Comments for “Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Safety Action Plan (2024)”
road into saint Ignatius should be moved to the south of the drive in and be made into an underpass to get it away from the corner, the existing road can be a right turn lane only to airport road? to have a merge lane into the highway traffic the same with airport road going north
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The Highway 93 entrance at the very North end of St. Ignatius (I think is where you are talking about) is a main entrance/exit for those who live in Mission. Its the busiest highway entrance to 93 when going North. Its a much needed road but it does need work on it as it bottlenecks and has a "kink" to the road.
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cut all trees and brush back at least 100-200 feet from side of roads and contour side of road out to edge of right of way to stop sudden stops when sliding of roadway. No curbs or dividers to stop snow removal any sidewalks or bike paths should be against the edge of the rightof way and level with dirt
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With visibility being poor, trying to pull out quickly from McDonald Lake Road onto the highway causes tires to spin which makes big bumps and divots in the dirt road. This causes cars to have to go slowly over the bumps before they can even get onto the highway.
Paving about 40 to 50 ft into McDonald Lake Road from the highway would keep that from happening.
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There is a high likelihood this site could be chosen as a new, Hwy 93 entrance to the CSKT Bison Range (still in very early stages of developing plan and feasibility, but has been forerunner of conversation).
Possibly looking into pull-offs / ramps to accommodate increased heavy traffic?Liked 2 times
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the road should be connected to back road going to polson as a way to get heavy loads and divert traffic around ninepipe saving 4-5 miles of emissions from the valley
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Intersection of US Hwy 93 & Old US Hwy 93 has poor visiblity and no warning of intersection. Traffic approaching from Old US Hwy 93 northbound toward US Hwy 93 have minimal warning of approaching interection and if not familiar with area, are unable to break in time.
Traffic approaching on Old US Hwy 93 south bound have limited visibility of approaching vehicles on US Hwy 93. Vehicles are often hidden by the hill and guardrail.Liked 3 times
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lowering the speed limit from 70 would allow better reaction time to on coming traffic
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Dangerous trying from US Hwy 93 onto Olsen/ Gunlock Rd. Poor visibility while turning from Olsen Rd onto Hwy 93 due to Post Creek hill and guard rails obstruction. Contributing factor is during heavy fog, speed zone of 70mph. Vehicles cresting Post Creek Hill are often passing during the intersection as slower traffic is still recovering from climbing the grade.
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Extended wildlife fencing along existing structures would help reduce deer and possible grizzly bear collisions, especially with the proposed road upgrades to this section creating more lanes for wildlife to cross
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A properly angled large digital display could alert oncoming traffic about potential merging traffic at this bridge overpass intersection. Sensors could display the merging traffics current velocity or speed with accompanying arrow indicators. A Realtime pictorial display might also be more effective than a camera shot.
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A walking path along the highway for kids to use from Elmo to the Tribal park and dock. I have been told many times this is a danger for kids to cross and walk along the highway
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I agree with you. I would like to see a walking path all the way from Bigarm to Dayton.
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South Finley Pt. Rd is very narrow with failing shoulders, washed out drive ways, encroaching vegetation. Couple this with the large increase of traffic in the summer consisting of trailers, wide campers and towed watercraft, largely due to the expansion of the State Park. Also, there's no shoulder for the many summer pedestrians and bikers- a very dangerous combination!
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Mission Valley Christian Academy complex turn-off is increasingly busy and is located at a blind spot for east bound traffic on HWY35 due to a hill. There should be a right turn lane for east bound traffic, a wider shoulder for west bound traffic and perhaps a warning light for east bound traffic to assist cars turning left to exit the complex
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The intersection of HWY35 and Finley Pt.Rd. needs wider shoulders and a left hand turning lane for north bound 35 traffic onto Finley Pt. In heavy summer traffic there can be more than 4 vehicles lined up to turn left and a tanker with a pup trailer approaching at 60 mph with impaired visibility due to a bend in the highway
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Near Hwy 35 and Finley Point needs a 35 mph around 5.8 mile marker so many animal crashes and speeders a dangerous for people and animals.
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There is a herd of mule deer -- plus occasional whitetail -- that regularly crosses the highway here. The speed limit is 60 mph, and the deer are regularly (every two months) being crushed by cars. Can we please lower the speed limit to a reasonable 35 or 40 mph? Last year a CSKT transportation van with an older woman passenger hit a deer. It was totaled. The woman was traumatized. Luckily no one was injured. These deer go back and forth from the hay field at Mission Bay (north side of the highway) to the private residences (south side) where they have cover and shade. It's not their fault. It's only a matter of time before some humans get killed or maimed, too. Let's do something.
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Should we make the limit 40 around whole lake? Seems impractical, There is plenty on Haack Rd. as well, we simply drive slower, but we shouldn't stop anybody from going faster if they wish
Like Liked 0 timesPlease reduce the speed along the southern shore of Hwy 35. Besides animals being hit, those traveling at higher speeds are also involving other vehicles in these accidents when they hit the wildlife.
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Speeding is an issue in this area, which puts pedestrians and motorists at risk. A radar speed sign would help.
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The crosswalks in Arlee are dangerous, people speed through Arlee, and one late will stop for a walker, the pedestrian will begin to cross, but the second lane doesn't stop. The high speed traffic really needs to be routed around Arlee.
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Create a safe connector for pedestrians/cyclists between Rocky Point Rd. (bike lane) and the pedestrian walkway on the US 93 Polson Bridge over the Flathead.
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I bypass really needs to be implemented through Polson. To my understanding the proposed by pass centuries ago was supposed to utilize Back Road and by pass and access Buffalo Bridge which is one of limited bridges that Crosses the Flathead River. Summer time traffic in Polson is horrendous! There have been several accidents either at the highway 35 and 93 wye and north of Polson Bridge due summer traffic being so "bottle necked" specifically in those areas. Something need to be figured out.
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