Comments for “Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) Update (ARCHIVE)”
can we formalize Wells Ave as a bike route (btw ECR and Urban).
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review circulation in this area
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light improvements on Bol Park Path
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please sweep the Bol Park path
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Signage needed to direct cyclists going north/West to divert to the bike route as the bike lane ends at the city boundary.
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this needs bike and SRTS improvements - continuous bike lanes on Stanford Ave
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This should be a round about. The current signage is not intuitive around who has right of way in different parts on the intersection. Particularly dangerous for bikes and pedestrians
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can't wait to have the churchill project completed.
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bring back the dutch intersection idea here!
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work w/Caltrans to improve signal timing.
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Road markings needed to indicate that bikes going west need to cross to the south side of the street to continue straight into Palo Alto
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right turn land on to ECR from Sand Hill is a challenge for bikes
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this should be open for bikes to ride through, peds access on both quarry for crossing ECR, and transit access to the transit center!
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Normal expectations require a 4-way stop here. People on Wilkie who are unfamiliar with the intersection don't expect people from James to proceed at full speed.
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This is a park area with people parking, children entering/exiting cars, and bicycle riders re-entering Park Blvd from the park. And yet cars often speed by at 35-40 mph. Speed enforcement needed.
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This area is not designed for high-speed e-bikes, but, they blow through at maximum speed regardless of the safety of themselves or others.
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There is too much high-speed through traffic for the narrow streets between Curtner and Lambert. This area needs serious enforcement to discourage through traffic from speeding through this area.
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The roundabout may be a safety/delay improvement for bicycles on Ross, but, the combination of stop sign and roundabout is confusing for motorists and bicycles on Meadow.
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The El Camino Margarita/Matadero light isn't timed to allow enough traffic through often enough and the left turn from Margarita to Southeast-bound El Camino is hazardous to pedestrians. This intersection is both a safety concern and an access-concern.
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Southeast-bound electric bicycles and scooters travel down Park at unsafe speeds and often refuse to slow down for their own safety and the safety of others, especially pedestrians and non-electric bicycles. Electric bicycles are a hazard in this area of Park. Park is narrow between Lambert and Curtner and electric bikes and scooters often are going way too fast.
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A multi-use path along Alma from East Meadow to the San Antonio Caltrain station would be very nice. This path would also support bike/pedestrian trips to Etz Chayim and churches on this stretch of Alma.
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Southwest-bound through traffic on Matadero travels on narrow local street at 30-35 mph without slowing for pedestrians or other cars. Drivers treat this area as if these are arterial streets, not local residential.
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Cars at Orinda/Matadero never stop and seldom slow down enough for safety when turning right from Matadero onto Orinda. Many people ignores the stop sign when approaching from any direction.
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Cars turn onto Orinda from Fernando without slowing or stopping and without looking for oncoming traffic. Streets in this area are too narrow to be used by higher-speed through traffic.
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Cars speed through this series of intersections without looking for oncoming traffic.
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