Comments for “Downtown 11th Street Bikeway Concept Design”

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  1. June 23 2020

    Curbside-activated flasher recommended at 11th & Hays. Students need easy access without going onto sidewalk (which they won't due). E.g, similar to curbside device at Beacon & Leadville. Cycling Students need to be seen on dark mornings & encouraged to activate the flashing cross signal.

  2. June 23 2020

    Curbside-activated flasher recommended at 11th & Fort. That Boise High students can access without going onto sidewalk. E.g, similar to one at Beacon & Leadville. Cycling Students need to be seen on dark mornings & encouraged to activate the flashing cross signal.

  3. June 23 2020

    Strongly suggest green paint bike boxes for cyclist visibility at 11th & Bannock intersection, + @ Idaho, +@ Grove so right hand turning autos can see them and avoid hitting them in their typical eagerness to turn right.

  4. June 23 2020

    Remove on street parking on 11th between Washington & State. Visibility for bikers too limited here for safety with congestion from Y drivers. Also a green box for cyclist visitbility at intersection would be good. Many Boise High bike commuters are not real confident riders & need to be seen by drivers who may be too eager to turn right, whether on red or green signal.

  5. June 23 2020

    The bench here is hardly ever used for pedestrians to sit, but often used for homeless to sleep on. Might be good to remove this bench.

  6. June 20 2020

    Out of the project scope but raising the intersection here would limit the conflicts of Bike/peds along the Pioneer Pathway and vehicles crossing on Miller/Ash/Grand

  7. June 20 2020

    Better visibility is needed here when crossing Miller

  8. June 20 2020

    This is the most dangerous part of my commute -Crossing from the Pioneer Pathway to JUMP. I often times will go down to Miller instead, which has its own issues with poor sight visibility.

  9. June 20 2020

    Signal Timing is horrible here, please work with ACHD to improve

  10. June 20 2020

    Panera drive thru line can extend into toad during lunch hours. Blocking bike traffic.

    Parking garage traffic can be speeding at end of day and crosses over double yellow to turn left.

  11. June 18 2020

    I think that at the Front and 11th and Myrtle and 11th intersections the bikes need protection from vehicle traffic and maybe have their own light to get across at these intersections to insure their safety.

  12. June 18 2020

    I am very concerned that ITD will push back on any improvement at this intersection. ITD is way too vehicle oriented with bike/ped improvements pretty much ignored. This is a critical intersection for success of a truly safe bike way.

  13. June 18 2020

    LIke others have said, I often ignore this signal - takes way to long to allow crossing for bike/peds. Needs improvement.

  14. June 18 2020

    Access to the Greenbelt from this intersection is a critical part of the project.

  15. June 18 2020

    There are numerous parking lots that come out onto this section of 11th street. Need to protect bike riders using contemporary bike safety signage and street markings.

  16. June 18 2020

    The recent addition of bike lanes by ACHD is not adequate. This is a wide street between Myrtle and River - bike lanes need to be wider to avoid vehicle doors opening into bike lane.

  17. June 18 2020

    Crossing here is essential for a successful bike corridor on 11th Street. Currently the crossing is awkward for access to the Pioneer Pathway. Extend the crossing for bike/ped more east for direct connection to the Pioneer Pathway.

  18. June 18 2020

    This connection on 11th Street through the Boise High campus concerns me. Has security and student safety been addressed? Public access through this campus could increase school safety issues.

  19. June 18 2020

    Riding through parking lots is not a safe option. Will there be a protected lane through here?

  20. June 17 2020

    Cars exiting from parking garage should be required to turn right. Definitely should not be allowed to cross to alley.

  21. June 16 2020

    Because it's awkward to get through the high school on a bicycle, I take 9th then cut over to 11th at Jefferson. Also, there are some visibility issues with the YMCA buses that park on Washington.

  22. June 16 2020

    Signal length is way to long. We should be moving people across this intersection, not just trying to get single-occupancy vehicles back to their garages in Meridian as fast as possible.

  23. June 16 2020

    After crossing River St, ride through the parking lot to the sidewalk alongside the Office Park building

  24. June 16 2020

    Ride along the sidewalk and flagstones and grass to the Greenbelt

  25. June 16 2020

    I always ignore the signal here because it takes too long to change and usually I can figure out with a lack of approaching cars it is safe to cross on my own - however for children it is a potentially dangerous situation if they were to do the same.