Comments for “Leland SS4A Safety Action Plan”

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  1. July 12 2024

    Missing sidewalk connection

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  2. July 12 2024

    People are often not paying attention to who is in the crosswalk, I was almost hit in this intersection while walking. Better lighting would help feel safer at nighttime while crossing Village Road.

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  3. July 12 2024

    Lanvale Rd has become the Indianapolis 500. People are using it as an cut-through/alternate to Hwy 17 and frequently going 60+ mph. With all of the developments along Lanvale Rd., it has become very difficult to enter/exit any of the subdivisions off of Lanvale, especially during the work commute hours. At the very minimum, the speed limit needs to be lowered.

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    July 18 2024

    With as few alternatives that are available between Hwy 74/76 to Hwy 17, Lanvale has surpassed its designed load. The city with help from the county/state need to "seriously" widening the full length of Lanvale Road.

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  4. July 11 2024

    A light is a MUST here!!!

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  5. July 11 2024

    Put a light here before someone gets killed. This is the worse place to try and get out of.

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  6. July 05 2024

    Needs crosswalk area. Too many people crossing this section.

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  7. July 04 2024

    On a weekly basis cars and trucks have crashed into the turn signs and have gone off the road at the tight turn on the ramp leading from 17 to 74 West. The speed limit drops quickly with only one sign to indicate the change.

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  8. July 02 2024

    On Rt. 74: Need to post more speed limit signs and then enorce the 55mph limit on this sector. Maybe reduce the limit to 45mph.

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    July 23 2024

    The Hwy 74/76 is a main road for tractor trailer trucks and large industrial vehicles in and out of the county . This should be considered when lights and u turns are placed on the road. Transfer trucks and large double tractor trailer trucks can’t make the u turns and stoping with the weight carried is almost impossible. Since 74/76 is a main road to transfer loads to and out of the county to the ports and around in our area there should be a consideration for overpasses and access roads so trucks traffic can move smoothly and avoid accidents.

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  9. July 02 2024

    This intersection get extremely backed up at multiple.times of day. The ExxonMobil had just made this intersection even more dangerous. A light would greatly improve this

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  10. July 01 2024

    This yield sign needs to be a stop sign instead. So many people think the lane merges into its own lane on River Rd SE, and almost cause accidents with vehicles travelling from under the overpass.

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  11. June 29 2024

    We need a wider turn lane here or a traffic circle at the intersection by Reflections as heavy traffic is casing a backup on Brunswick Forest Parkway which is dangerous with the speed of oncoming vehicles.

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    July 06 2024

    If left-turn traffic onto Low Country Blvd is backed up, vehicles traveling NW from Low Country Blvd onto Broadhaven Dr cannot see traffic in the right lane of Brunswick Forest Pkwy.

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  12. June 28 2024

    People traveling both directions on 17, run red lights, at all intersections, after the speed has reduced to 45. Need more police presence & cameras would help. Very scary to almost be hit by speeding car or large truck running the red light.

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  13. June 28 2024

    Left turning traffic tends to race each other at this section which leads to risky driving. Markings should be improved.

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  14. June 28 2024

    Need a connection from these neighborhoods to the Leland Town Center. This eliminates cars on 133, 74/76 and 17.

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    July 14 2024

    Need a connection from these neighborhoods to the Leland Town Center to help elimaye heavy traffic on 17.

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    July 14 2024

    Definitely need an evacuation route out of these neighborhoods to the Leland town center

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    July 15 2024

    This connection to the shopping area and living communities should include walking / bike paths and or lanes. These should connect to the planned crossing of 17 at Ploof Rd.

    Planning should include non vehicular traffic. Without doing this you are planning to exclude b walking and bikes as viable means of accessing shopping / dining areas.

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  15. June 27 2024

    Thank you.

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  16. June 27 2024

    This intersection needs to be right turn only from New Point blvd to Ocean gate Plaza

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    June 30 2024

    Good point. New Pointe eastbound can turn right and use traffic circle to get to 17. New Pointe westbound who want to cross over or turn left can instead exit at Gateway Blvd and use traffic circle.

