Comments for “2014 Billings Urban Area Long Range Transportation Plan”

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  1. September 16 2013

    I would like to see a bypass road from 87 to highway 3. This would keep the larger truck traffic out of the city especially if the bypass was built from highway 3 to I90.

  2. September 15 2013

    More access to the High school is needed. A road could be completed between Fantan St and Morocco Dr to Gleneagles Blvd. Ths would give a north east exit. Then High Sierra Blvd to Marias Dr would give a South West Exit.

  3. September 15 2013

    Create 4 lane highway for auto and truck bypass to I90 to between Billings and Laurel. Needs to be highway at 65 mph to encourage truckers to use and quicker route to interstate both east and west.

  4. September 15 2013

    Connecting Rimtop drive to Alkali creek will be one more way to unify by bring access easier access from Downtown to the alkali creek and the north part of the city.

  5. September 15 2013

    Connecting the center of the downtown and the north part of the city will help unity the city. A tunnel from Alkali Creek Rd under the rims to 11th or 12th street will accomplish this.

  6. September 15 2013

    The city needs a completed connection from the west end of the city to the north end on the city. Completing the Zimmerman Trail to Wicks is the first step in unifying the city.

  7. September 13 2013

    From downtown to the west side neighborhood is a challenge. I usually take 3Rd, ride past moss Mansion and take a right into the neighborhood. Frustratingly, the stoplight is based on a sensor. So I get stuck waiting for a car to activate it. Obeying the law becomes humiliating. Same problem going east into town.

  8. September 13 2013

    I would also like to see a bike route on 6 ave north. I bike from lake hills to fire station 1 and its very dangerous.

  9. September 13 2013

    Poly needs to be improved from 32nd street to 38th street and bike lanes added to blend in with Ply east of there. Would make for a much safer for kids going to Arrowhead school.

  10. September 13 2013

    The ditch here is prime location for additional bike/walking trail. Someone should take a look at how to develop it.

  11. September 13 2013

    Why can't we connect this trail with Riverfront park? There has to be a way to work with the land owners to complete our trail system. This is a no brainer.

  12. September 13 2013

    Provide more bus service a long Grand Ave. from 32nd Street West to Shiloh Road.

  13. September 13 2013

    As a transit rider it would be nice to have a bus to go to Billings Logan International Airport instead of a cab or car. It would be much cheaper just paying a fare on the bus to and from Billings Logan.

  14. September 13 2013

    As the city grows to the west and other directions, it's important that a well planned, interconnected network of streets is developed along with the residential and commercial developments. The current trend to keep the arterials as the only routes and connections between neighborhoods is severly flawed. Maintaining an interconnected street grid/system with new development encourages connectivity with multiple route options for various transportation modes. This allows the main arterials to maintain a safer, more friendly feel with slower traffic and less volume, while simultaneously providing safe alternative routes for cars, bicycles, and pedestrians.

  15. September 13 2013

    redesign intersection as a roundabout

  16. September 13 2013

    Extend public transit to Lockwood

  17. September 13 2013

    Increase capacity of underpass and add pedestrian and bicycle facilities

  18. September 13 2013

    increase capacity of underpasses - 13th, 22nd and 6th

  19. September 13 2013

    A general comment for Billings that is more enforcement-related rather than planning-related. Pedestrians are getting mowed down left and right. Oftentimes it's due to motorists running red lights. (This creates a problem for every mode of transportation.) I would support cameras at traffic lights that photograph violators. I know that some members of council tried this a few years ago, unsuccessfully. If anyone else brings the issue forward, I will support it vigorously. I think the right to safely exist in a public right of way trumps paranoid concerns about big brother.

  20. September 12 2013

    The 6th Street underpass has needs some 'sharrows' or something to designate to both motorists and bicyclists that have a rightful place. These chokepoints for crossing the RR tracks are particularly critical to make multi-modal.

  21. September 12 2013

    No sidewalks, bike lanes or trails to make businesses, City College, and Career Center accessible to alternate modes of transportation after 32nd. Very dangerous to get to these areas by bike or on foot. Should be more accessible to students.

  22. September 12 2013

    Getting out of downtown into the Terry Park neighborhood is a challenge for bicyclists, especially the Broadwater/Division/1st Ave. N. intersection. No easy answers that I can think of except to create a bicycle blvd system that steers bicyclists clear of such places.

  23. September 12 2013

    Many businesses along here, but need bike lanes or a trail or continous sidewalk to make accessible to alternate modes of transportation. Some sidewalk farther out, but nothing between Zimmerman and start of businesses to west.

  24. September 12 2013

    Plan might consider working on major employers such as MSUB and hospitals to get them to incentivize bus use by their employees. More runs between MSUB and City College might encourage student use. Colleges could require student purchase of passes and increase ridership on transit. Would help decrease need for additional parking and encroachment on nearby neighborhoods.

  25. September 12 2013

    No easy, safe way to bicycle through Billings Blvd intersections with King Ave. E. and the Interstate. Great off-street path leading to it, but then it abandons bicyclists. This is a consistent theme with bike lanes in Billings.