Comments for “2014 Billings Urban Area Long Range Transportation Plan”

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  1. November 19 2013

    This area needs desperately be made NO TRUCKS! These 2 90 degree corners are far too tight for trucks to use safely. We just had another Trucker almost kill an innocent person on this corner. please responds before someone has to die here.

  2. November 19 2013

    Cars turning left as they are coming from King Ave onto the I-90 on-ramp are constantly cutting off thru traffic once the green arrow has expired. I have seen and been involved in many near misses at this intersection. Although I understand the necessity to keep traffic moving onto the interstate, there seems to be a lot of driver confusion between having the green arrow and the light just being green and the need to yield to oncoming traffic.

  3. November 18 2013

    A highway connection from highway 3 to the West laurel interchange would provide a north/south bypass of the city for those seeking interstate or Highway 310.

  4. November 18 2013

    A right of way needs to be designated for preservation of right of way to build the outer bypass connection to connect Highway 3 to Highway 87/312/Billings East Bypass. This will be a long term community need to get truck traffic off the airport road/main street/exposition drive/etc. Designate it now so it can be acquired as development occurs and the route constructed at some point in the future.

  5. November 18 2013

    Creating a direct route from the Heights to the West End by construction of the inner belt loop should continue to be a high priority item on the plan.

  6. November 18 2013

    The connection from Highway 3 to the Molt Road needs to be constructed to provide a safe all weather alternative to Zimmerman Trail across the physical barrier of the Rims

  7. November 18 2013

    Construction of the inner belt loop to connect Zimmerman Trail with Wicks Lane at Alkali Creek needs to maintain a high priority to divert Heights traffic off main to the West End

  8. November 18 2013

    Long term planning on connecting Briarwood Subdivision with Coburn road should occur so that right of way will be preserved in order to provide another access point across the river in case a catastrophic blockage or loss of the south bridge cuts access across the south bridge

  9. November 18 2013

    A separated bike lane should connect Blue Creek School with Briarwood subdivision, Cedar Park Subdivision and the bike trail system in Riverfront Park. Any addition to the south bridge should include a separated bike lane

  10. November 18 2013

    A turn lane on South Billings Boulevard into the entry of Riverfront Park would improve safety and traffic flow

  11. November 17 2013

    A turn lane off Blue Creek Road onto Briarwood Boulevard would increase safety and traffic movement

  12. November 12 2013

    Bridge is so dangerous in the winter becaue there are curves on the bridge. I have seen cars spin out on ice and then cross the median into oncoming traffic.

  13. November 11 2013

    I am concerned about the excessive motorist speed both east and west-bound on Grand Avenue from 8th to 4th street. I have personally witnessed multiple fender benders and one fatality. Vehicles routinely speed in excess of 40 to 50 mph.

  14. November 09 2013

    Would love to see the County enforce junk vehicle ordinances without forcing land owners to give their names and go to war with their neighbors.

  15. November 09 2013

    This triangle of land is owned by either the County or MDT, but each thinks the other owns it. In the mean time, an adjacent land owner has claimed it as his own and fills it with unslightly junk.

    It is not fair to the citizens of Lockwood to allow this one private individual to make such a scar on the entrance zone into Lockwood by using a public right of way. The County adn MDT need to decide who owns this piece of land and get it cleared off. Woudl be a great sign for citizens of Lockwood to put up a nice looking Welcome to Lockwood sign.

  16. November 09 2013

    Lockwood needs public transportation options

  17. November 09 2013

    County needs to take care of this area where the bank is sloughing off just DS of this culvert. So dangerous in the winter - would be a straight drop off if someone started sliding north.

  18. November 09 2013

    A trail system of some sort needs to be developed in Lockwood. The streets are very narrow, most with almost no shoulder at all. There is not a single major road in Lockwood that is safe for pedestrians or bicyclists.

  19. November 09 2013

    The Dick Johnston Bridge on Hwy 87 over the Yellowstone is VERY dangerous. It is such a long bridge, and it has a curvature and slope which causes many accidents when it gets icy. Need to make this bridge a high priority for sanding and de-icing in the winter prior to the morning and evening commute times!

    I have seen so many cars start sliding and spinning on this bridge. It is scary to cross in the winter

  20. November 09 2013

    Really need a connector from the Lockwood area to the Heights built sooner rather than later.

  21. November 09 2013

    Piccolo Lane is WAY too narrow, and the asphalt is a wreck. I know the County has been looking into how to widen and that additional ROW may need to be purchased. This is a very dangerous road for pedestrians and for drivers. A tragedy waiting to happen with so many kids walking on Piccolo to school. It is one of the very few north-south connectors in Lockwood and needs to be treated like the major street is has become.

  22. November 09 2013

    The planning area excludes a very significant portion of Lockwood-specifically Pine Hills and Emerald Hills- while including vast areas of undeveloped land. The problem is such that the community is divided in unexpected and unfair ways-Census area designation, for example.

  23. November 08 2013

    This area is narrow and no or low sight line to oncoming traffic on the hill. People are frequently walking along the road making it even more dangerous. Could be widened, add a shoulder, at a path, or lighting? Anything would help. Plus deer frequent this area on a regular basis.

  24. November 08 2013

    Mullowney Lane from the South Frontage Road to Elysian Road needs to be brought up to current standards. Considering the adjacency of two new neighborhoods, please consider the addition of bike lanes and sidewalks - Complete streets.

  25. November 08 2013

    Need a pedestrian crossing along 6th to get to and from North Park. Traffic lights are too far apart to use those as a crossing.