Comments for “Clackamas County TSP — Virtual Workshop #1”

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  1. February 06 2012

    Reconstruct East lane

  2. February 05 2012

    It would be great to extend the bike lanes/wide shoulders on Redland Road past Redland.

  3. February 05 2012

    Speed limit is not respected and there is a lot of foot traffic due to nearby elementary and high schools.

  4. February 05 2012

    The etire stretch of SE Railroad Ave is extremely dangerous for pedestrians as there is only a very thin strip of shoulder on either side to walk on

  5. February 05 2012

    I would really love to see the Springwater Trail extended to Estacada (and beyond) ans well as to Government Camp! This could be a great tourist draw for the county to have such long distances of off street MUP's traversing the county. If there are any other abandonded rail ROW's that could be converted to MUP's the county should look into all of them. North Idaho has hundreds of miles of rails to trails paths that bring plenty of recreational tourists in the summer to spend $ and cycle.

  6. February 05 2012

    When is the new diagonal crossing signal going to get installed? I saw engineering drawings nearly a year ago and it is still not installed yet? This is a much needed improvement to this crossing and I hope it comes soon.

  7. February 05 2012

    Good wayfinding signage and some thoughtful planning should go into "extending the Trolley Trail from here to Oregon City in the south. As well as doing the same thing in reverse from OC to connect cyclists with the Trolley Trail.

  8. February 05 2012

    Serious thought needs to be put into this intersection of the Trolley Trail and it's diagonal crossing of 99E

  9. February 05 2012

    This is very close to a school, kids walk along this street quite a lot, and yet there's neither shoulder nor sidewalk and cars often use it as a cut-through at high speeds. Would love to see the character of this street changed through streetscaping. Also identified as potential N->S bike boulevard in City of Milwaukie TSP. Key connector to the Springwater. Let's do it!

  10. February 05 2012

    Enforcement of cars not parking in the bike lanes would be nice :)

  11. February 05 2012

    Does anyone else find it slightly disturbing that this street is named "Adams Autobahn" in the middle of a residential cul de sac?

  12. February 05 2012

    Enforcement of cars not parking in the bike lanes would be nice :)

  13. February 05 2012

    Enforcement of cars not parking in the bike lanes would be nice :)

  14. February 05 2012

    Enforcement of cars not parking in the bike lanes would be nice :)

  15. February 05 2012

    This is a very dangerous area for bikes and peds. Major improvements need to be made here.

  16. February 05 2012

    There is a fence separating the end of this street from Fred Meyer. If there was a gap in that fence and a little pedestrian path, it would be much easier to bike/walk to Fred Meyer without getting creamed by someone on JCB or 82nd.

  17. February 05 2012

    Rather tan mow down this area with more roads, how about extending ONLY bike/ped access along the top of the bluff from Sunnybrook at the east end to the Aquatic Center road?

  18. February 02 2012

    NO SUNNYBROOK EXTENTION. Please vacate this road on the TSP so we can stop having to revisit this discussion. The City of Milwukie NDA's have all voted to stop any attempt to build through the Tree Creeks area and that decision needs to be respected. This idea needs to be dropped once and for all.

  19. February 02 2012

    The Sunny Brook West extension needs to be removed from the TSP and the RTP. Foremost of the many reasons why this road is unwanted and unneeded is the fact it destroys the old growth white oak forest, creates nasty traffic impacts down the block, and negatively afftects the water quaility for Milwaukie. This is no logical reason for this project and every reason in the world to prevent it. Protect the native oaks for future generations.

  20. February 02 2012

    No roads through the Three Creeks natural area, ever! Permanently remove this ridiculous idea from consideration. There is no community support, large and vocal opposition, no benefit, significant harm, and there are plenty of other needs. Put your money and effort somewhere it's needed and wanted, and not on this harmful ticket to political suicide.

  21. February 02 2012

    Please - NO road through the Three Creeks area. This idea should be permanently deleted and not keep popping up again. There are alternatives that do not damage and take away something we can never get back. Listen, please.

  22. February 01 2012

    Speeding traffic, perhaps speed bumps? Discontinue Trimet between Lake and Park.

  23. February 01 2012

    Too much traffic for the turns

  24. February 01 2012

    As far as connecting se 82nd with harmony, don't push your luck! This is not feasible under any circumstance, environmental, cultural, economic, health, congestion?? you can't fix congestion when you have more and more cars on the rode! And if gas does go up, which it will. Hello Bike! You just don't go and cut white oaks wily nilly! Those trees have stood the test of time and we shouldn't bother them... those trees were here before any of us europeans or otherwise..

  25. February 01 2012

    Speeding traffic