Comments for “ODOT Region 1 Active Transportation Needs Inventory”
Shared Use Path
When they put in the fence at the south end of the Gateway MAX station and added bolsters to force bike/ped traffic to look both ways before crossing the MAX tracks, they put them a little too close together, making it VERY difficult for bikes with trailers and tandem bikes to get from Pacific Ave to the I-205 MUP.
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Shared Use Path
The I-205 MUP is on the regular sidewalk here. It's a narrow sidewalk with a utility pole right in the middle of the sidewalk. The curb cut is not angled right. [NOTE that I mistakenly put this comment on the wrong side of the freeway. This is where it belongs, to the other one can be ignored.]
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Shared Use Path
The whole intersection is scary when crossing this intersection while traveling on the I-205 MUP, but this corner is particularly bad. The curb cut is in the wrong place and angled wrong. All bicycles and pedestrians (and there are often several) have to deal with a utility pole squarely in the middle of the narrow sidewalk in a spot where you need to literally turn your bike around in order to cross the other way.
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Shared Use Path
Better signage is needed here -- at least until a bike/ped bridge can be built over Johnson Creek. The first few times we rode the I-205 MUP along here, we had a heck of a time figuring out where the path was. Twice we ended up on a bike headed up Mt Scott Blvd.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
The I-205 MUP is on the regular sidewalk here. It's a narrow sidewalk with a is a utility pole right in the middle of the sidewalk, lined up with the curb cut, making bicyclists serve to the right or the left to go around it.
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Shared Use Path
The I-205 crossing at Glisan when North bound on the I-205 MUP is treacherous. It would be so much better if there was some way to purchase the residential lot directly across Glisan from this point so the path could run along the edge of the Gateway Park N Ride lot. If that can't be done, something needs to be done to make the Glisan crossing at the light by the I-204 off ramps safer for bikes.
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Shared Use Path
The I-205 undercrossing from NE 92nd & Halsey needs to be constructed ASAP (it's all on Portland ROW and ODOT ROW) -- to enable bicycles to access the I-205 MUP safely -- avoiding the treacherous trip up and over the Halsey overpass, through the Gateway shopping center, and across all three light rail tracks -- just to reach the path.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
Due to narrow shoulders, high traffic volumes, and high speeds, almost all of 99E between Canby (99E and Territorial Rd. and Oregon City is quite dangerous, even though some of it is marked on the map as "Meets Standards". A safe bicycle and pedestrian route between Canby and Oregon city is needed.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
With the construction of the Monroe Neighborhood Greenway, I hope that ODOT will work closely with the City of Milwaukie to make this a great neighborhood greenway crossing. At the moment, it takes a VERY long time for this light to change.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
With intense pedestrian-friendly development going on at either end of the Fremont Bridge, creation of a MUP that crosses the bridge would be an incredibly-welcome addition. Funny to think: had the bridge been built 3 years later, inclusion of such a path would've been required by law.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
A bridge between NE 7th and SE 8th would be a tremendous improvement to Portland's walking and biking network. At present, there are far too few safe north-south routes.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
The David Evans and Associates study showed that a lane reduction would not have significant impacts on traffic across the St. John's Bridge. Buffered bike lanes should be installed immediately. The current scenario -- bikes sharing a narrow sidewalk with pedestrians, or a lane with high-speed vehicles -- is needlessly unsafe.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
ODOT Rail needs to work with Union Pacific and the City of Portland to make a connection between Waterfront Park and NW 1st Avenue. The current lack of a safe connection results very dangerous activities -- people running across Naito without a crosswalk, etc.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
I can't think of a single point where I would feel comfortable crossing this street with a small child. In the block preceding 82nd, bike lanes routinely drop or become complicated by dicey merges with turn lanes. Neighborhood greenway crossings are few and far between and attract higher traffic volumes than should be tolerated on a shared-lane facility.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
What happened to the I-205 path here? Please fix the I-205 gap so that we can have a continuous multi-use path from Clackamas to the Columbia.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
If safety is truly ODOT's first priority, there should be safe, protected routes across the Barbur Bridge for people walking and biking.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
No connection to bike path to be able to ride to Beaverton Transit Center or downtown Beaverton safely!
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Bicycle Facility Gap
The impending improvements to SE Foster Road are seriously blunted by the current state of SE 82nd -- by the high vehicle speeds on 82nd, 82nd's lack of bicycle facilities and its poor sidewalks. I would like to see coordination between ODOT and PBOT that would make bicycling through this intersection much safer.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
Drivers entering Hwy 26 west bound from SW 13th treat the bicycle lane on 13th as a right turn lane. The freeway entrance needs to be upgraded in order to help prevent drivers from right-hooking people in the bicycle lane.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
A separated (at least by simple jersey barrier) two way path connecting Jefferson and the Zoo exit on Hwy 26 would help close an important commuting gap. Somehow millions of dollars were found to shave the hillside and add metal nets to prevent rocks from denting cars merging onto Hwy 26 from Jefferson. We need to put at least as high a priority on the safety of people bicycling on this same route.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
The demand for safe bicycling facilities along Hwy 43 will grow tremendously once the new Sellwood Bridge opens. People will flow across the new bridge and suddenly find themselves trapped by antiquated and inadequate facilities along the route to Portland or Lake Oswego. The need for a safe, functional route on the west side of the Willamette is no less for people who bicycle than it is for people who drive or use transit.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
The on-street bike lanes should be painted green to raise visibility from the Fred Meyer/Cabela's light to the Shell gas station on the east side. There should be pedestrian activated red lights for the pedestrian crossings over the Nyberg St. bridge over I-5.
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Bicycle Facility Meets Standard
The railroad crossing should be upgraded to be safer for bikes and peds.
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Bicycle Facility Meets Standard
There needs to be a shared use path on 72nd Ave. between Boones Ferry Road and Durham Rd. for commuters and recreationalists.
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Bicycle Facility Meets Standard
There needs to be a mixed use pathway between Tualatin Road and Durham Road so bikers and pedestrians have a safe way to travel between Tualatin and Tigard, and for people in Durham to be able to go in both directions.
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