Comments for “SR 69 Corridor Master Plan”

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  1. March 29 2024

    Add permanent full bus service for students at Yavapai College. Not everyone can afford a vehicle. Flagstaff has an extensive bus coverage for NAU, Prescott/Prescott Valley needs to get with the times.

  2. March 29 2024

    Add street lights at the east and west sides of Fain Rd. Need better nighttime visibility for traffic turning onto Sarah Jane Ln

  3. March 27 2024

    Prescott is well known for mountain biking. With protected lanes this corridor could be a hub for biking, increasing tourism and providing great benefit to the local economy. A lane going all the way from Prescott to Dewey would connect the towns and improve all three.

  4. March 27 2024

    This corridor is the perfect area for a bus system. There are many businesses and residential areas around it, making the system viable. The better implemented it is, the more people will use it, and the less drivers there will be. This will improve drive times and safety.

  5. March 27 2024

    A bus stop at the VA would allow our vets to get around and be independent, instead of being inside all day hoping they get a visit.

  6. March 27 2024

    Adding a bus stop here would be great. It would also improve the lives of seniors and highschoolers that can't drive.

  7. March 23 2024

    Considering how much traffic this intersection has per day, Hwy 69 should be recessed underneath Glassford Hill Rd as a free flowing highway with on/off ramps diamond interchange.

  8. March 22 2024

    Hwy 69 makes more sense going below grade without traffic signal like a true freeway. Make Enterprise Pkwy an overpass bridge diamond interchange w/ long on/off ramps. Make Hwy 69 more free flow traffic.

  9. March 22 2024

    Add street light masts for increased nighttime driver visibility on median islands.

  10. March 22 2024

    Add median island to prevent head on collisions where appropriate and street light masts for increased nighttime driver visibility.

  11. March 22 2024

    Add cable guardrail to prevent cross traffic head-on collision in the grassy median.

  12. March 22 2024

    Add sidewalks on the eastbound side of Hwy 69 for better connectivity.

  13. March 22 2024

    Add sidewalks on the eastbound side of Hwy 69 for better connectivity.

  14. March 22 2024

    Add sidewalks on the eastbound side of Hwy 69 for better connectivity.

  15. March 22 2024

    Add sidewalks on the eastbound side of Hwy 69 for better connectivity.

  16. March 20 2024

    This intersection needs help. The traffic signal for traffic turning onto 169 is ridiculously short. Also, it needs a green arrow for traffic turning right onto 69 from 169. NO ROUNDABOUT.

  17. March 18 2024

    The left hand turn signal light at SR 69 and Main is cumbersome. It should be a flashing red or yellow to allow cars to yield to traffic, but not have to wait for the green light. Often the oncoming traffic is quite distant, but by the time the light changes, the oncoming cars now have to stop.

  18. March 18 2024

    Many accidents occur in the area of Frontier Village. Creating a center barrier and only allowing turns at traffic signal intersections would greatly improve safety.

  19. March 18 2024

    ALL traffic signals throughout Prescott Valley need to be synchronized. This would stop impatient drivers from speeding because they would know they wouldn’t be hitting a red light at every single traffic light. Doing so is very frustrating.

  20. March 18 2024

    DO NOT create a roundabout. There is far too much traffic which can make it nearly impossible to enter into the roundabout. Older people are confused by and frightened of roundabouts which creates accidents.

  21. March 18 2024

    Lower the speed limit to 45 mph from Hwy 169 all the way to Prescott Valley to lesson red light runners approaching Kachina Place stop light. They fly through that intersection at frightening speeds.

  22. March 18 2024

    A Roundabout would be dangerous; not a good solution for big-rig commercial trucks that come through that intersection frequently, nor for our local fire fighters/paramedics and ambulances.

    Above/below grading with on/off ramps is way too expensive, too invasive, and development would negatively impact 69/169 for many, many months. It would be a major disruption to residents as well as commercial traffic and tourism visitors.

    Simple solution: Re-program the signals based on extensive traffic studies. Synchronize green light and the green arrow to both go green at the same time. Widen left-turn lane from 69 to 169 from one lane to two left-turn lanes.

  23. March 18 2024

    Make Sundog Ranch Road operational as soon as possible.

  24. March 18 2024

    No flyover nor diamond interchange. Speeders are already a problem (we live on 69), and that idea would increase speeding. Plus, that idea is way too expensive, and too invasive to the local landscape. The large trucks need to be encouraged to continue down Valley Rd. to Enterprise, and use that intersection.

    Suggestion: Leave it as is. And, putting in another signal would cause problems for commercial trucks (big rigs). For example, I watched as the AZ Game & Fish fishery tanker truck drove up 69 with a heavy load of fish to deliver to one of our lakes. Much needed moment would have been lost if the driver would have had to stop at this intersection.

  25. March 18 2024

    A Roundabout would be dangerous; not a good solution for big-rig commercial trucks that come through that intersection frequently, nor for our local fire fighters/paramedics and ambulances.

    Above/below grading with on/off ramps is way too expensive, too invasive, and development would negatively impact 69/169 for many, many months. It would be a major disruption to residents as well as commercial traffic and tourism visitors.

    Simple solution: Re-program the signals based on extensive traffic studies. Synchronize green light and the green arrow to both go green at the same time. Widen left-turn lane from 69 to 169 from one lane to two left-turn lanes.