Comments for “Palo Alto Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan (BPTP) Update”
Since Mid 2018 at least, we were witness of theft of three bicycles here. One was stolen on a Tuesday or Wednesday at about 10 am and was stolen taken within minutes to California Avenue Caltrain Station bicycles racks. Another time, two bicycles was stolen on a Sunday evening between 8 pm and 10 pm. Another time, we also got a bicycle stolen around 2 am on a Monday night. The thief came on foot and cut the chain with some kind of hack saw within 1 minutes 40 seconds and went away with the stolen bicycle. The thief also came on the Sunday at about 19:30 to look around, he was on a bike. On a Thursday we got a car stolen around 5 am. On a Friday we got a prowler jumping in and out of the backyard at about 5:40 pm. Another time, three persons came in a car and parked here, one cut with a plier a storage hasp within 1 minutes 40 seconds. After opening the storage's door they went away. All this took under 3 minutes. Another time a person parked on the neigborg's driveway and came here with a bold cutter (2 feet long or more) and cut a storage lock but not another one at about 2 am. Another time a prowler came around 2 or 4 am on foot and then came back around 6 am to try to open a door. After that the prowler sat down next to a bicycle and ate a breakfast here around 6 am. Several times we got people foraging in the recycle bins without authorization here and in the neigborg's recycle bins. Those persons after were seen sometimes at the parking next to Mollies Stones recycle center.
We also got two person preying open the mailboxes at about 10 pm on Christmas Eve while people were near on the street.
We also got a man in an afternoon trying to open a window and then foraging in the recycle bins. We also got a woman with a child looking around and then trying to open a door.
We also got several times unknown bicycles left here. We also go two person coming from the sidewalk walking like trying to open the mailboxes at about 5-6 am. We also got a couple parked onto the neighborg's parking and then cutting over the driveway with some kind of small knife in the hand... We also got several times stranger walking and looking around.
As such there are many prowler interested in stealing bicycles here so it does not seems a good choice having a bicycle you care about here. Also car are stolen also.
We also got a person leaving a bag with some false credit cards and a permanent resident card and a Narcan packaging and some two foot long metal rebar.Liked 0 times -
The panel 35 mph is hidden by branches. Many cars are going over 35 mph.
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The sign "City of Palo Alto 25 mph ..." is hidden by the tree branches since at least several months. If it is well hidden many people will not know that it is 25 mph here if not notified otherwise.
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Since 5 years, when I am driving on Middlefield here nearly all the car are going above 25 mph. It is my understanding that the speed limit is 25 mph because it is marked so.
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The automatic green light for the bicycles to cross accross Embarcadero Road is very convenient for bicycles. The time to wait is little so it makes it want to use more one's bicycle.
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When going on Churchill Avenue towards El Camino Real on bicycle when in the bicycle lane (in the middle of Churchill Avenue) to try to turn left onto Castilleja Avenue, the paint of the road is not clear enough to be seen by car coming from the opposite way so sometimes they think that the bicycle lane is the (south car lane of Churchill). This is dangerous for the bicyclist. Maybe put a small curb or a plastic stick?
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A resident is leaving his/her car on the left side of the street since maybe one year or more. It is against the law.
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Since several years. Many residents leaves their vehicles parked at the same locations more than 72 hours (it is against an ordinance of Palo Alto). The City was alerted several times but if not alerted they do nothing. Also sometimes some car are parked more than 2 hours (residential parking permit program) and the city seems to do nothing.
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Since at least 4 years some residents parked their cars on the left side of the street . This is against the law.
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The car of the resident at 291 Stanford Avenue was usually left since 5 years partly on the concrete sidewalk. I have reported this several times to the Police of Palo Alto or to the Palo Alto parking police. One time the Police Officer did not wanted to intervene. This resident did like this for several years.
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Since 5 years some theft of bicycles were reported to the Police of Palo Alto at 421, 423, 425, 427, 429 College Avenue. Accross these address, also some bicycles theft were reported. With so many bicycles theft it does not makes one's wanting to have a bicycles here. Also two at least car were reported stolen in the block.
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I saw a bicyclist riding on the sidewalk in contrary to an ordinance that forbid, I think, bicyclist from riding bicycles in the California Business District.
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I saw maybe one to three years ago a bicyclist on Cambridge Avenue not stopping at the stop sign and there was a Palo Alto Police car behind and the Police did not stop this bicyclist to tell about the law at stop signs in California. It was surprising to say the least.
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Maybe one year or two years ago, I have seen a resident living on College Avenue between El Camino Real and Ash Street driving his car on College Avenue towards El Camino Real and he did not stop at the stop sign there while turning right onto El Camino Real - at the same time there was Palo Alto Police car turning from the Shell Station (left on El Camino Real ) that should have been able to see this resident not stopping at the stop sign. The Police Officer in this car did not stop the car not respecting the vehicle code and went on El Camino Real it seems. Please note that this same resident did not stop several time at this same stop sign on others times.
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Nearly all the biclyclist do not stop at the stop sign since more than 5 years. This is against the law ( to not stop at stop sign while riding a bicycle).
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Since several years nearly all the bicyclist do not stop at the stop sign. This is against the law.
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Many cars since more than five years are going above 25 MPH although there is some signalization to go to 25 MPH. The drivers of these cars are not respecting the California Vehicle code. It may be dangerous for pedestrians and bicyclists.
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Many resident living between El Camino Real and Ash Street on Oxford Avenue when driving cars are not stopping at the stop sign or at the white line of the stop sign on the South West side of the intersection of Ash Street and Oxford Avenue since several years. It is against the law.
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Since 5 years maybe, many bicyclist do not walk their bicycles on the bridge where it is signaled by some notices.
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A resident living on College Avenue between El Camino Real and Ash street while walking on El Camino Real (East Side) while trying to cross El Camino Real (against a forbidden sign to pedestrian to cross here) will not yield to a bicyclist riding his bicycle on El Camino Real (going North). This pedestrian was not respecting the California Vehicle Code, it seems. Every day this resident is walking accross College Avenue without care for cars; also this resident is walking on College Avenue between El Camino Real and Birch Street without care if there are cars or not although there are sidewalk on the two side of College Avenue in opposition to what is stipulated in the California Vehicle Code.
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The sides of the lane of Sedro lane is not marked so pedestrian do not know if they are walking on public property or private property. This is dangerous for pedestrians.
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A UPS truck was seen not stopping at the stop sign at College Avenue and Ash street and then parking on the left side of the street in the week before the 31 of December 2023. This is against the law.
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As of Dec 2023, many bicyclist do not dismount when there are some other pedestrian in the tunnel under the train railway.
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In front of the property located at 432 College Avenue, there is a tree that is on the planter's strip that has a branch broken since March 2023. The branch is already broken and was notified via 311 since June 2023 to the city of Palo Alto. This branch may fall down onto a pedestrian. The city has still never cut down this branch as of Dec 2023. This may pose a safety hazard to a car parked there or to a pedestrian passing on the sidewalk there.
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Since at least 4 years, many residents living on College Avenue between El Camino Real and Ash Street when driving on College Avenue toward El Camino Real and turning right onto El Camino Real will not stop at the stop sign at the intersection of El Camino Real and College Avenue. It is against the law and may creat e a road hazard.
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