Comments for “State Street/VMP/36th Street Intersection Concept Design”

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  1. July 22 2012

    Starbucks customers frequently create a mess when they block the entire middle lane to do a u-turn. Make u-turns illegal here.

  2. July 22 2012

    Starbucks customers frequently create a mess when they block the entire middle lane to do a u-turn. Make u-turns illegal here.

  3. July 22 2012

    Most drivers ignore the signs to avoid blocking the intersection, making it extremely difficult to exit/enter the Veteran's subdivision during morning and evening rush hours.

  4. July 22 2012

    An elevated 'X' cross for bicycle and foot traffic would facilitate safe travel, particularly during the school year. Additional lighting during the winter months for morning and evening foot/bicycle traffic would help motorvehicles see crosswalk areas.

  5. July 22 2012

    No Medians please! Limited space should not be further consumed by medians, which would also further impede traffic and negatively impact businesses.

  6. July 21 2012

    I am against a round-about at this location, the traffic volumn is too high for peds and bikes. I would like to see ITD sell some property along State street and someone build a convienence store for the old folks and kids on the south side of state st.

  7. July 21 2012

    I am against a round-about at this location, the traffic volumn is too high for peds and bikes. I would like to see ITD sell some property along State street and someone build a convienence store for the old folks and kids on the south side of state st.

  8. July 18 2012

    We need bike lanes on State Street going into and out of Boise. The bike lane coming into town stops at Collister, and then it's nerve wracking to try to bike toward town beyond that point. Similarly, we need bike lanes on State Street leaving Boise. Providing better bike lanes directly into/out of town on State will encourage more cycling trips and thus lessen traffic and improve air quality!

  9. July 18 2012

    I live off of State Street and Arthur. My husband and I commute on our bikes nearly everyday. There is NO safe way to get to the intersection at 36th and Veterans. Even when you get to the intersection, you have to watch for your life when waiting for the walk signal. If the corridor is indeed being planned for State Street I would like to see a bike path/or at least a sidewalk that goes the entire length of State Street. For example, there are many highway-like-roads that have a bike path (ex: Ketchum to Sun Valley, Coured'lene).

    Sometimes I cross State street to avoid the long lights at the crosswalk, and although as a biker I have every right to abide by the traffic laws for bicyclists, I've nearly been road kill when several cars rear ended each other right in front of me.

    In conclusion, a bridge or a ped. tunnel is a must! As well, there should be a bike path or at least a sidewalk on State street! There are a ton of pedestrians that travel in this exact area. Thanks for your time.

  10. July 17 2012

    Needs to be more user education done about proper use of the greenbelt if you want to promote more bike commuting. There are so many people that block the bike path for commuters by walking 3 or 4 abreast, walking down the center, walking in wrong lane, dogs on & off leash w/ owner not paying attention, people stopped in the middle of the greenbelt talking, etc. For bike commuting to catch on it has be been convenient and efficient. The more you can get slower users out of the way the better. Add a bike lane on each side maybe? Widening would help but know that's expensive.

  11. July 17 2012

    Although a round about won't work at the State & 36th intersection due to the traffic volumes, love the concept in general and would like to see ACHD utilizing them more often where appropriate. People who don't like them just say that because they don't have experience using them and resist change. They'll soon get over it.

  12. July 17 2012

    The flashing red turn arrow was a great add modification here. Big time energy saver. Thank you!

  13. July 17 2012

    Bogus is the best. How about providing more convenient bus transportation to and from the mountain! Encourage more carpooling. Educate drivers about the the need to use the slow vehicle turnouts. It's the law!

  14. July 17 2012

    Part of successful solution for this corner is to reduce the number of trips during peak hours. ACHD MUST assist in promoting & fostering alternative transportation methods, primarily transit & bicycle. Can't have buses stopping in the right lane at stops holding up traffic. Creates an unsafe situation and driver frustration. Build turnout bays specifically for buses only.

  15. July 17 2012

    The intersection is not pedestrian & bike friendly due to the high volume of traffic & especially due to fact many cars make a turn here to gain access to/from the bridge. Pedestrian bridges are unsightly so not sure that's the solution. Maybe a tunnel?

  16. July 17 2012

    The intersection is not pedestrian & bike friendly due to the high volume of traffic & especially due to fact many cars make a turn here to gain access to/from the bridge. Pedestrian bridges are unsightly so not sure that's the solution. Maybe a tunnel?

  17. July 17 2012

    I bicycle commute through this section 2-3 times per week, coming from Warm Springs & Eckert Rd area up to Plantation River Dr. The section of greenbelt right through this section is in poor condition and the worst section of my trip. I think it's about time to be re-done.

  18. July 17 2012

    the folks who live at the samaritan home are mostly elderly and disabled. it is important that the bus stop be maintained at this location for their mobility and quality of life. What needs to improve is that there should be a proper separation of what is the street / sidewalk / and side street at this location. There is no safe delineation just open asphalt where i see vehicles parked at all angles and people waiting for the bus with no shelter or secure place to stand.

  19. July 17 2012

    need pedestrian crossing in this area. I quite often see people standing in the center lane during heavy traffic as they make their way across to / from the convenience store. Very dangerous here.

  20. July 17 2012

    this driveway/street leaving the albertsons parking lot needs to be controlled by center curbing to prevent left turns out of it as well as left turns into it. I have seen countless near misses by people being waved through by drivers attempting to be courteous only to be nearly t-boned by traffic in the other lane. This occurred once while I was on the bus. How do you not see a bus!

  21. July 17 2012

    this intersection could benefit from pedestrian bridges in all directions. any redesign would make the intersection even larger. It is already a long dangerous walk across the street with very little time and very impatient drivers waiting to turn right.

  22. July 17 2012

    There is way too much stacking for the right turn onto veterans here.

  23. July 17 2012

    Too many bicyclists are using state street to commute downtown. It is not a bike route. People will continue to use it because it is the most direct route. State street needs bike lanes on both sides.

  24. July 16 2012

    People race for a greem light; cars & motorcycles rev while waiting for green; needs a roundabout to slow traffic and cut noise.

  25. July 16 2012

    Can you fix the sidewalks? I wish there were decent sidewalks up and down state.