Comments for “Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) Update”
There is a problem here with drainage every time it rains -- water pools 4-6" deep in the gutter and beyond right at the crosswalk on the north side of Embarcadero, for maybe 20 feet x 4 feet, and remains a long, large puddle, sometimes for days, that pedestrians and cyclists have to cross through as they cross the street.
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For pedestrians and cyclists traversing from Byxbee Park to the Embarcadero Fwy crossing, we need to go across E Bayshore Rd. Heavy traffic and speeding cars create a dangerous point of collision between peds and cars. I've seen people running across the street for safety. In order to create a safer pathway, a crosswalk with lights would benefit all.
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Some of the stop signs on the cross streets of Bryant NW of Lytton (Hawthorne, etc) have "2 way stop" signs that are so worn, cars don't realize that bike (or car) traffic does not stop on Bryant. Many just cruise through at these stops, barely avoiding cyclists that have the right of way.
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Traffic calming is needed on Middlefield at Ashton. Cars on Middlefield turn right onto Ashton at high speed and cut the corner onto Murdoch Drive to maintain this speed. Cars turning left onto Ashton are looking for a break in traffic, not pedestrians crossing Ashton. Bicycles turning left onto Middlefield face 4 lanes of high-speed traffic without even a crossing island. Thus, Ashton is hazardous for bicycles and pedestrians from Middlefield to Murdoch Drive.
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Vehicles picking up students at the end of the school day wait and park in the bike lane forcing bicyclists into main traffic. Need to have vehicles park in empty nearby business parking lots for picking up students.
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Fabian Charleston area lacking bike parking and bike shares. New offices and new residencial apartments coming.
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As one leaves the bike bridge going east to turn right (south) on the frontage road, though you come to a full stop, it is impossible to see if someone is walking or riding along the sidewalk coming north, due to the City of Palo Alto opaque fence covering that comes right to the corner of the lot on the right. If one could see through the chain link fence even a little, one could then know if a safe righthand turn is possible.
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As one leaves the bike bridge going east to turn right (south) on the frontage road, though you come to a full stop, it is impossible to see if someone is walking or riding along the sidewalk coming north, due to the City of Palo Alto opaque fence covering that comes right to the corner of the lot on the right. If one could see through the chain link fence even a little, one could then know if a safe righthand turn is possible.
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Drivers coming along Lincoln at Channing in either direction frequently do not stop for bicycles coming through along Channing, seemingly thinking this is a 4-way stop when it's not. Better alerts to ensure they give right of way to bicycles and vehicles on Channing are needed.
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Interestingly, the new bike bridge is not shown on this map! It's a marvel and so appreciated!, but the access points taking it west to go north are very problematic, and there is no good way or signage as an alternative to take a southerly route off the bridge (which is safer than going immediately north on the frontage road) to then go to the north. Specifically, we now prefer to take this bridge crossing 101 from Green Gables going south (vs. the older bike bridge at St. Francis & Oregon) to cross over to the bike paths by the shoreline. One has to be careful on the bike lane on the frontage road (west of 101) due to all the vehicles coming and going from the Girls Middle School and other locations there (residential and business) to access the bridge going east. But going in the opposite direction is a nightmare. When you come off the bike lane and want to go north, you then have to cross the frontage road with vehicles going at excess speeds, no warnings to their drivers about bikes crossing, and then travel along the frontage road to make a left turn to get back into the neighborhoods for safer riding.
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Because there are fewer stop signs, Homer and Channing, still one direction each (originally due to the prior location of PAMF), are best for bike commuters going from Caltrain or Stanford to points east. It would be ideal if these two-lane streets could instead have one lane for cars and one for bikes, with designated loading zones separate from these lanes for various delivery trucks using these streets.
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Because there are fewer stop signs, Homer and Channing, still one direction each (originally due to the prior location of PAMF), are best for bike commuters going to Caltrain or Stanford from points east. It would be ideal if these two-lane streets could instead have one lane for cars and one for bikes, with designated loading zones separate from these lanes for various delivery trucks using these streets.
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Passing cars have little room to stop and low visibility of pedestrians and bicyclists. Syncing a crossing light to the Alma/Meadow interchange might help.
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Unsafe lane narrowing — bike lane disappears
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Various parts of Saint Francis Drive are designated NO PARKING but marked only with signs. People regularly park in NO PARKING areas. This makes driving St Francis difficult, and the turns have lower visibility.
This street is windy and used as access to the bike bridge, with heavy bike traffic at times. With the poor parking practices combined with the heavy bike use, it seems dangerous for both drivers and bikers.
More enforcement combined with red curbs would help a lot.
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Sorry; I was very confused by the interface to the map, and my previous comment at Greer and Moreno was intended for Greer and Oregon Ave
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This intersection is a disaster.
The "Keep Clear" box makes it often impossible to turn left off of Oregon Ave -- traffic on Greer is moving, and the cycle of the light means that it often turns red with cars in the Keep Clear from the right.
Turning right off of Oregon Ave is also difficult. While looking right into the direction of the turn, cars are turning right from Oregon Expressway SW to Greer NW, but are several feet back, and behind the turning cars on Oregon Ave. This is true both when the light on Oregon Exp is green and when red, with right turn permitted.The lack of alignment of Greer at Oregon Expressway also makes it difficult to turn from Greer heading NW on to Oregon Ave. Cars need to swing wide to make the turn, or risk head-on collision with traffic at the STOP sign on SW Oregon Ave.
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This is a heavily used bike/ped pathway where students travel to and from Paly. Cars speed down Embarcadero and fail to stop even when lights are flashing in crosswalk. I have experienced and seen many near misses on the route from Emerson to Town and Country-bikes hitting peds/bikes almost getting hit by cars/peds almost getting hit by cars. There was a plan to improve this route. Please revisit, improve and enact a version of this plan before someone is seriously injured or killed.
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This is supposed to be a bike boulevard (BB) and yet more and more vehicle traffic is sent on Park. It is the busiest BB in Palo Alto and the main route for bikes into Stanford. When is something going to be done to calm down the traffic? I've been talking to transport chiefs since Josh Mello and still nothing substantial gets done other than endless talk. With all the new developments and associated traffic we need separation of bikes from vehicles from Lambert to Cali Ave on Park Blvd.
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This intersection has some of those weird lights that not many drivers seem to understand or care about. I regularly cross ECR at this intersection to get to Real Produce. Once the lights turn red I have a walking man sign but cars almost always go through the red light many seconds afterwards. Some don't even seem to have seen the red light! Others disregard it.
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This is a high volume intersection for vehicles coming on Sheridan and turning right onto Park. Unfortunately, hardly any of them stop and most only look to the left to see if it is clear. I regularly walk north on Park through this intersection and even though I have the right of way have been close to an accident several times.
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Lincoln avenue is a high speed dangerous cut through from university (near 101)to Alma with very high column of vehicles!
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Many cars coming south on ECR
Run green turning arrow onto eastbound Embarcadero create a blocked intersection when stuck on ECR waiting to get green lit just east on embarcadero into Town and Country and Paly
Embarcadero from ECR to 101 is subject to terrible speedingLiked 2 times -
Red light turn runners from Stanford ave onto northbound ECR
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