Comments for “14th St Road Safety Audit”

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  1. May 30 2024

    end of bus platform - loose yellow/black warning sign.

  2. May 29 2024

    Crossings here are very long and convoluted. To go from the east side of 14th Street to SB Vermont Ave, there are six crossings, each timed differently. Also struggle for bikes to navigate circle.

  3. May 29 2024

    Loading for Barrel House in travel lane. Also cintas uniforms for drycleaning

  4. May 29 2024

    Two trucks unloading in travel lane (left bike lane unblocked). One truck used loading space on Q, but one space was open on Q.

  5. May 29 2024

    Truck unloading in bike lane at Chicken and Whiskey

  6. May 29 2024

    HAWK is well-used and cars seemed pretty compliant. Centerline hardening just south of here was in good shape.

  7. May 29 2024

    Security truck parked here for Capitol One Bank blocked bike lane

  8. May 29 2024

    Lots of right turns, bikes, pedestrians, buses, high potential for conflict

  9. May 29 2024

    Delivery occurring in bike/travel lane for CVS

  10. May 29 2024

    Many left turns with bikes and pedestrians at crosswalk. Cars turning quickly to beat gaps in traffic.

  11. May 29 2024

    Crosswalk markings faded

  12. May 29 2024

    Cobblestones on sidewalk are located near the back door of the bus - could be challenging to navigate for folks with mobility issues.

  13. May 29 2024

    Bus had a tough time reaching curb and then re-entering traffic

  14. May 29 2024

    Several unsignalized crossings. Some crossings had good markings, some had HAWK, some had RRFB, some had signage. Most were inconsistent.

  15. May 29 2024

    Street markings faded here, generally throughout this part of the corridor.

  16. May 29 2024

    Faded crosswalk markings

  17. May 29 2024

    Many bikes coming SB (downhill). Two curb cuts at gas station at the stop light. Saw several situations where sight lines were obstructed from various things like cars, bus, etc.