Comments for “North Boise Bicycle & Pedestrian Neighborhood Plan”

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  1. April 19 2016

    We need a STOP SIGN at the corner of Brumback and 8th st. The city has approved additional homes and development in the area. We have too many cars crossing over thru 8th as cars speed down 8th. An accident waiting to happen!!

    Liked 3 times
  2. April 19 2016

    Speed bumps on Hill Rd / 13th between 15th and Heron. Lots of people, and too many fast cars. The 20mph has helped, but more needs to be done.

    Liked 7 times
  3. April 19 2016

    We are amongst several families, with children of all ages, who enjoy biking from the homes north of Hill Road typically heading towards downtown, Washington Elementary, Greenbelt, etc. Crossing Hill Road from Lancaster to 21st can be problematic. Cars come around the corner (from the east) often way too fast. I know flags were set up, but I have not seen that this improves crossing at this point. Personally, I would love to see a 4-way stop sign there. Alternatively, a crossing light that makes traffic stop would also be nice. Or, make Hill Road 25mph and put in speed bumps (I'm sure this one would be the least favorite, especially among traffic commuters). Either way, it would be nice to see an easier way to cross Hill Road, especially for the kids who like to ride their bikes to school.

    Liked 8 times
  4. April 19 2016

    There should be a button that bikers traveling south on 26th can press to trigger the light to cross State. Currently if there are no cars at the intersection the light will not turn green, resulting in bikers having to either wait for cars or run the red light (which is really dangerous in this spot).

    Liked 11 times
  5. April 19 2016

    A sidewalk on the lower section of W. Parkhill Drive would greatly improve safety for pedestrians and bikes, particularly for children walking or riding to/from school.

    The existing sidewalk on W. Parkhill Dr. abruptly ends about 750 feet from the intersection of Parkhill Dr. with N. 15th Street and Highland View Dr. This lower section of Parkhill Dr. (without a sidewalk) is narrow with blind curves, and is busy with car traffic as it is the only access road for over 55 houses located on Parkhill Drive, Paschal Lane, and N. Peregrine Place.

    Liked 63 times
  6. April 19 2016

    I see lots of kids walking and biking to school at Lowell and think there should be a sidewalk for them. There is also a preschool on 26th closer to Breneman that gets lots of bike traffic. I hope the road can be adjusted to better suite the walkers and bikers. 26th east of Irene does have sidewalks. They should go up further at least to Sunset.

    Liked 9 times
  7. April 19 2016

    There need to be a sidewalk on the west side of the park here. It would also be great to add some traffic calming here. Motorists drive very fast down 23rd turn right on Grace and accelerate at high speed to Irene. I have witnessed many children almost get hit in this location.

    Liked 2 times
  8. April 19 2016

    Trail connection to Corrals from HH for peds/bikes

    Liked 1 time
  9. April 19 2016

    Turn out areas on Harrison are confusing...should cars pull in to get out of the traffic stream or stop and block their lane of traffic....Consider closing off a few to cars and reserve them for ped/bike buffered half-way crossing areas

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  10. April 19 2016

    Consider traffic circles on harrison to ease ped/bike crossing

    Liked 2 times
  11. April 19 2016

    West-East crossing of Harrison, 15th, and 13th is dangerous for pedestrians and bikes.

    Liked 3 times
  12. April 19 2016

    There is great access to the foothills here at 32nd and hill, but it scares me to run across hill road with my kids. Could we add a crosswalk here to get to that trailhead?

    Liked 1 time
  13. April 19 2016

    I think Harrison should definitely have a decreased speed limit (20 mph) and at least one more signaled pedestrian crossing (I think Irene would be a great choice).

    I disagree with a bike lane going on Harrison however. There would not be enough room for parked cars, traffic and a bike line. What is needed more is signs indicating that there is a bike lane on 15th! Bikes shouldn't go on Harrison.

    Liked 10 times
  14. April 19 2016

    no curb cut on NE corner at Alturas and 14th. other 3 corners in the intersection do have curb cuts.

    Liked 3 times
  15. April 19 2016

    I cross here often with my family and the traffic on Bogus is very dangerous. It is very hard to safely cross from Winsome to Ranch. We would love to see a crosswalk here. Thank you!

    Liked 10 times
  16. April 18 2016

    Make this a 4 way stop. With street parking on all sides it's hard to see if anyone is coming down 13th, cyclist get obscured by parked cars. People pull out of the gas station and sit diagonally across the lanes. Road cyclist travel at an unsafe speed in a congested area. In a car you need to be in the crosswalk to see if anyone is on 13th.

    Liked 3 times
  17. April 18 2016

    5th and 6th are big stroads that are often vacant except during peak hours. Why not put them on a road diet with bike lanes. OR better yet make them 2 way as that is the best way to calm traffic.

    Liked 3 times
  18. April 18 2016

    Missing sidewalk on north side of Eastman btwn 22nd street and 23rd street.

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  19. April 18 2016

    23rd and Eastman. There is no sidewalk on either side of Eastman between the alley (E of 23rd) and 23rd street. Please fill in the blanks.

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  20. April 18 2016

    Although a 20 mph zone - cars speed at 30+ MPH past children walking to school, biking to school or at bus stops. Enforce 20 mph speed limit and install physical features to slow cars. Install a protected bike lane

    Liked 18 times
  21. April 18 2016

    I'm a dog owner and dog lover, but the sheer number of off-leash, uncontrolled dogs and their unpicked-up feces is making the Hulls Gulch/Camel's Back area an unpleasant/stressful place to walk. Certain times of day (mornings and evenings) are also problematic with large numbers of mountain bikers intermingling with dogs and hikers. It may be time to consider re-implementing (or at least better enforcing) leash and pick-up laws and/or considering alternating days for walkers and bikers.

    Liked 6 times
  22. April 18 2016

    Establish a traffic circle here.

    Liked 11 times
  23. April 18 2016

    Walking and biking on Highland View is dangerous, due to lack of sidewalks and multiple blind curves from the apartment complex all the way to the country club. This is a popular route to Bob's Trail, which adds to the already high traffic volume in the neighborhood. Sidewalks and bike lanes would be a welcome addition and would greatly improve safety.

    Liked 31 times
  24. April 18 2016

    I'd like to see parking restored to the east side of Camelsback Park with pedestrian crossing bulbouts on the east side of 13th at each of the intersections (Irene, Bella, Hazel) and well-marked crosswalks. This would increase parking available for the park, calm traffic with cars parked on both sides of the street, while keeping cars from parking across the crosswalks and making pedestrians trying to cross the street more visible to approaching drivers.

    Liked 1 time
  25. April 18 2016

    We need safe side walks up Irene toward the park for families and pets. A lot of families bike to the park and Irene is very tight in areas bike lanes could be needed here as well.

    Liked 4 times