Comments for “Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) Update”

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  1. November 24 2023

    Very dangerous intersection! Needs signage and bushes trimmed for better visibility.

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  2. November 24 2023

    Existing path needs paving (tree roots) and a center stripe especially around the corner at the pickleball courts.

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  3. November 24 2023

    the fence here greatly cuts into visibility. Can we remove the vision blocking slats within 8' of the corner of the fence?

    Liked 2 times
  4. November 24 2023

    the "dismount zone" signs are ineffective. Can we try a different solution? Paint a line down the center of the path (solid on sloped bits, and dotted on level locations), and replace sign with one saying "single file on bridge"

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  5. November 23 2023

    In spite of a municipal code reference on signs on both sides of the underpass requiring bikers to dismount when pedestrians are inside, this rarely happens. More young but old riders are equally the culprits, so what's the answer? Add a $ fine to the sign?

    Liked 0 times
  6. November 23 2023

    Cars exiting the Shell station trying to get to 101 do not have any good options.

    Those exiting from the western driveway face a double-yellow line, and on the eastern side two sets of double-yellow lines which seem to me to be less than two feet apart. I believe a left turn would be legal on either of those, but traffic on east-bound Embarcadero is often backed up to Saint Francis and beyond, so trying to get to south-101 is dangerous.
    Likewise, west traffic on Embarcadero is often think and above posted speeds, so even trying to enter the left lane on East-bound Embarcadero is dangerous.

    Many drivers enter west-bound Embarcadero and shift to the left-turn lane on Saint Francis. From there they sometimes attempt a U-turn, which often fails and turns into a 3-point K turn, blocking other cars.

    Many drivers turn left on Saint Francis and either: 1) Try to get to 101, assuming Saint Francis goes through. 2) U-turning or 3-point turning in the intersection of Saint Francis Drive and Saint Francis Terrace 3) Turn on to Saint Francis Terrace and attempt a U-turn there.
    All of these maneuvers are dangerous to other users of the roads, including bike riders and pedestrians.

    Liked 4 times
  7. November 23 2023

    entrance to the parking lot is severely damaged and makes it a bumpy ride.

    Liked 1 time
  8. November 23 2023

    upgrade the sharrows to protected bike lanes here

    Liked 2 times
  9. November 23 2023

    block off through traffic on bryant here to calm the traffic. this is perhaps the most busy part of the bike blvd making it stressful to get to the caltrain.

    Liked 2 times
  10. November 23 2023

    More bicycle parking along California Ave's business area.
    At the El Camino end there are only 4 or 5 place to park a bike and they are often full. In the middle there are a dozen or so, but they are often full as well. Closer to Birch street and down near Park Blv. the few that are around are also full. And I'm talking weekdays, during the Sunday market it is even worse. There are several hundered car spaces in the area but maybe 40 bike spots total - hard to see this as the way to encourage biking.

    Liked 5 times
  11. November 23 2023

    north/southbound Park Blvd needs safety improvements for crossing W. Meadow

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  12. November 23 2023

    Add traffic calming on all streets within one block of Addison, Walter-Hayes, and Duveneck. Speed bumps, narrow lanes, brick roads, chicanes

    Liked 1 time
  13. November 23 2023

    Cars can go down this road very quickly. Perhaps it's considered one of the "express ways" through Barron Park, but it really doesn't have the infra to support such fast cars.

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  14. November 23 2023

    mandate sidewalks not dip into driveways in downtown. Prioritize pedestrian safety by having all streets rise to sidewalk level at cross walks on University and within one block of University.

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  15. November 23 2023

    Most cars speed on these one way roads. We don't need residential one-way roads. These are dangerous for kids, especially during school times

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  16. November 23 2023

    Cars speed on these one way roads. We don't need one way roads in a residential neighborhood.

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  17. November 23 2023

    This intersection is very dangerous. I’ve seen cars crossing Wester on the red light at the full speed at least 3 times in the past year.

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  18. November 23 2023

    Missing bike lane and clear way to cross the street when walking or biking from Paly into Stanford campus. The path is useful to ride to escondido elementary.

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  19. November 23 2023

    Regardless of from which way one enters the intersection, visibility is low. I love the plants on the roundabout, but potentially they do not make the crossing more secure

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  20. November 23 2023

    Cars coming from Lincoln from the north and are crossing Middlefield often do not pay careful attention to traffic on Middlefield, hence creating risk to cause an accident that impacts people biking and walking around that corner as well

    Liked 3 times
  21. November 23 2023

    1. Cars have trouble seeing that people want to cross Middlefield Rd. and hence do not stop well.

    2. Cars that are ready to turn from Middlefield into Everett are blocking cars that keep going on Middlefield from seeing that people want to cross.

    Propose to install lights that can blink when people want to cross.

    Liked 1 time
  22. November 23 2023

    It is dangerous for bikes going westbound on Page Mill towards 280 and impossible for novices. One cyclist already died crossing from Old Page Mill to the left side of the westbound lanes (to avoid the on-ramps).

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  23. November 23 2023

    I live on Duncan Place; we have one end of the bike bridge from Greenmeadow. Although there are stop signs at each end they are regularly ignored. I have narrowly missed hitting cyclists who come flying out of the blind slot--neither of us could see the other. The stop signs seem to be a CYA gesture on the part of the city, and mostly serve to inculcate the habit of flying by stop signs on the part of countless cyclists who use this bridge.

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  24. November 22 2023

    This stretch along El Camino Way is rough, and the markings for the bike lane are wearing away.

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  25. November 22 2023

    Now that the City has decided Cal. Ave. will be permanently closed to cars for a long stretch, they are also closing it to bicycles (unless you walk your bike, not realistic for this length of blocks), and now there is no easy or marked way for bicycles to get from Cal. Ave. on the west side to the bike tunnel by the train station. There is insufficient reason to prevent bike riding down the middle of the street closed to cars -- there is plenty of room for a bike lane, and responsible cyclists will slow or stop for pedestrians as needed. Obviously no one is going to ride through the farmers market on Sundays, but that's just a few hours a week. If PA is going to prevent bike riding on Cal. Ave., then another, different, signed and protected bike lane is needed for this major artery for cycling.

    Liked 7 times