Comments for “SR 69 Corridor Master Plan”
Please work with ADOT to improve safety at this intersection. Should be a priority.
Redo the entire intersection, NO ROUNDABOUT! Possibly make SR69 go below grade without the traffic intersection lights (continous). SR169 goes above SR69 as a diamond interchange to access SR69 with on/off ramps.
Mendecino Dr should be upgraded to a flyover bridge over SR69 with a diamond interchange. Also add an acceleration lane going east/westbound on the highway.
Recommend ADOT to install a raised median island between east/westbound SR69. Would help alleviate cross traffic from head on collision. Also install street light masts on island to help nighttime driver visibility.
Allow traffic to go east on highway 69
The safety at this intersection is compromised consistently with red light runners.
The safety at this intersection is compromised consistently with red light runners.
SR69 needs safety barriers from the intersection with SR89 TO SR169 in Dewey. SR69 should be widened to six lanes from SR89 To SR169. The proposed Sundog Highway should be killed forever.
Begin widening here! Traffic through Prescott Valley is incredibly congested, and the congestion is only briefly relieved at the portions that are 3 lanes in each direction. Widen through Prescott to the 89 interchange.
This intersection needs reworking - not a roundabout, but intersection improvements, such as improved red-light timing, and perhaps additional lanes onto 169 from 69, with corresponding left-turn lanes, that will help ease the flow of traffic from SB 69 to 169.
Speed is a huge issue from Truwood Dr through Dewey-Humboldt. The Fain Rd intersection sees a lot of red-light runners, often due to speed. There is also a very busy gas station located at this intersection.