Comments for “Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Safety Action Plan (2024)”

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  1. March 12 2025

    One of the most dangerous portions of Highway 93 due to the southbound lane (curve, uphill). Turning west from Highway 93 northbound is treacherous.

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  2. March 12 2025

    The area between Red Horn Road/Dublin Gulch Road and the top of Post Creek Hill should have speed reduced to 45 mph, and have flashing warning lights (wildlife). This should occur even after the improvements are constructed at the bridge.

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  3. March 12 2025

    There should be a southbound right turn lane into Gray Wolf. Reduce speed to 45mph at the north end of the wildlife crossing and continue south through the overpass. This is a high traffic area at all times of the day and night.

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  4. March 10 2025

    Would be very beneficial to add a turn lane here - the road is wide enough now and MOST people pull off onto the shoulder but this can be a busy area for those turning in. This is a main entrance into St. Ignatius.

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  5. March 07 2025

    In Kathy Shore’’s poll given to MT Dept of Transportation 10 years ago, residents along Hwy 35 fromjunction with Hwy 93 past South Shore Lane overwhelmingly supported lowering the speed limit on Hwy from 60 mph to 40 mph. They supported this because it would be safer for residents who have difficulty slowing down to enter their driveways on 35. MT DofT denied their petition because it would cause “road rage” for drivers who felt they should be able to speed up. Residents along Hwy 35 need safer conditions to exit and enter their properties. Also, residents like me need a safe way to cross the highway to access the bike trail across the highway. What about installing a blinking yellow light installed about a mile from the junction to reinforce the lower speed limit, to allow safe crossing, and to help protect the deer that frequently cross the highway here?

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  6. March 06 2025

    Pow Wow Rd needs to have speed bumps installed up to the cul-de-sac. A lot of speeding car traffic. A number of streetlights have been damaged/knocked down.

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  7. March 05 2025

    fencing to discourage pedestrians crossing the highway on the north side of Pablo would encourage use of the crosswalks and pedestrian bridge

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  8. March 05 2025

    Please reduce the speed limit to 50 mph on Hwy 35 for the stretch that is currently 60 mph. Starting at the hill east of Haack Road down to the corner at Fulkerson, people feel the need to currently drive 70+mph, passing indiscriminately. You take your life in your hands, especially in the summer, if you are turning left into your driveway. In addition, the wildlife that has been hit by speeding motorists has resulted in an increase in other vehicles being involved in these accidents.

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  9. March 05 2025

    Please reduce the speed limit to 50 mph on Hwy 35 for the stretch that is currently 60 mph. Starting at the hill east of Haack Road down to the corner at Fulkerson, people feel the need to currently drive 70+mph, passing indiscriminately. You take your life in your hands, especially in the summer, if you are turning left into your driveway. In addition, the wildlife that has been hit by speeding motorists has resulted in an increase in other vehicles being involved in these accidents.

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  10. March 05 2025

    Anyone traveling 93 north or south has a high risk section of four lane on Evaro Hill. Localized weather adds to significant winter weather accumulation and visibility problems.

    A divided highway would be a great start to prevent loss of life from head on collision including the awful scenario of a jackknife semi trailer.

    At least accidents would be limited to vehicles traveling in the same direction.

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  11. March 05 2025

    Extremely difficult to turn left safely.

    Make this right only or add a light.

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  12. March 05 2025

    Multiple fatalities at this location.

    It is a collection point on the ice for vehicles that slip and can create multi vehicle scenarios with injuries. The grade is significantly steeper than it appears.

    Oncoming traffic cannot be seen.

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  13. March 05 2025

    This area has seen multiple accidents with cars in the river. Also it can be very congested with families including infants, toddlers and young kids using the sports complex.

    Parking on the road makes this even more hazardous.

    Please make the speed limit 15 here as though it were a school zone immediately adjacent to any fields used all the way to the skate park.

    Avoid a senseless tragedy or injury to our families.

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  14. March 04 2025

    There should be an animal crossing bridge here or fencing to deter wild game from crossing here to get to the lake.

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  15. March 04 2025

    these 2 traffic lights in Ronan completely stop the flow of traffic on July 4th holiday weekend(6 days of bumper to bumper) Yes, people not traveling north-south will still need to use the lights to cross. But can we change the timers within traffic lights to allow north/south bound traffic more frequent and longer green lights to help handle the holiday rush? or police direct traffic?
    or build a railroad bypass at this point lol (HWY 93 the train tracks) People always get rear ended, because the line of cars extends MILES south Ronan. You don't really expect to have to come to a complete stop while traveling 70 mph on a highway, in the middle of a field (not center of town) hence rear ending.

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  16. March 04 2025

    extend the 4 lanes one more mile east. Would be great to study and watch how everyone who lives/turns on Hawk Dr. (east bound, turning north) how they will slow down in the traveling lanes, before moving into the center turning lane. Them slowing on the highway before using the turning lane interrupts the flow of traffic. Maybe if the point where the highway reduces back down to 2 lanes, were moved further away from Hawk Dr. maybe that would help?

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  17. March 04 2025

    Need north bound turning lane because traffic stacks into the highway passing lane before SKE and SKHA work hours. South bound turning is not ideal because acceleration lanes converge onto the travel lanes just north of the intersection. This is a slow turn intersection because of the driveway configuration.

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  18. March 04 2025

    Large trucks that are headed East into this intersection from Round Butte Rd, to turn South onto 93, almost always cross over the northbound left turning lane at this intersection when maneuvering getting onto 93 south. It's a regular occurrence for the northbound traffic sitting in the left turning lane, to have to reverse to make room for trucks, this traffic has to reverse and merge over and into the northbound lane for trucks to make it around the corner.

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    March 04 2025


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  19. March 04 2025

    Add rumble strips to slow traffic merging on to 93.

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  20. March 04 2025

    Add orange light to caution to slow drivers for safety of crossing the highway and turning off and on.

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  21. March 04 2025

    Add walking path in St.Ignatius area, to keep pedestrians safe.

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  22. March 04 2025

    Slow traffic in this area, turning on and off at the top is already super dangerous.

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  23. March 04 2025

    Multiple dips in the road surface along this section of highway can be hazardous during winter weather conditions. Filling in and leveling out or posting a reduction in speed limit might be helpful.

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  24. March 04 2025

    Dedicated turn lane for southbound traffic would make this safer and would keep traffic from bunching up.

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  25. March 04 2025

    Dedicated turn lanes for both directions would make this safer and would keep traffic from bunching up.

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