Comments for “Safe Streets for All San Diegans Virtual Open House - Jornada de puertas abiertas virtual "Calles seguras para todos los habitantes de San Diego" COMMENTING CLOSED (COMMENTARIO CERRADO)”
Cars go too fast.
The bike lane is too narrow and cars drive to fast. Make the bike lane wider and protect it with concrete.
Cars drive in the bike lane everyday. Separate the bike lane from traffic.
The bike is always obstructed by parked cars. Install concrete barriers to stop cars from entering the bike lane.
Cars DO NOT STOP for flashing yellow light crosswalks. I've even had someone yell at me to "get out of the road" while crossing legally here on foot with my bike. Cars only stop when I sacrifice my body and start walking in front of them.
Extremely dangerous intersection for bikes, with high-speed mixing of bikes and cars.
Southbound travel on N Torrey Pines by bike, with intention to cross the intersection and head up into campus, is treacherous. High speed right turn traffic onto N Torrey Pines crosses the bike lane. My suggestion is 3-fold: 1) Add a separate right turn light cycle to this intersection with No Turn On Red (N Torrey Pines onto N Torrey Pines); 2) Add a bike signal to the light; 3) The first two eliminate the need entirely for right turn traffic to cross over the bike lane
I've been almost run over several times here on bike, and it's only a matter of time before more people die.
There are NO sidewalks in this neighborhood, except rarely, one in front of one house on an entire block. This necessitates walking IN the yellowlined street within inches of cars passing you. Never safe to walk to transit station, 2 women were killed here last year walking in the street, because of no other choice.
There needs to be a way to cross the train tracks from the canyon here like a bridge or open access as previous. This allowed for users all along the 52 corridor to connect to the Rose Canyon bikeway enabling this to be a very viable community commuter connection between UC, PB, UCSD, Torrey Pines etc. for those that commute via bike.
The road in need of traffic calming measures is Paseo Lucido, located between Camino Del Norte and Bernardo Heights Parkway, just east of I-15. Located on this road are a middle school and high school, with 3 planned communities all feeding onto Paseo Lucido.
Congestion and potential accidents occur especially during school drop off & pick-up time while residents are trying to exit homes for jobs, etc.. In addition, foot traffic of school-age and multi-age walkers adds to the congestion as well as young cyclists on e-bikes without helmets and disregarding bike rules of the road. Eliminating u-turns at the signal in front of the schools , delaying walk signals that compete with cars making right-hand turns could help. An audit of the specific area is needed. -
This bike lane headed eastbound, which is a connector to the 52 bike lane to get east past mission trails, is and has been one of the most neglected segments of bike lane for years now. The bumps and cracks from years of poorly fixed street digs make this section quite dangerous, especially when coupled with the faster traffic flow on the street. but, the issue isn't the faster traffic, its the unsafe bike lane surface that makes me occasionally wanted into traffic.
This stretch of Lomaland is very busy with PLNU and Sunset Cliffs Natural Park traffic. It bisects residential neighborhoods, is very wide, has no cross walks and is dangerous for the many families and children who walk/bike within it. I would like to see some form of traffic calming and designated areas for different modes of traffic within Lomaland.
SB Pac Hwy buffered bike lane south of Enterprise St lacks sufficient continuity and buffer south of Tripoli Ave and north of Washington St, for the adjacent vehicular speeds. Conflict zones are note well delineated and roadway surface is hazardous for cyclists.
Need to reduce speed limit by 5 mph. This is the highest speed limit on Mira Mesa Blvd, despite it being less than one block to two schools (Hickman Elementary and Challenger Middle). School zone slow signs on this stretch of Mira Mesa Blvd are also needed. There are also no back roads for kids to be able to walk when approaching from the north west -- they have to walk along Mira Mesa Blvd, which in its current state is very dangerous. Bollards separating the bike lanes would also be very helpful.
Lots of speeding in this area.
Cars turning left from University Ave to 8th ave often cut off pedestrians crossing. I've witnessed many close calls here. Also, cars turning right from 8th ave to University Ave on red lights have to pull into the cross walk to see on-coming traffic (no right turn on red would help pedestrians crossing).
I often see cars speeding on this stretch of Florida from Pershing Drive up to University Ave
Cars exiting the 163 often make an illegal left turn onto 10th avenue. I've had many close calls as a pedestrian and a cyclist.
Cars speed here making crossing the street very dangerous. The angle of Mission Ave creates poor sight lines for drivers. There are no painted crosswalks in this area. All of this makes walking to Mystic Mocha very dangerous.
This segment is very dangerous for pedestrians, bikes, and drivers at night because it is very poorly lit and the reflective paint on everything in the road is faded. It is hard to see roundabouts and nearly impossible to see pedestrians crossing.
There are lots of families and shoppers on this street. Cars try to speed up in between stop signs, which is dangerous because of the people trying to cross the road (both in and outside of crosswalks)
Nimitz Blvd Bike lane SB from Rosecrans St to Habor Dr lacks buffer and is adjacent to a extra wide vehicular lane that encourages higher speeds. Multiple private driveways view of approaching bikers blocked by street parking.
Gap in on-street (non-multiuse path) bike faculties. During busy events (especially when cousinship is present) create unsafe biking condition for pedestrians (if using muti use path) or cyclists in travel way.
Gap in bike facilities between Hill St and Pont Loma Ave encourages vehicles to pass biers at high speeds without 31 min. passing space.
Please add stop signs for thru-traffic on Upas. Now that the Pershing Bikeway ends here, bicycles have to cross both lanes on Upas to get between the bikeway and Utah.
Please cut out a bike lane from the east side of this triangle. Merging in with drivers while biking through the intersection is dangerous.