Comments for “2023 Billings Urban Area Long Range Transportation Plan - Draft Projects”
This should be a connection point to get to the multi-use trail on Coburn.
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I believe a connection from the trail along side Emma Jean over to Hawthorne Rd would be an important connection for Emma Jean, Cherry Creek, and the surrounding neighborhoods to get to the Kiwanis Trail. This would allow a safe route to Medicine Crow for middle schoolers, not to mention the endless options for biking once connected to the Kiwanis Trail.
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This is a very difficult intersection to pull out on. There's typically heavy traffic and makes it difficult to take a left here. Would recommend a triggered stop light here. What is the multi-use trail connecting to here? Needs to connect to the trail across the bridge/highway.
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There needs to be better bike access to the mall.
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The Ditch Trail connection could be made clearer. Most of the improvements would be up to the Mall owners such as -- bike shop, bike parking, repair station -- maybe even offer a pump track next to the park if they wanted to develop their empty acreage.
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Would like to see some striping/paint lines to better transition bicyclists traveling west. The jog in the rout to the one-way street is difficult.
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I think the northern 'Ave D' should be closed to through car traffic expanding the space in front of the church to a public square for their valuable community outreach activities. Church parking would use alley access / through traffic the southern Ave D.
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Remove the north leg of the road and turn this triangle into green space. It's confusing that the road splits.
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This would be a great format to look at to extend safe, green space across town. Connect all 'pork chop islands' to the sidewalk where cars would normally make a fast sweeping turn endangering pedestrians and others. This could apply to the 'Alphabet Parks' at Ave B,C,D, F as well as the 'Avenue triangles' bumping up to Division. Cars can slow down to make safe, sharp turns.
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if you want to get on the Poly bike lane as you're traveling north on Virginia, it feels dangerous. It makes sense to add a bike lane connection from Pioneer Park to this intersection. I think Poly should become a 2-way and get rid of the weird crossover to Grandview. Let's give the residents a break and consolidate vehicle traffic from Grandview to Poly.
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Agreed on a change at this intersection needing to be made. Very exposed as a pedestrian/bicyclist here. Having to cross over to the tiny triangle island and wait there is frightening.
Like Liked 3 timesAn aside... Shadow Lawn Ct. lots should be higher condo units to generate the tax revenue that the Rocky condos on Poly create. Single family homes aren't appropriate in this high value area where medical staff and students would congregate and enliven downtown Billings.
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S. Billings Blvd/ Blue Creek Rd from King Ave E to Briarwood Blvd
I would be in support of looking at this stretch of road along Blue Creek and S Billings Blvd- there are many issues we are facing with increased traffic, mis times lights, garbage trucks and flying garbage on this road.
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This flashing light is in the worst location. Move it to one of the corners. It's hardly used and connects to nothing across the street. Again, a very poor decision to place it here.
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Yes! I need to cross 6th to get to work and this is the worst placed crosswalk. Connect it to 20th street or 22nd would be much more useful. And pedestrian access much needed - crossing 6th feels like running across the interstate
Like Liked 1 timeYou had Jeff Speck come and speak. Please refer back to his 'Walkable Cities' book regarding one-way streets and make this a two way with a center refuge island for pedestrians and cyclists to aid crossing.
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Add street trees in this area. It's desolate. It was really upsetting that no street trees were installed when they renovated the sidewalks and streetlights in that - that was shortsighted and a poor decision for whoever was leading the project. You could have at least left empty beds for trees to be planted later. It's extremely hot when you're biking and walking in this area.
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Also reduce the number of stop signs on 3rd Ave N so that bicyclists don't have to stop at every intersection.
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April 14 2023
Such an odd comment to make at a point that is a four minute bike ride from the best N-S car-free greenway path in the entire city. Google ‘bike’ directions from Proof Donuts to Lillis Park tennis court— 4 minutes.
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