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    July 24 2024

    This was absolutely my thought too. Why does traffic continue to back up leaving Walmart when it could simply flow if everyone had to turn right leaving Walmart. Just turn right and go around the traffic circle.

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    July 26 2024

    Investigate alternate traffic pattern flows. Need a median to block New Pointe similar to Ploof next to Aldi

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  17. June 27 2024

    never feel like north bound traffic will stop on red light

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  18. June 27 2024

    The Colbert Place subdivision has no sidewalks. The street is so narrow that two cars parked on the street across from each other blocks emergency vehicals and trash pickup. My security camera has picked up people walking in the street almost being hit at night and during the day. The community was promised sidewalks once building was finished and there has been no action yet. Children, babystrollers being forced to walk in the street is so unsafe. Please look at getting sidewalks installed for safety.

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  19. June 27 2024

    West Gate Dr from the entrance off US 17 North to its current terminus at Angel's Wy is a SPEED area where more presence and enforcement of police is needed.

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  20. June 26 2024

    Place lights in median, along Highway 17, to provide better visibility at night for current residents, new residents, tourists, travelers

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    July 07 2024

    Stop the right turn on red. People are driving 60+mph and too many are turning and misjudging the speed of oncoming traffic causing accidents.

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    July 12 2024

    At the U-turn, people run the red light constantly and oncoming northbound traffic comes flying over the hill at 60+ miles an hour and often run the red light. This is a fatal accident waiting to happen.

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    July 14 2024

    There should be a traffic light at this intersection due to the speeding traffic on 17 and cars from the neighborhoods trying to enter from either side of 17.

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    July 23 2024

    Hwy 17 is a major road and has been for 150 yrs in and out the county. The large tracker trailer trucks need to road to drive to the ports and make deliveries in the county. There are too many lights and not enough access roads in the area to connect to 74/76 or I 140 . When accidents happen tracffic has no way of being detour in some points from Leland 133/17/74/76 corridors or 87S /17 S corridors or 87N 17N in towncreek from Lanvelle to 17NS till the 74/76 corridors. Not enough consideration is being made for large tractor trailer and delivery vehicles, emergency evacuation and impact of failing roads that were small axillary roads.

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    July 25 2024

    Given all the new apartments and homes being build on Kay Todd road, a major disaster is at hand. Without traffic lights, traffic on Kay Todd will back right up to apartments. The trouble is RT17 will become the road of lights, which will lead to more traffic congestion. If a hurricane occurs how will people be able to leave in an orderly fashion?

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    July 31 2024

    Reduce speed limit on this section of 17 to 45mph.

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  21. June 26 2024

    This is a very dangerous intersection as it is close to the railroad and doesn't have a light. There is high traffic here during peak travel times.

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  22. June 26 2024

    We need a Pedestrian Crossing bridge here so that people can walk, bike or take a LSV to the restaurants and shops. Would be nice to go across the street without having to get in a car.

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    July 23 2024

    I love to walk and would like to be able to walk to Harris Teeter, UPS, or the Leland Cultural Arts Center. But I live across Ovean Highway E, and walking across Ocean Highway E is simply not at all safe to do. We need walkways and lights for pedestrians trying to get across that very busy road.

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  23. June 26 2024

    Enlarge roundabout if possible. Do not make it a 4-way stop. Do not install a traffic light. It works, and keeps traffic moving well. Anything other than a roundabout will be too slow. However, if the circle could be enlarged to the size of a proper circle it would work better and be safer. Too many BF parkway vehicles blow through the circle because it feels to the driver like the roadway goes straight.

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    June 26 2024

    Add a pedestrian crossing button so flashing lights will warn drivers that a pedestrian is entering the crosswalk

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    July 26 2024

    Possible enhacment would be to install flashing/warning pedestrian crossing (push button)

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    July 30 2024

    This is a terribly designed intersection and contributing to accidents in the area.

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  24. June 26 2024

    Hwy is very dangerous for pedestrians to cross. I'm not sure how to go about making it safter, but it is one of the few areas of Leland that I think can be dangerous.

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