Comments for “Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) Update”
Widen Wilkie Way ped/bike bridge due to heavy usage.
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Block off one end of James Rd (either El Camino Way end or Wilkie Way end) to eliminate cut-through traffic between El Camino and Charleston.
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This section of Park Blvd is too narrow for two-way bicycle and vehicle traffic when cars are parked on both sides of the street. Suggestion to remove parking on one side of the street in the narrow section.
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Bicycles usually do not stop at the stop signs here.Comment as of November 2023.
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Since two year many car do not stop at the stop sign. Comment made as of November 2023.
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Many bicycles or vehicles ( including USPS vehicles) do not stop at the stop signs here. Comment as of November 2023.
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Many car do not stop at the stop sign here. Comment as of November 2023.
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Regularly some vehicles (cars) having passengers going to Living Wisdom School park on the left side of the street . Comment made as of November 2023. Also some car may not yield to pedestrian on the sidewalk in the morning when driver have deposited their children from the alley in the school and exiting and going to College Avenue. Also some driver then may not stop ir stop fully at the stop sign of the block after.Comment made as of November 2023.
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Every day some pedestrian do not cross in the pedestrian walkway. Some pedestrians also walk when the signal is red for pedstrians. Also many car do not stop at the white line of the stop ( on the Shell gas station side ) when going to enter on El Camino Real) . Comment as of November 2023
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Every day when it is the end of the school day many bicyclist under 18 ride on the left of the street .This happens since at least 5 years maybe. Comment made as of November 2023.
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As of November 2023, many bicyclist never stops at the stop sign on Hanover street.
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As of November 2023, since at leat two or three year many car may not respect the red light here, when turning right onto Page Mill Road, it seems.
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Since at least two or three years , nearly all the bicyclist do not stop at the stop signs. Many car do stop after the white line of the stop signs. Comment made as of November 2023
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As of November 2023, many car do not stop at the red light when coming from Cambridge Avenue and turning right to El Camino Real. Also many bicyclist are riding on the sidealks in front of First Republic Bank - Chase Bank or in Cambridge Avenue near,in contrary to the Palo Alto ordinance that forbid riding bicycles in the California District. Also some electric scooter are riding illegally on the side walk on El Camino Real or on College Avenue sidewalks near here.Comment made as of November 2023.
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Since two or three years many residents from the neigborhood do not stop at the fours stop signs in their cars or on their bicycles. Comment made as of November 2023. Please note that some vehicles having the logo of Palo Alto may not stop also, maybe.
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Otfen there are bicyclist riding their bicycles on the sidewalk in contrary to the ordinance of Palo Alto here.This happens since several years.Comment made as of Nov 2023.
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Since at least two or three years many car do not stop at the stop sign here ( including cars driven by residents of neigborhood since ten years or more).
The California Vehicle Code says that vehicles should stops at the stop signs. Please note also that many car stop after the white stop line. Also the city white line does not finish to the curb.Comment made as of November 2023.Liked 0 times -
As of November 2023, since mid 2018 at least 3 bicycles were stolen from properties around here. Some theft were reported to the Police of Palo Alto. Also maybe at least around three two ir three other bicycle theft were reported to the Police of Palo Alto in the blockone theft . As such there is a serous issue in bicycle theft in the block here.Also two cars were reported as stolen also. Although bicycle are a convenient and low polluting vehicle considering the high risk of theft here it is suceptible to of often theft. Beware of prowlers and thieves here coming from the sidewalk and street of the city of Palo Alto ( on this block) 24 hours a day 7 days a weeks. Also there were many tresspasser foraging in the private garbages. Some prowlers have brought on a private property here some plies some rebar bar, some two foot long bolt cutter, some hacking kind of tool, some kind of small knife looking item, some empty Narcan packaging, some bicycles, some cars.
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The intersection of Fulton and Middlefield is very dangerous. PLEASE make this intersection a four-way stop. Fix this problem before someone is hurt or killed.
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New bike bridge becomes much more beneficial if the bike lane were extended further along Adobe creek. Safe continuous East-West bike routes are unavailable anywhere in Palo Alto and are sorely needed.
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There is no way for cyclists to get to the train station on palm drive without switching to using side walks. Ideally a bike lane would exist here
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Crossing this intersection as a cyclist to connect to the bike path feels very unsafe due to either very high school traffic or cars not looking for cyclists and not stopping. I suggest a way for cyclists to signal for cars to stop without needing to use the pedestrian infrastructure.
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Cars speed dangerously on Seale between MIddlefield and Newell. There need to be traffic calming devices implemented before there is a fatal crash.
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Seale Ave is a speedway for commuters avoiding Middlefield and Embarcadero. There are numerous accidents on Seale & Middlefield as well as catastrophic rollover on Seale and Newell earlier this year. Our family has lived here 40 years and the problem continues to trend dangerously. Previous studies have been ineffective. A stop sign at Seale and Fulton or speed bumps would help reduce the risk to pedestrians and bikers.
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Pedestrian and bicycle traffic is very hard to accommodate. Many close call/accidents of bicycles going in both directions,pedestrians walking to multiple schools and heavy car traffic driving much too fast and speeding around corners. Slowing measures are needed.
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