Comments for “Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) Update”
This road is in bad condition for bikes to cross. And it is a main bike route.
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Just a horrible intersection for bikes. The road is very badly worn, and cars turning right onto Arastradero often don't stop. And the cars crossing El Camino try to run the bikes off the road that are trying to cross, since there isn't much room for the bikes on the other side.
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I know this was an extremely dangerous intersection that was "fixed", but cars turning onto El Camino North still try to beat the bicycles trying to cross El Camino and continue on Stanford. What about a pedestrian-only mode for the traffix light?
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Cars rarely stop even as the warning signs flash. Make this a mandatory 4 way stop.
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This whole confusing intersection is terrible. Cars drive too fast, and coming out of the soccer field is a nightmare for pedestrians and bicyclists alike.
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Road Surface is very broken up on University under the overpass. Is difficult to maintain stability on my bike when I am unlucky enough to hit a particularly deep rut in the road.
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I know it's private property, and built long ago, but man the traffic flow in the shopping center is awful.
I just needed to gripe about it.
Oh hey. thank you for all the work, and the hundreds of hours I drive around without having any problems at all. Palo Alto has grown cars and traffic a lot faster than it has grown roads and infrastructure, and the traffic engineering around all that is a huge challenge. It's going to be years of work, and a moving target.Thank you for taking citizen input.
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The three traffic lights between the Alma underpass and El Camino are not coordinated, or if they are they are not done well.
Motor traffic along this section gets trapped between these lights.There are so many issues here. The right turn at El Camino and pedestrians crossing at Embarcadero conflict, so at times the green allows very few cars, which also limits traffic going straight.
The crossing entering and exiting the school and the shopping center gets full both at busy shopping times and when school is getting in or out, and limits the flow on Embarcadero.
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Embarcadero is a residential street with a residential speed limit.
People aiming to get to or just leaving 101 are often driving over 40 MPH, particularly trying to make the light on St Francis.
But all the way from 101 to Embarcadero people drive as if it's an arterial road.
There needs to be more enforcement of the red light, safe turns, and safe speeds.
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I live in south Palo Alto and am an older pedestrian. When walking on sidewalks, I have been knocked down three times by bicycles riding on the sidewalk. (Once on Arastradero; once on Maybell, once on El Camino Real.) As the number of bicycles increases (encouraged by the city), the danger to pedestrians walking on sidewalks also increases as more bicycles ride on sidewalks. I suggest that bicycles be prohibited from riding on sidewalks throughout the city.
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Please change this intersection to a four way stop sign. It may help slow down cars.
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Please consider changing this intersection to a four way stop sign. It will slow down cars.
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Would be safer to change this intersection to a four way stop sign. A lot of students cross here either by bike towards Gunn or walk across here.
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The road narrows here so the bike lane becomes nonexistent and at the same moment there is a giant storm drain where the pavement is damaged, so you either have to merge into the car traffic to avoid the bad pavement or get very jostled trying to ride over the drain.
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It is challenging to take a left turn from Page Mill onto Porter Drive via bike! Perhaps a green protected bike lane on the left? Currently, the options are to try to merge into the left turn lane (crossing busy Page Mill and then try to position your bike to activate the motion sensor), or awkwardly stop at the weird crosswalk and push the button.
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Car or vehicles will not yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk unmarked.
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Bicyclists nearly never stop at the stop sign since a few years all year around.
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Nearly all riders of bicycle do not stop at the stop sign since 4 years ( as of November 2023) 24 hours a day 7 days per week.
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The foliage on the wire fence makes it difficult to see pedestrians and bikes coming across Oregon Expressway.
This is particularly dangerous for bikes coming at speed when cars are on NE Oregon Ave.
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[Moving this from the misplaced pin.]
This intersection is a disaster.
The "Keep Clear" box makes it often impossible to turn left off of Oregon Ave -- traffic on Greer is moving, and the cycle of the light means that it often turns red with cars in the Keep Clear from the right.
Turning right off of Oregon Ave is also difficult. While looking right into the direction of the turn, cars are turning right from Oregon Expressway SW to Greer NW, but are several feet back, and behind the turning cars on Oregon Ave. This is true both when the light on Oregon Exp is green and when red, with right turn permitted.The lack of alignment of Greer at Oregon Expressway also makes it difficult to turn from Greer heading NW on to Oregon Ave. Cars need to swing wide to make the turn, or risk head-on collision with traffic at the STOP sign on SW Oregon Ave.
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Poor visibility of bike lane during rush hour particularly for left turn.
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The previous comment about the gas station is dead on accurate. The amount of dangerous traffic the station creates is crazy. All day long I see and hear cars leaving that station doing burnouts or simply going full throttle through 4 gears up to the freeway overpass.
There's no enforcement, the days of having a PAPD officer sitting at St Francis watching for dangerous drivers is long gone. And the vast majority of the traffic/dangerous U-turns on/at St Francis are people coming from the gas station.So is it time to talk about getting rid of the gas station?
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Visibility is very poor for bikers in both directions on the Duncan side of the bridge. Maybe mirrors or a crosswalk in the street to make a safer path in?
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Bike path could use paving and striping. It’s hard to stay to one side with all the tree roots
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Bicycles headed SW on Charleston often don’t stop at the red light. I’ve had many close calls when trying to cross Charleston from the bike path to Nelson with these bikes. Signage could help.
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