Comments for “14th St Road Safety Audit”

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  1. June 24 2024

    The un-controlled crosswalk is Unsafe. A number of pedestrian use this crosswalk especially the unmarked crosswalk on the south side .

  2. June 24 2024

    Illegal parking in a bus stops and in a crosswalk.

  3. June 24 2024

    - The offset intersection make it difficult for the southbound traffic to move with the lane on the receiving side. If there is a bus on the second SB approach lane, it creates a merging issue as there is only one receiving lane. The issue exacerbated when there is a cyclist in the shared lane.

    - The north side crosswalk on 14th st does not feel safe to cross due to the left turn lane conflict with pushed back crosswalk.

    - The pavement marking is not visible due to contrast of the concrete pavement.

  4. June 23 2024

    Adding bike signals here would be really helpful in enhancing safety.

  5. June 23 2024

    The bike lane on Vermont Avenue was wrongly painted and is too narrow per DDOT's standards

  6. June 23 2024

    I recognize this is NPS land, but if they would be willing to add trees to Thomas Circle - I think that would be great

  7. June 23 2024

    In the segments of Thomas Circle where the bike lane is kind of straight or fully straight, please add curb stops. The flexposts are quickly run over

  8. June 23 2024

    The painted medians, triangles, etc parts of Thomas Circle are consistently ignored by drivers who cut through them a lot when they forget they are going another way. Please add flexposts to all of them and also curb stops to prevent this.

  9. June 23 2024

    The approach into Thomas Circle from the north feel very unsafe for cyclists. Would appreciate adding some more flexposts and importantly curbstops on the entrance would be very helpful

  10. June 23 2024

    Bus island is frequently hit - needs to add a concrete bollard and paint the island for visibility

  11. June 23 2024

    Need center line flexposts or qwick curbs to prevent dangerous U turns (in all directions approaching this intersection)

  12. June 23 2024

    Church St NW intersection needs a mid block crossing as pedestrians frequently cross there without the crosswalk anyways

  13. June 23 2024

    The slight part of the bike lane north of T St that runs up against the curb should have some minimal protection with curb stops and flexposts to prevent blockage of the bike lane

  14. June 23 2024

    Dangerous right hooks at R Street NW from drivers trying to turn right. Needs to add protection (curb stops and flexposts) in the segment where the bike lane is directly curbside as it approaches the intersection.

  15. June 23 2024

    Riggs St NW mid block crossing needs a south side crosswalk as pedestrians on the south side frequently will cross there anyway when there is no crosswalk

  16. June 23 2024

    Wallach place needs north side crosswalk as pedestrians on the north side tend to cross in the road anyways instead of going to the south side

  17. June 23 2024

    Frequent illegal U turns from southbound vehicles on 14th St at the intersection with T St. Needs signage making clear U turns are illegal and adding flexposts or other interventions to block U turns

  18. June 23 2024

    CVS needs dedicated cargo loading zone

  19. June 23 2024

    Right hooks and near misses frequently off of W St for cyclists. Could use a dedicated waiting box in the gap between the crosswalk (similar to what V St has at 14th) or maybe a small protected phase for bikes in the short section from the alley on W St to 14th St

  20. June 23 2024

    Right turns going onto Florida both north and southbound are angled at a way that makes drivers go fast. Consider adding extended bulb outs to force drivers to slow down.

  21. June 23 2024

    Lots of mid-block crossings - need a crosswalk across 14th Street here

  22. June 23 2024

    Needs a crosswalk on the south side of the intersection and signalization of some sort

  23. June 23 2024

    Persistent illegal parking in the northbound bus stop at 14th/Clifton - needs a bus island or zicla since riders have to go in the street to get there.

  24. June 22 2024

    There are two curb cuts at the gas station that enter into the middle of the intersection of Euclid and 14th St NW. Cars entering into and exitingout of the intersection to and from the gas station make traffic flow here chaotic, unpredictable, and dangerous. The southernmost curb cut that enters into the middle of the intersection should be closed to traffic while the northernmost curb cut on 14th St NW at the gas station remains open.

  25. June 22 2024

    Crosswalk at 14th and Chapin desperately needs a pedestrian priority controlled crossing. Raised crosswalk, speed bumps, or somwthing to slow traffic