Comments for “Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) Update (ARCHIVE)”

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  1. November 07 2023

    cars turn onto Birch too fast from Lambert. Lambert is a narrow local-width street that is used by higher-speed through traffic.

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  2. November 07 2023

    Cars often ignore the pedestrian crossing light. Perhaps a camera could be added so drivers who ignore the red light would be ticketed. That might promote better behavior.

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  3. November 07 2023

    Needs better bike infrastructure! This intersection is all about auto turning lanes, no bike/ped accomodation, except the crosswalk. Turn the right turn only lane into a right turn auto / through bike lane? (Cupertino does this.) Even as a vehicular cyclist, I'm not sure where I should wait here, to end up in the bike lane across San Antonio.

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  4. November 07 2023

    The new signal here is a big safety improvement!

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  5. November 07 2023

    Bike lanes on Fabian should be continuous all the way to the intersection with Charleston. There is a bike lane gap here. It would be good to have bike lane gaps on the existing conditions map.

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  6. November 07 2023

    A HAWK crossing of Middlefield here would connect bikes and peds to midtown on lightly travelled streets, and the path through the park. Most bikers and peds do not go out of their way to cross at the light at Colorado.

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  7. November 07 2023

    Northbound on Middlefield the bike lane disappears through this intersection. A Safety and Infrastructure problem.

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  8. November 07 2023

    Northbound on Middlefield the bike lane disappears through this intersection. A safety concern, and an infrastructure need.

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  9. November 07 2023

    City should pursue turning this public right of way into a pathway between the Bol Park Path and El Camino Real.

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  10. November 07 2023

    Please consider if the pedestrian signals to get from El Camino Park to this corner can be made more responsive to pedestrians. If a pedestrian waits for the traffic cycles here, it can take 4 minutes to cross from El Camino Park to the North side of Palo Alto Ave! Of course nobody waits for the pedestrian walk sign here!

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  11. November 07 2023

    Crossing across Miranda plus Foothill for Pedestrians should be analyzed, and improved. It is not practical to make it from this corner to the far side of Foothill without waiting through a second full cycle of the traffic signal. Can it be creatively engineered to make it more practical? Otherwise, we will continue to see pedestrians crossing against the light across Miranda, because they won't wait that long.

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  12. November 07 2023

    Going West on East Meadow, the bike lane disappears 30 feet before the stop line, and it does not reappear until the far side of the train tracks. If the cyclist does not want to go over to push the pedestrian button to trigger the light, where should they wait? There is not bike detection marking - I always go to the middle of the auto lane, instead of staying in the space with the missing bike lane marking. This is non-intuitive. Every signal controlled intersection in Palo Alto should be checked to make sure that all cyclists will have functional signals and infrastructure that works for a naive first time rider.

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  13. November 07 2023

    A bicyclist approaching this intersection in the bike lane is NOT DETECTED BY THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL! Signal detection only seems to be reliable pushing the pedestrian button, or riding in the auto traffic lane. This is not the only place where it is not clear where a bicyclist should position themselves to be detected, so cyclists swerve over to the sidewalk at many intersections to make sure the light will change for them, and they can cross the street. Every signal controlled intersection in Palo Alto should be checked to make sure that all cyclists will have functional signals and infrastructure that works for a naive first time rider.

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  14. November 07 2023

    Please do not block intersection signage and enforcement needed. There is only 1 crosswalk across ECR at Ventura, and it is blocked most cycles during evening hours

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  15. November 07 2023

    My son has had a couple of near misses while on his bike riding to Fletcher in the morning. Cars regularly don't stop at the stop sign as he is trying to cross Matadero to either stay on the bike path or switch over to Laguna Avenue.

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  16. November 07 2023

    crossing Churchill at Paly as a biker is challenging even with the crosswalk. even installing a button to trigger flashing lights would help make this crossing feel safer

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  17. November 07 2023

    Middlefield feels scary to cross at embarcadero. The intersection is at an angle so drivers don’t look before turning. It fees like crossing a highway rather than a regular city street

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  18. November 07 2023

    Need better access across embarcadero for pedestrians. Middlefield is a very large crossing with 2 busy streets intersecting

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  19. November 06 2023

    Need better access routes for bikes to cross from Palo Alto to Stanford. El Camino is scary to cross

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  20. November 06 2023

    Cars zoom past the intersection of Byron and Melville on Byron because there is no stop sign or calming measures. Needs to be a slower speed limit and also with speed bumps and a stop sign. Cars have left an indent on the bump in the road

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  21. November 06 2023

    Cars parked along El Camino in front of Wilton Court create a blind spot for anyone turning from Wilton Ave onto El Camino (right or left).

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  22. November 06 2023

    This L turn from Kendall onto Josina is a Bike Safe route to school, but landscape and road curves make it very hard for bikers to see cars traveling on Josina. A painted cross walk, fisheye mirror, or car sensor is needed so that elementary kids aren't biking across traffic blind.

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  23. November 06 2023

    Change this intersection to a pedestrian and bike-friendly roundabout. Crosswalks should have RRFB lights, but also should have Do Not Cross to allow breaks when school lets out. Manuela should attach the roundabout, as would right-turn off Miranda into the round about (or elimnate it all together and only allow left turn from Miranda south to Arastrdero east. This desiign would slow traffic on Foothill, eliminate the confusion of Manuela entrance, and reduce eait times when cross traffic is light or non-existent. There is plenty of room at the intersection to accomidate a significant redesign.

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  24. November 06 2023

    Consider changing this to a pedestrian and bike-friendly roundabout. Too often everyone waits at red lights while no cross traffic is passing. Also, it might help to slow down speeders on Foothill.

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  25. November 06 2023

    A big thank you to the crossing guard at this location!!!! She is awesome, and a true partner with Greene students and the neighborhood in keeping everyone safe. Thank you!

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