds an additional minute of travel, this should be changed as soon as possible.

    Not to mention there's been numerous accidents with cars being rear ended at the 89A light because the traffic approaching from the east is traveling too fast and then rear ended vehicles slowed down near the light. Many of the Cornville residents in the Verde Santa Fe or Tissaw road area have issues pulling out in traffic that is traveling so fast. This has also been the source of many accidents, slow it down to 35 mph please...

    I understand there is a safety study going on now and there will be further changes, but it will be evident after analyzing data that previous 260 traffic has spilled onto Cornville road, thus making it less safe. Controlling traffic on Cornville road doesn't mean making Cornville road bigger, but for traffic to actually utilize highway 260 as the expansion originally intended. The simple and cheap adjustments listed above will easily reduce the amount and speed of traffic at crucial points on the road. If you measure 260, it will seem that traffic went down on the road after the roundabouts were added. Trucks are avoiding it and taking Cornville road, how can you allow that to go on when it causes dangerous conditions?

    Please let me know any updates on when the construction estimates for any roundabouts on Cornville road would start. Also, please consider making the speed adjustments before that construction along with the weight or zoning restrictions for large truck local deliveries only. Lastly, please consider having police officers monitor the road at night since that's when the worst speeding seems to me we can hear it.