Comments for “FMATS 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update”

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  1. November 22 2017

    Build separated path along Yankovich and !!! build it on the S side of Yankovich. There are twice as many house lots on the N side of Yankovich thus twice as many chances to get hit by a car. Forcing path users to cross Yankovich twice in order to avoid some driveways is crazy. Think what it will be like at the Yankovich Ballaine intersection - To add throw pedestrians into that intersection is irresponsible. Keep path on S side of Yankovich.

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  2. November 22 2017

    Build a simple path from Madcap to Tanana Drive intersection with a walk light.

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  3. November 13 2017

    can a second way out of this neighbor hood to the south be provided. The noble street project showed the real bottle neck in this area

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  4. November 13 2017

    can this be connected through to get a little more traffic through here to improve safety. More eyes on the street.

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  5. November 13 2017

    can these streets be connected to eliminate the dead end which seems to be a crime issue.

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  6. November 13 2017

    provide a ADA crosswalk mid-block for the tourists that get dropped off to get into the mariott lot and across to 2nd avenue cleanly. I believe all that is needed a curb cut with detection stripe on the north side and some street painting.

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  7. November 13 2017

    Can pedistrian level lighting be added to the north side of 1st. The rest of downtown has pedistrian lighting and it leads to a nice atomosphere for night activities. This seciton of 1st is pretty dark on the north (river) side.

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  8. November 13 2017

    Can these pedistrian lights be programed to be on later in the evening. This area has lots of foot traffic for Lavelles restraunt and other business, and the Golden heart park has lots of folks lingering in the air. Please make the pedistrian paths safe.

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  9. November 13 2017

    If this intersection could be cleaned up to be two way around the courthouse that would a big mobility improvement. It really showed up during noble work. The thru lane which runs you into parking is also funny.

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  10. November 13 2017

    In general. Make Downtown the best ADA facility in the interior. It is pretty good after years of attention but some sidewalks still have barriers in them like light poles, guy wires, signs etc. Suggest Cowles to 5th to NOble to Wendel bridge as an ADA area for the summer tourist use.

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  11. November 13 2017

    In general, pay attention to pedistrian connection the transit facilities, in ADA access, snow removal, and safety. It seems many bus stops are in poor maintained locations. Best example I have in the stop at 5th and Barnette to the west. There is no sidewalk there and the road is in poor condition for wheelchair use.

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  12. November 13 2017

    There are lots of old curb cuts that no longer serve buildings. Require the sidewalks get rebuilt when the driveways get removed

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  13. November 13 2017

    Please just pay building owners to modify thier facilities instead of a complete taking. It is important to keep the businesses we have. I would require that then invest the money in the building modificaitons but we would end up with better buildings and better roads. Do not Take the drop inn or coin king. When a taking is needed, please have the building staff in business as long as possible. Avoid the dead area like the 3rd street area and the apartments that were torn down on university.

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  14. November 13 2017

    convert gaffney to two way. It will still have to work with two way barnetted and two way cushman at the intersection. This is a really weird traffic area and a very wide right of way. Add a nice wide pedistrian facility so people dont have to waly allong airport.

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  15. November 13 2017

    please make 5th ave 2 way from Barnette to noble. It is a wide right of way and would help vehicle movements downtown. 6th to the south between cushman and lacey as well

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  16. November 03 2017

    There should be a sanctioned bike path connector from Minnie St to College Rd. As it is, a lot of bike traffic winds through back alleys with blind corners behind Mall and REI. Lighting would be a plus (high crime, murder last week).

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  17. November 03 2017

    Limited sight distance, zero shoulders with bicycles in the roadway travel lanes and not in the bicycle path, combined with tourists parking in the roadway and the bicycle path. All these combine for a complex hazard.

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  18. October 31 2017

    If I am biking on Airport, I'm just on a shoulder and there is no crossing point where traffic is coming down from the highway. I'm scared someone might plow into me when I cross this section as many vehicles are still going 55 mph.

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  19. October 31 2017

    It is very odd that this is a 4 way stop as one section is just a driveway. I would suggest making Hayes a through way (removing stop signs on both sides) and just keeping the stop signs on Shanly. There isn't enough traffic at this intersection to require a 4-way.

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  20. October 22 2017

    For Holmes Road itself, needs to add a foot to each shoulder in the least.

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  21. October 22 2017

    Because of the narrow width of the road, a bike path would make very good sense and improve community access and safety.

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  22. October 22 2017

    Holmes Road is too narrow and a danger to the walking/biking public.

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  23. October 22 2017

    Resurfacing needed on this road. The frost heaves and ruts cannot be fixed with basic maintenance procedures at this point.

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  24. October 22 2017

    Needs to be widened and have a shoulder - many accidents throughout all seasons. Excessive speeding needs a speed sign that records how fast traffic is going.

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  25. October 22 2017

    Holmes Road MUST be widened and repaired. It is a main exit emergency access for the military base and a main access road to the dump. There is no edge to the road. It is extremely dangerous for pedestrians and bicyclists because there is no edge and it is a straight away which causes high speeds... it is extremely dangerous in winter conditions just for drivers.

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