Comments for “Leland SS4A Safety Action Plan”

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  1. July 23 2024

    Pine Harvest is heavily traveled, including by residents from neighboring communities. Turning left out of Wood Lily Circle can be hazardous at times because vehicles speed through this curving area. Something needs to be done to slow down the through traffic on Pine Harvest, but I'm not sure what.

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  2. July 22 2024

    This new intersection has no stop or yield signs from any direction causing confusion and many near misses. Suggest there should be a yield sign heading west on Olde Waterford Way where you turn right on to Palm Ridge Dr. I believe most traffic entering Waterford from 17 heads north on Olde Waterford Way and turns left on Palm Ridge so that direction should be free flowing. Feel free to contact me for additional info.

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    July 23 2024

    I agree that this location's lack of a yield sign is dangerous. Olde Waterford Way is becoming a heavily traveled road in both directions from the traffic circle at Goodwill to the lights on Route 17. However, the YIELD should apply to drivers wanting to turn from the LEFT turn lane on OLDE WATERFORD WAY and onto Palm Ridge Drive. Cars in that left turn lane should yield to oncoming traffic, not the other way around.

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  3. July 18 2024

    People walk and bike in this area with no shoulder, sidewalks, or alternate path to keep them off the roadway and safe. With a new apartment complex going in across from Baldwin Drive there should be a crosswalk installed so that folks can get over to the grocery/retail/restaurant area safely.

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  4. July 18 2024

    horrible design. it needs to be expanded or exit from BF fitness center needs to be closed

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  5. July 17 2024

    The approach to this traffic circle is very hard to see at night.

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    July 24 2024

    disagree. Far more important areas of focus than this circle.

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  6. July 17 2024

    Please make u-turns illegal here. I've lost count of the # of close calls I've seen at this light because people are making u-turns. Not to mention how far into the lane beside the turn lane people swerve into to make a u-turn. I've almost been sideswiped several times.

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    July 18 2024

    I totally agree with the previous statement. I have seen numerous people swerve out into the left through lane to make that U-turn. I, myself have had to take evasive actions to keep from being side swiped at this intersection. Simply because the U-turning people are not thinking about the traffic beside of them when they are turning.
    This is a very dangerous intersection. There was just an accident there this week.
    Please make this a NO U-turn intersection.

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  7. July 16 2024

    The traffic circle on Bunswick Forest is much too small to be a functional traffic circle. Every other traffic circle in Brunswick Count is 3-4 time larger than this one and are much more functional.

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    July 18 2024

    This is a non- circle circle. Is it going to take a very serious or fatal accident here before needed measures are taken?
    I have personal witnessed people flying through this extremely small circle. Totally disregarding anyone else using the "circle ".
    This is another intersection where I have barely avoided being hit.
    Either a 4-way stop or "drastically" larger circle would work much safer.

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    July 25 2024

    They should close the exit from the tennis and pickleball courts. This will eliminate a lane of traffic and force people to a wider intersection

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    July 31 2024

    Traffic is backing up from all directions. Need a better solution than the small traffic circle.

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  8. July 16 2024

    The traffic circle on Bunswick Forest is much too small to be a functional traffic circle. Every other traffic circle in Brunswick Count is 3-4 time larger than this one and are much more functional.

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  9. July 16 2024

    The intersection of Lanvale Rd. and Rt. 17 in both directions are where I have had near collisions with drivers going well over the posted speed limit. Coming out of the Villages after shopping I see drivers going North come over the hill and accelerate to try to avoid a red light, often speeding through yellow turning to green. Only recently have people exiting the Villages have turned right on red less, partly due to the new signs and partly due to expereinces as I've mention. Turning onto Rt. 17 from Lanvale Rd. a similar situation exists where traffic is speeding up (I assume because they have just had to go through several traffic lights) on their way home.

    Traffic in both directions on Rt. 17 has increased dramatically since we moved here in 2020. Increased retail destinations plus development to the South is no doubt a major contributor.

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    July 23 2024

    I have lived in the area for 45 yrs the idea that the town would even consider putting so many lights and not an access road from lanvalle to cross over to a large development like BF . Many towns in our state even just up the road in Columbus County had access roads raised to be overpass because of the # of accidents and fatalities from the small roads and stop lights where traffic could move freely.

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  10. July 16 2024

    Very dangerous intersection needing a stoplight at a minimum or rerouting.

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  11. July 16 2024

    All of Westgate Drive is a hazard. People drive too fast, don't stop at stop signs. Speed bumps should be placed!

