Comments for “State Street/VMP/36th Street Intersection Concept Design”

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  1. July 16 2012

    Why aren't there flashing lights here in the morning to indicate school crossing like there are at Lowell? There should be flashing lights for school crossing AND a speed limit slowdown.

  2. July 16 2012

    This traffic light is very dangerous for bike riders, pedestrians, and cars. You need to fix this light to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. The street coming off of the Greenbelt path/connection that goes up Collister is horrid. You need to fix this pronto.

  3. July 16 2012

    Turning left onto36th is very dangerous. The alternative, however, is to turn right and do a long loop through neighborhoods to get back to Sunset.

  4. July 15 2012

    Remember the 36th/veterans/curtis was constructed to be a vehicle travel route to improve traffic flow and provide convenient access to I-84. This area will only become more congested when the 30th street extension is under construction or more development occurs N. 36th street. Look at long term solutions for crossing state street that do not impede traffic flow. Has anyone considered elevated pedestrian crossings? because this is the main pedestrian flow to parks and rivers. Pedestrian bridge. We can all be safe.

  5. July 15 2012

    I travel 36th & State almost everyday. While I usually have a pretty smooth experiance, Getting onto state from Aurther st can be harrowing, I suggest a skywalk for all corners that allows for pedestrians and bikes to cross unhindered & in all safety and for those who cross at Jacksons is a major issue perhaps a blinking cross walk like you have at schools.

  6. July 15 2012

    Very tough to turn left onto veterans from stilson 4:30 -6:30

  7. July 14 2012

    We love riding the green belt, but getting there from our house on Plant Dr (North of State Street) frequently makes me nervous. Cars, especially those turning right, don't seem to watch for pedestrians at all! I frequently have to wait until several cars turn until I make eye contact with one I know will stop! My husband commutes to work on his bike via the greenbelt and has to make the left turn from 36th onto State to get to the greenbelt and I worry all the time. That intersection seems to be only car friendly at the moment. When I bike to work I would rather go through the North Boise neighborhoods than brave the intersection to get to the greenbelt. This is also true if I have my children with me. I think tunnels under the intersection would be a nice addition. Thanks for taking out comments.

  8. July 13 2012

    This intersection is extremely hazardous for non-vehicle use. I have many of the same concerns as most of the other responders. Drivers never look for pedestrians. I'm not sure that a roundabout would work here given the high vehicle volume but I do believe that this intersections could be designed to create a much greater awareness of the large pedestrian and bike use that it also sees.

    I use this intersection almost daily for Greenbelt access and have to ride extremely defensively around it and the Albertson's on 36th. The way 36th St is set up around Albertsons is also a problem. Too many people are inclined to exit Albertons extremely fast because of traffic. I have had several near misses there.

  9. July 12 2012

    heading east on state trying to turn onto 36 never works, traffic backs up well before you can get into the turn lane. the turn lane should turn after the flow of traffic goes straight. i will turn before by the school to get onto 36th street. there should be a sidewalk on both sides of veterans.

  10. July 12 2012

    Very difficult to turn left from Stilson Rd onto Veterans Parkway; especially from 4:30 to 6:00 PM.

  11. July 12 2012

    Improved pedestrian and biking access and usability would be great. Think about a roundabout at this location also. Thanks!

  12. July 12 2012

    Comment received via email: This intersection was entrirely re-built not that long ago and I don't think it's necessary to do it all over again......I ride a bike and can navigate it safely the way it is. The biggest problem I've had is when you monkeyed around with the traffic light sequence so that it's unpredictable. I don't see any improvement in traffic flow since you made the change. If you need to hire crosswalk montitors for the kids that attend Taft, do it. It would be a lot cheaper than a re-build. --- As for the intersection,perhaps you could focus on a plan to route bikes & pedestrians away from such a busy intersection. Or finish the Orchard bridge/connector to State St to releive the traffic pressure on this rever crossing. This intersection is no worse than Fairview/Milwaukee or Overland/ fact it's not as bad because of the Greenbelt alternative for bikes and the crosswalk light at Sunset on 36th.
    I do appreciate your concern for bikes and pedestrians, it's a tough question.

  13. July 11 2012

    As a family we use this intersection frequently as pedestrians, cyclists and drivers and I couldn't agree more with the many excellent suggestions already made; I hope some of them can be implemented. I might only add that I find traffic running the red light while turning west from south Veterans Way to be epidemic and dangerous and hope you might be able to alleviate that problem as well as the other issues raised.

  14. July 11 2012

    Do something to prevent Anderson St from being used as a short cut between State and Veterans.

  15. July 11 2012

    Make a right turn only lane from 36th on to State. Give it a green arrow so we can turn right while traffic turns left from State onto 36th

  16. July 11 2012

    Intersection should be improved to make more bike friendly. I avoid this intersection for biking.

  17. July 11 2012

    It is nearly imposible to get out onto State from Lander Street. A light will make the stacking even worse. I would like to see the timing on the lights at Veterans and at the park coordinated to allow for a down time.

  18. July 11 2012

    This intersection is an unsafe intersection for pedestrians and bicyclists. People take a right turn onto State Street from Veteran's and don't always pay attention to peds and cyclists.

  19. July 11 2012

    We need a better way for bicyclists heading south on 36th Street via the bike lane to continue on through State Street. It's also hard to cross from the southbound bike lane into the Albertson's parking lot. This entire area from Sunset/36th Street thru State Street/Veterans is a dangerous area for bikers.

  20. July 10 2012

    Impossible for kids to cross the street.

  21. July 10 2012

    Impossible for kids to cross the street.

  22. July 10 2012

    Impossible for kids to cross the street.

  23. July 10 2012

    This intersection here is tricky, I have seen a pretty bad collision occur here and several near misses. As a biker it is also a concern when drivers come out of this driveway assuming no one is in the right turn lane and barreling out without looking. There needs to be better signs or a light here.

  24. July 10 2012

    I agree that there needs to be more bike lanes on State street in general, but particularly this intersection. Since it is so busy bikers need to know to move to the left for people turning right, and right now people turning right also need to be aware of pedestrians crossing on the sidewalk. I have nearly been hit several times by drivers who are not paying attention as they make their turn.

  25. July 10 2012

    Move the bus stop at Stinker Station or stop people from jaywalking across state or provide some type of skywalk across street. People getting off bus at Stinker run across State and cause much grief to drivers.