Comments for “SR 69 Corridor Master Plan”

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  1. May 22 2024

    Medecino needs a light or other change for the intersection. There are frequent accidents at this intersection due to left turns across the highway, as well as rate of speed differentiation with merging vehicles and traffic.

  2. May 19 2024

    Stop building! Those who live in Mayer, Cordes or Spring Valley are traveling 30+ miles and 45-60 minutes just to food shop! We need some amenities in this area like a supermarket and THAT would help keep the number of vehicles down on SR69.

  3. May 19 2024

    I won't even drive between PV and Prescott or Diamon Valley because of all the traffic. I come from Spring Valley and I spend way too much time in traffic just to food shop. I refuse to drive in more traffic.

  4. May 07 2024

    The safety at this intersection is compromised consistently with red light runners.

  5. May 07 2024

    Using Sundog Ranch Road to create a safe alternative route for traffic off SR69 to get to other parts of Prescott- reducing safety and traffic congestion through the Diamond Valley/ Yavapai Hills Corridor

  6. May 07 2024

    Enhancing the visual appeal of Diamond Valley corridor medians by incorporating natural greenery or visually pleasing designs. Improve grey concrete medians with greenery or aesthetically designed medians can not only improve the overall appearance of our streets but also contribute to a more environmentally friendly and sustainable urban landscape. These improvements could enhance the quality of life for residents and visitors alike, making our city more attractive and inviting.

  7. May 07 2024

    @ Diamond Dr. & SR 69: change red/green left turn arrows to flashing orange turn signals during non-peak traffic times. This adjustment can significantly improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, especially during times when there are fewer vehicles on the road. The flashing orange signals would provide drivers with the flexibility to turn left when traffic is safe, enhancing overall traffic safety and efficiency.

  8. April 27 2024

    There's so much road noise for homes in this area. Anything that can be done to reduce road noise would be a dream come true.

  9. April 27 2024

    Install numerous Electric Vehicle high-speed charges

  10. April 26 2024

    Suggest to change the name of SR 69 to an actual street name within city/town limits. Broadway Ave/Blvd or 1st Ave. Treat it more like a city street than a highway since it has intersection lights.

  11. April 26 2024

    Create a road directly from Fain Road to Highway 169

  12. April 24 2024

    This merge is dangerous. Many accidents happen here.

  13. April 24 2024

    The merge here is dangerous, drivers become aggressive and speed due to congestion. Costco traffic enters in the middle of the merge at a speed much too slow for the speed limit.

  14. April 24 2024

    Red light runners on 69 make this intersection dangerous. They do not obey the speed limit change heading west.

  15. April 19 2024

    Increase speed from Fain Rd to Mendecino to 65 mph

  16. April 19 2024

    A woman was run down on a bicycle around here. need separated bike paths, and better ways to cross

  17. April 19 2024

    No continuous bicycle facilities

  18. April 19 2024

    Build a round about here and provide some education on how to properly utilize them. They have had great success in chino valley and the verde valley.

  19. April 18 2024

    Right here is where being held hostage to a left lane camper begins, only to end near Prescott Lakes Parkway where it widens to 3 lanes. The fury of an entire town of commuters while they pace the car in the right lane and validate themselves with "But I'm going to the speed limit."

  20. April 18 2024

    The amount of traffic being routed down Glassford hill is infuriating and it has nowhere to ultimately go. Most on this stretch of 69 is simply trying to traverse the length of the town and go into Prescott or get out to 17. There needs to be a southern bypass like 89A but south of town removing all the commuters from this highly congested area of stop and go traffic and desperate attempts at making the light changes.

  21. April 18 2024

    Need lots more space or make it like 89a

  22. April 18 2024

    No roundabout! Possibly putting in a double turning lane from the south 69 to east 169. The wait times to make that left are crazy at certain times. Also either an on ramp turning right onto to the 69 from the 169 or just add a green arrow.

  23. April 18 2024

    Time the lights through PV. You're constantly stop and go which only frustrates drivers through the area and causing more reckless driving.

  24. April 18 2024

    Widen between Prescott Lakes, Yavpe Connector and 89 to be consistent. You have plenty of impatient people merging in (yet again, and getting frustrated).

  25. April 03 2024

    the left turn light from prescott lakes parkway to east bound 89 changes very quickly(literally seconds sometimes) almost always with longs lines of cars still waiting to go, causing people to rush the intersection and run the light to not get stuck