Comments for “North Boise Bicycle & Pedestrian Neighborhood Plan”

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  1. April 25 2016

    Please add a four way stop here! Cars speed down 8th street and with the new homes going in lots of cars are crossing over from Boise Hills. Plus there are bikes and peds crossing over to access Hyde Park and Schools. This is long overdue!!

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  2. April 25 2016

    The speed limit is way too fast on 32nd street. There needs to be more dips and speed bumps to keep people to below 25. There are lots of kids walking and cycling to and from Taft Elementary and Sunset park. Sidewalks would be too costly for homeowners. Better lighting would help, but reducing the speed would be an easy, cheap way to improve safety.

    Liked 2 times
  3. April 25 2016

    This stretch of road is already used by both cyclists and pedestrians. It would be nice to have it designated and signed for those uses. It can also be a little sketchy at night and in the morning. A streetlight would really help.

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  4. April 25 2016

    I don't know if the city maintains a ROW for 34th st. (between Anderson and Sunset), but it would be nice to see a pedestrian only path that accesses Sunset Park from the south. As others have mentioned, 32nd gets very busy. I think this would alleviate some of the congestion.

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  5. April 25 2016

    Please place a mirror here for drivers coming up the hill on Crestline looking to turn left onto Montclair Dr. Cars come down Crestline very fast and there is a curve drivers cannot see around to look for oncoming cars. There have been several near accidents. Thank you!

    Liked 4 times
  6. April 25 2016

    There needs to be a sidewalk down Willow lane. It is necessary considering it is an access point to the greenbelt, as well as having a park right there.

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  7. April 25 2016

    We don't need wider streets...but perhaps lane markings identifying mixed use.

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  8. April 25 2016

    A bike lane is needed on 8th Street to allow for safe movement going north from State Street to the Foothills.

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  9. April 25 2016

    Clearly improvements need to be made here at 24th & Irene where the large bush obstructs driving sightlines (NW corner).

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  10. April 25 2016

    Fort Street, from Broadway to 15th St, needs bike lanes, and a complete redo of the northside sidewalk. The street is at best scary for bikes, and the sidewalk is in aged disrepair.

    Liked 7 times
  11. April 25 2016

    Fort needs bike lanes!

    Liked 8 times
  12. April 25 2016

    East/West Resseguie is a very busy side street in this area, because Ada and Pueblo do not connect through. Motorist tend to race between stop signs, and do not always slow down as they approach people already in road crossing north to south at this intersection. Live nearby and have had several frustrating situations. Speed Bumps like other stretches of Resseguie?

    Liked 1 time
  13. April 25 2016

    State St should go down to 2 lanes heading towards downtown starting at the intersection of whitewater boulevard to promote people to take the street and limit the traffic inbound from there. The additional lanes should converted to jumbo bike lanes in each direction or light rail

    Liked 5 times
  14. April 25 2016

    We need a shaded bike lane along fairview to cut down on the car traffic and make it safe to navigate by bike.

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  15. April 25 2016

    Need underground or above ground bypass for pedestrian safety.

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  16. April 25 2016

    State Street is becoming too busy for both bikers and walkers to cross. What is really needed is a series of under ground tunnels or pedestrian overpasses connecting the north end north of state street and the neighborhoods to the south.

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  17. April 25 2016

    Stop sign, this intersection. Traffic coming south off Hill just too fast, and not a great visibility area.

    Liked 5 times
  18. April 25 2016

    Lots of people sprint across this stretch of road. Not a pedestrian habit that will change, and just invites more ped-car accidents. I know "stop lights on State = BAD!", but might be time to put crosswalk in *somewhere* to address ped issue (similar to Ada County Courthouse pedestrians when it first opened).

    Liked 5 times
  19. April 25 2016

    The speed of cars on 32nd can be from 25 - 45mph. Always too fast. I would love to see some transmission-injuring speed bumps, or dips, all along this road - similar to 8th street. Sidewalks would be nice, but at what cost to the homeowner. Can't imagine ACHD doing anything for free. Additionally, some homeowners have landscaping and large shade trees right to the street, and so to remove so many mature trees would be a terrible mistake. It takes years for a residential street to become tree-lined and shady.

    Liked 2 times
  20. April 25 2016

    The sidewalk is not continuous on either side of this block. Our kids have to cross back and forth mid block to get up to Sherman, which is unsafe.

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  21. April 25 2016

    There is no ramp on this corner. It has a steep curb and is on a hill. Please place a sidewalk ramp here.

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  22. April 25 2016

    There is a blind curve here, and no sidewalk on the North side. With all the new families moving in from Sherman Hollow, we need a sidewalk. A narrower street would have the added benefit of slowing down traffic as it screams down the hill.

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  23. April 24 2016

    Boise Heights (Crestline Dr.) is in need of a sidewalk due to blind corners and a narrow street. Multiple kids of various ages are now living in this area and the road is very dangerous for anyone walking, running or biking.

    Liked 6 times
  24. April 24 2016

    We'd like to see the start of the bike corridor (already developed to Myrtle) continued and protected from traffic to the north end. This could, potentially, extend through the Simplot/JUMP development from 11th to 10th, through the roadless section of the highschool and up 10th. Would allow for families and kids to get from the north end to the greenbelt without having to travel next to fast traffic (#1 predictor of bike vs car fatality is car speed).

    Liked 7 times
  25. April 24 2016

    Ellis Avenue between 26th and Lemp/28th Streets appears to be a cut-through for fast-moving cars that want access to State Street. Drivers often speed through this section of Ellis, which is a designated bike route, that lacks speed humps. Slowing traffic here would increase pedestrian and biker safety. Speed humps, full bike lanes, and more sidewalks along Ellis would be welcome.

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