Comments for “Leland SS4A Safety Action Plan”

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  1. July 29 2024

    Blind spot here trying to head from port city Java towards Cape fear seafood because of large brick mailbox area

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  2. July 29 2024

    Congestion in this area is continuing to get worse esp with increase in commercial and apartments

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  3. July 29 2024

    This is becoming a dangerous intersection esp with the growth in this area from commercial and apartments

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    July 31 2024

    Totally agree. When trying to merge onto Gregory towards light at 74, it’s difficult to look over right shoulder. They should have stop sign at least. Also, it’s hard to look at the other direction at same time. Very ackward and dangerous intersection that’s getting busier and backed up.

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  4. July 29 2024

    Multi-use path to allow for bike/ped safely between MG and Waterford, commercial areas, LCAC.

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  5. July 29 2024

    It is very hard to see oncoming traffic when trying to make a left turn from E Cutlar Crossing onto BF Blvd

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  6. July 29 2024

    4 way stops need to be put along Gateway and cross roads. Backups are happening now trying to get out of the side streets onto Gateway

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  7. July 29 2024

    As development continues in Brunswick Forest, it will be more difficult for older developments to get out of their streets. Consider 4 way stops here and at Morgan Cr/Hewett Burton before accidents start

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  8. July 29 2024

    As more houses are being built in this area, this intersection as well as the 87/17 intersection are going to back up and be gridlock areas. In addition, the u-turn area to head back on 17 is very close to the 87/17 intersection and vehicles have to make unsafe lane changes

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  9. July 28 2024

    This intersection is very dangerous with people making u-turns. The parking lot entrance is dangerous as well as vehicles are entering and exiting the parking lot and vehicles are trying to leave the drive-thru lanes at the bank.

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  10. July 28 2024


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  11. July 26 2024

    Near future has an entrance from Mallory Creek Dr into the new River?something neighborhood. Please plan on another crosswalk at this location.

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  12. July 26 2024

    Need warning signals over 133 to alert drivers of a fire station

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  13. July 25 2024

    Need a pedestrian crossing here.

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  14. July 25 2024

    Lanvale Road has no sidewalks or crosswalks. I see people walking this route daily and it is extremely dangerous.

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  15. July 24 2024

    Grandiflora Dr is a cut through for trucks from Lanvale to Rte 17 in both directions. Speeds are entirely too fast and there is too much traffic for this neighborhood street.

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  16. July 24 2024

    Add solar powered lighted pedestrian crossing signs across mallory creek drive with push button activation

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    July 24 2024

    There needs to be a pedestrian crossing sign here. This is one on the corners that crosses over to our walking path

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  17. July 24 2024

    Add solar powered lighted pedestrian crossing signs across mallory creek drive with push button activation

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    July 24 2024

    There is a bend in the road making it hard to see if people are crossing the street. A pedestrian crossing sign is needed here

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  18. July 24 2024

    Add solar powered lighted pedestrian crossing signs across mallory creek drive with push button activation

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    July 24 2024

    at the Bimini & Mallory Creek location the town is extending the sidewalk along Mallory Creek Dr. to go all the way to Bimini. Lynn Vetter advised he will try to put a Pedestrian crossing sign here

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  19. July 24 2024

    Add solar powered lighted pedestrian crossing signs across mallory creek drive with push button activation

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  20. July 24 2024

    Add crosswalk and solar powered lighted pedestrian crossing signs across mallory creek drive with push button activation

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    July 24 2024

    add traffic calming median to center line to provide protection for the crosswalks and pedestrians within it

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  21. July 24 2024

    Add solar powered lighted pedestrian crossing signs across mallory creek drive with push button activation

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    July 24 2024

    I have tried to cross over at this location between 7:30am to 9am & the car do not stop when I am in the crosswalk. We need a sign here

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  22. July 24 2024

    Add solar powered lighted pedestrian crossing signs with push button activation

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  23. July 24 2024

    This intersection seems like a death trap. I avoid it at all costs. Drivers are anxious because people coming from the highway are gunning it, much slower from other direction to cross the railroad tracks, & the service trucks that come out next to Kicking Mule. It’s hard to tell who’s turning, who’s speeding, & who’s about to mess up. PLEASE make this safer!!! If not a light, at least a 4 way stop.

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  24. July 24 2024

    The back entrance to Grandiflora Dr. is very heavily traveled and needs troubleshooting to slow speeders down in this section from Lanvale rd to Willow pond stop sign. I am not a fan of speed bumps but I do think it will hinder speeders or people just cutting through to get to Hwy. 17.

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  25. July 24 2024

    There are school children who walk to and from the schools daily over this by pass from North Brunswick High School to Leland Middle School. I once saw a student straddling the concrete railing, sitting, on to of the overpass. We badly need a caged walkway over the bypass for safety. We also need a continuous sidewalk to each school with marked or crosswalk signs. There have been 2 students killed at these two schools in the past having been hit by cars. Question 2: Why isn’t there access to 74-76 at this overpass with exit/on ramp?

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