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  12. July 15 2024

    There should be a dedicated turning lane from Brunswick Forest Parkway to make a right into the The Villages at BF shopping center. This would reduce potential for accidents and allow better traffic flow. Folks are coming in off Rt 17 and speed up so they can merge over to the left lane as it approaches the traffic "circle". At the same time, people are slowing down to enter the shopping center which is becoming busier with the addition of new businesses. That entire little intersection is a busy nightmare.

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  13. July 15 2024

    Brunswick Village Blvd is divided by a median where it intersects with Brunswick Forest Parkway. People are confused or do not notice the divided double lane road and we frequently see cars approaching on the wrong side of the road. Although there are arrows on the lanes, better signage, more arrows and lighting are needed. Maybe curbing could be painted yellow to indicate caution is needed. The area is growing rapidly and new residents will continue for quite some time. Prospective buyers, many from out of state and people using medical facilities, restaurants and other services adds to the confusion.

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  14. July 15 2024

    Those leaving Creekside Dr SE onto Hwy 133 cannot see traffic coming in either direction as we are in the center of the curve. There no signs showing a blind drive in the curve from either direction. Rarely are drivers adhering to 45mph speed limit from either direction.

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  15. July 15 2024

    Need Left Turn Lane from hwy 133 onto Crofters Court SE.
    There have been countless rear end accidents to and near misses with vehicles that are stopped on 133 waiting to turn left.
    Vehicles, attempting to turn left have been hit from behind and driven head on into oncoming traffic, hit from behind and nearly hit leaving skid marks on the roadway.
    Thank you.

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  16. July 15 2024

    Heading out of Brunswick Forest on BF Parkway there a not street signs for people to know the street they are looking for. Empie street, Evangeline Dr and one other street. I see people slowing down all the time in the left hand lane looking for the street they are trying to find. Almost causes accidents when they realize it not there street.

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  17. July 14 2024

    1 - Cars in left lane exiting BF typically stop or creep past where they are supposed to stop. This greatly reduces oncoming traffic visibility for the right lane. MAKE THE LEFT LANE A NO TURN ON RED LANE!
    2 - There is NO speed limit sign for quite a distance coming eastbound on Rt 17 before this intersection. It is not unusual to see vehicles going 60-65-70 mph past this intersection. And running the yellow/red light is common.

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  18. July 14 2024

    With the increased traffic, this intersection has had many accidents. Speed has also been a cause. A traffic circle is necessary to slow down traffic and allow fire trucks to exit properly. The area includes Leland and state or county property. Due to all the development, I believe Lanvale needs another vehicle use study.

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  19. July 13 2024

    Left turn from Brunswick Forest Blvd onto E Cutlar Crossing is dangerous because that turn is limited to one car length and traffic frequently backs up.

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    July 14 2024

    There needs to be a third lane past the bridge at holiday Inn and merge back before bridge at Langella rd. A wall devider put up so all the slow people can drive whatever speed the want to to get into Brunswick Forest and have their own lane. Other two lanes will not be affected and can drive 55 mph. Asphalt and concrete pre-made devider 100 grand done in a month.

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  20. July 13 2024

    Enterprise Drive is very busy now with residents of Windsor Park the college the new furniture store Victoria plus more. Trying to get on to 74 is a nightmare plus the cars could be backed up for a long way waiting for the opportunity to jump on to 74. Very dangerous I've seen very close calls and the same issue making the U-turn right there to go eas

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  21. July 12 2024


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  22. July 12 2024

    Speed limit is 45 approaching a school. Many drivers are probably going 50-55 mph prior to the school zone. There is a path alongside the road that many children and adults use. Let's think of the safety of people over moving cars quickly.

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  23. July 12 2024

    Heavy traffic in this area because people are trying to avoid New Point & Ocean Gate. The teardrop roundabout project may help this or it could cause even more traffic here where people are walking and rolling to restaurants and shopping.

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  24. July 12 2024

    This corridor is dangerous and people are either driving too fast or not paying attention to the road, or both. I have seen 3 crashes over the course of two days just running errands in this area but I am sure there are many more occurring daily.

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    July 18 2024

    As fast as the Leland area is growing, the effectiveness of all of these types of U-turns are overwhelmed. It is time to create actually intersections where true left turns are possible. With all of the area developments going in, the problems are only going to be compounded by there ineffectiveness.
    The impact of the growing Brunswick County population on this stretch of highway could be drastically reduced. "If" both Leland and the county push hard for a lower bridge connecting Hwy 17 to the Monkey Junction area of Wilmington. This bridge is far far overdue.

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  25. July 12 2024

    This area will need crosswalks so people can walk safely between apartment complex, Founders Park, and Leland Brewing Company. Conventional crosswalks have more conflict points, mid-block crossings with Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons would be best.

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