Comments for “Capitol Blvd Concept”

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  1. February 18 2015

    I walk this area and it is crowded with cyclists. Is there a way to widen the sidewalk or provide for a bicycle route that gets them off the sidewalk. This area has a ton of walkers.

  2. February 18 2015

    I am not sure if there is a way to re-align this intersection. Drivers must pull into the crosswalk to see up the hill for oncoming traffic, thus blocking the routes for pedestrians and cyclists.

  3. February 18 2015

    North/South routes for bicycles that don't involve riding on the highway that is 9th street or a sidewalk that usually has pedestrian traffic.

  4. February 18 2015

    East/West routes for bike/walk without the need to go around the Depot and cross near the Taco Time.

  5. February 18 2015

    Connection for people riding bicycles North/South. Sharing this sidewalk is inadequate and often dangerous for pedestrians.

  6. February 18 2015

    It would be great to have a walking/biking bridge over Capitol at this location. It would make it safer for all and decrease some of the congestion at the Capitol/University Dr. intersection.