Comments for “Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) Update (ARCHIVE)”
I have seen kids hit at this intersection. Drivers can only see back of the yield to pedestrian sign and think it is a stop sign. They go in front of kids and cars as a result and hit or get hit as a result. Please make this a 4 way stop.
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My child got hit here by a left turner on the way to middle school. Should be a stop sign or no left turn during school hours in morning.
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no pedestrian or bicycle crossing at this intersection, which enters into a school where young children attend.
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Very difficult to cross the road from Georgia Avenue into the Bowman West school on a bicycle and vice versa. A crosswalk or some sort of clear infrastructure would be very helpful
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Frequent trash/recycling truck activity during morning bike commute times blocks the bike lane for kids heading to Greene Middle School, and otherwise heading north.
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It is very difficult to turn out of the bowman parking lot onto arastradero rd when cars are coming at 40+ mph.
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Potential collision. The view of this round about is not that clear.
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Take an idea from SF and make this section of Barron a "slow street" - closed to cars except for residential access. There's no reason for this to be an artery, either to or from El Camino. Matadero, Kendall, and Military provide perfectly good and safer alternatives to access this neighborhood.
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Restrict roadside parking the last section of Whitsell, and maybe install a three-way stop. Cars parked right up to the corner makes it impossible to see if there is oncoming traffic (from Whitsell) when turning from Matadero and I have had many close calls there.
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Curb cut on the bike path, without a crosswalk, across from Mariposa creates unsafe conditions. I got hit on my bike crossing Churchill from the path to Mariposa because a car was sneaking up to get in the right turn lane, while all other traffic was stopped. I was crossing in the "keep clear" section (that's what it's for, right?) and the sneaking car and I did not see each other until too late.
Add a crosswalk with a light, or remove the curb cut to encourage bikes and pedestrians to use the crossing at Paly Rd/Castilleja.
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Forget signage for this impossible bike route - put a cut in the median and a crossing with flashing lights. Or at the very least, a curb cut that directs cyclists the RIGHT way into the bike lane to cross at Carlson.
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Bike/pedestrian conflicts on this path are an issue. It is too narrow to pass without going onto the grass. Simply widening the walkway would help.
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Visibility along this path is terrible. When the tree work was first done, it was clear and wide - lovely - but live oaks resprout readily and now we have not trees, but a dense hedge growing into the path and blocking most of the westbound lane. Combine this with blind curves, pedestrians with earbuds in, dog walkers with roaming pets, and sun in the eyes of westbound commuters in the evening and it is a recipe for distaster.
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The intersection of paths/bridge is blind and hazardous. Too many cyclists whipping down the path eastbound, people popping out of Terman park southbound, and others on the narrow bridge. I have had many near misses on my bike here. Bollards at either end of the bridge make the situation worse, in my opinion, because they make it impossible to make a last-second dodge when you realize someone is barreling down on you. Clearing back vegetation and opening sightlines would help, as might installing a fisheye mirror opposite the intersection.
I wonder if it is possible to use textured pavement to slow cyclists in hazardous areas? I have never seen this done, but a mini "rumble strip" kind of texture would force people to ride more slowly. Perhaps it would not meet ADA requirements though.
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The induction sensor to cross from Terman to Donald does not trigger consistently for bikes. Fine for kids leaving Fletcher, but for commuters like myself, it is a nuisance to wait multiple light cycles before giving up and going to the sidewalk to trigger the ped light. The sensor only seems to trigger for cars and when a bike is waiting, cars are too hesitant to pull up behind (onto the sensor).
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Multiple accidents at the intersection. Lincoln is a busy road and people don't seem to have the patience to wait to cross Middlefield. There are kids and families crossing Lincoln here on foot and on bikes, as well as cars trying to speed through the intersection. A traffic light would definitely help.
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It would be nice if this entire section of the trail could be smoothed over and resurfaced. It is extremely bumpy in parts.
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Instead of having bikes and pedestrians on the bike path yield to cars, I think cars crossing the bike path should yield to bikes and pedestrians as required in CVC 21952
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Would really like to see a back entrace (peds & bike) to connect Foothills Paark with Los Trancos drive.
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Larger and more bike parking areas in downtown. The current options often only hold 2-3 bikes making it difficult to find parking near destinations (esp for 2+ bikes traveling together).
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Lots of cars trying to do U-turns in this area. Dangerous and confusing for pedestrians and bikers
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Buses continue to stop and block the bike lane forcing bikes into the busy traffic area while just sitting / waiting there (not at a bus stop). Why is this allowed and are bus drivers not trained as to how dangerous this makes things for cyclists?
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Crossing from Seale under the tracks to Peers Park would be a wonderful addition to the network and would help bikers avoid the craziness of Churchill in the AM
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Especially as this is commonly used as a crossing for school routes, this intersection needs much attention, both the repave the road as it is in very rough shape. And, to make signage and lights clear to be on the look for bikers, with extending the timing of the green light for the Los Robles/El Camino Way direction to allow slower kid bikers time to make it across El Camino.
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Another comment to highlight the need to repave this section of road. Some patches are reduced to gravel making it less than safe for bikers and also not ideal for cars too.
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