Comments for “Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Safety Action Plan (2024)”
There needs to be a turning lane at Ninepipes/Eagle Pass Trail. There are guardrails along the highway all through this area with no shoulder to pull off onto if oncoming traffic crosses into your lane. Which is why there have been head on collisions in this area.
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Very Dangerous area. More people commute to work at the formerly Kicking Horse Job Corps site. Drivers turning onto Mollman pass road do so from a high-speed highway. Those who are attempting to enter Highway 93 from Mollman Pass road are at great risk, especially those turning south. Some control and/or turn lane additions are needed.
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This area is becoming more dangerous. Northbound traffic often fails to slow down as they enter these areas with homes, walkers and bikers. About 200 yards south, a walking trail along Kerr Dam road begins. Extending the walking trail southward would help a lot. There was a fatality near this area about five years back. Anything to transition drivers to slow down and understand they are entering a residential area will be helpful.
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There was mother and daughter killed at this intersection last year. The topography on the west side of the intersection block the line of sight for traffic traveling along Hwy 28 to be able to see traffic approaching from the west. It also blocks the line of sight for traffic approaching from the west to be able to see traffic traveling on Hwy 28. A good amount of traffic comes from Lonepine Rd, maybe a reduction in speed limit or notification that its an intersection would be beneficial?
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