Comments for “ODOT Region 1 Active Transportation Needs Inventory”

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  1. April 09 2015

    Substandard Bicycle Facility

    Substandard facility. Debris is constantly choking this travel lane. One has to travel on the fog line at best, or in high speed traffic lanes. At rush hour this is dangerous and unsafe.

    Liked 8 times
  2. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Gap

    There are bike lanes in both directions on 52nd at this intersection, however they are very narrow and vulnerable to right-hook traffic. Bike boxes would potentially be a good solution

    Liked 2 times
  3. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Gap

    This light is a de facto bike crossing and it should be officially noted as such and have enhanced crossing features. Currently the light cycle is so fast that there isn't always adequate time to safely cross the intersection in the time provided by a green light (particularly with impatient left-turning vehicles waiting for bikes to cross)

    Liked 2 times
  4. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Meets Standard

    Meets standard? Not sure what this means. This section is a mess. No easy way to get from Barnes and down Cedar Hills under hwy 26 south without risking your life. Need safer option from Cedar Mill to bike path along hwy 26 for commute downtown.

    Liked 2 times
  5. April 08 2015

    Existing Enhanced Crossings

    North side of 41st Street MAX crossing zigs and zags so tightly that you cannot navigate the ramps with a family-bike or trailer.

    South side ramp is better because there are no hairpin turns.

    Liked 3 times
  6. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Gap

    North - South signalized crossing of SE Powell US 26 at 28th Ave or 28th place needs improving to get kids safely to school.

    Liked 4 times
  7. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Gap

    On SE Powell US26: south side sidewalk underneath railroad tracks. Path is too narrow and steep (east side) with a difficult transition from east side grade to flat at bottom. Need better lighting and maintenance of this area due to homeless camping here. Some kids are using this to get to school.

    Liked 5 times
  8. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Meets Standard

    how do Sharrows on the bridge meet standard?

    Liked 2 times
  9. April 08 2015

    Rural Shoulder Gap

    youre never going to be able to add an (uphill) shoulder here, so manage traffic speeds.

    Liked 1 time
  10. April 08 2015

    Rural Shoulder Gap

    would be lovely to have shoulders between Judd Rd. and Tickle Creek Rd. (favorite ride but the highway is scary!)

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  11. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Meets Standard

    the Trolley Trail crossing here is a complete failure.
    It's worth spending some $ to design and build something that works for families/kids crossing McLoughlin.

    Liked 3 times
  12. April 08 2015

    Shared Use Path

    the (uncontrolled?) intersection with the Springwater Trail still does not seem to have adequate sight distance. Lots of use, plus fast cyclists = dangerous situation.

    Liked 3 times
  13. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Gap

    add bike lanes here, from ~ Sandy north to end of ODoT road. Re-design ramp crossings from Killingsworth for safer bike passage. This is a main route to Airport, Cascade Station (employment center)

    Liked 1 time
  14. April 08 2015

    Substandard Bicycle Facility

    need bike lanes through Lake Oswego AT LEAST from Rogers Park to Terwilliger

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  15. April 08 2015

    Substandard Bicycle Facility

    need bike lanes through Lake Oswego AT LEAST from Rogers Park to Terwilliger

    Liked 1 time
  16. April 08 2015

    Rural Shoulder is Substandard

    Hwy 30 shoulders are wide enough but frequently have lots of rock debris making it difficult for bicyclists. shoulders should be maintained better to meet transportation needs of cyclists.

    Liked 7 times
  17. April 08 2015

    Shared Use Path

    The new bike map do show this now as a difficult intersection, but do not prepare riders for how dangerous it really is. I have seen several times families with small children stuck at this intersection. Even for experienced riders it is dangerous to bike here.

    Liked 0 times
  18. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Gap

    Echoing the other bicycle facility gap comment at this intersection, I believe SE Foster Rd. from Powell to SE 52nd should be highlighted in red/yellow as an ODOT "Urban Gap." Safe bike lanes, perhaps on sidewalks, are sorely needed here. The Foster Streetscape project was not able to include bike lanes from 52nd to Powell because ODOT has jurisdiction here. I would LOVE to see ODOT step up and do the right thing by filling that gap. Then perhaps PBOT would be able to fill the bike gap on Foster between 54th and 52nd.

    Liked 6 times
  19. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Gap

    Besides that the bike lane is full of debris/glass and too narrow for cars/trucks going by 60mph+ it is quite dark. It is challenging to ride this on a rainy day and very dangerous to ride this part after dark.

    Liked 1 time
  20. April 08 2015

    Shared Use Path

    The 205 bridge could be a great bike commuter router that would reduce daily car congestion. It would need
    - pavement improvement
    - some coverage of steel plates/screws
    - barrier for wind/dust & debris/noise

    Liked 4 times
  21. April 08 2015

    Substandard Bicycle Facility

    Use raised pavement markers so drivers see and feel that they are crossing to a shoulder/bike lane. Too many times cars/trucks drive over the white lane at high speeds.

    Liked 6 times
  22. April 08 2015

    Substandard Bicycle Facility

    The stretch of Hwy 219 south of Hillsboro is the only way to access Jackson Bottom Wetlands. Please help us access this preserve safely by bike!

    Liked 2 times
  23. April 08 2015

    Bicycle Facility Gap

    Put a fog line on each side of Hwy 43 between Terwlliiger Rd and Oak St in the City Limits of Lake Oswego. A substandard bike lane is much better than nothing. Bike riders feel much better with one.

    Liked 1 time
  24. April 08 2015

    Rural Shoulder is Substandard

    NB 281 from the river to Orchard Drive is particularly bad for bicyclists - a bike "climbing lane" would be a huge help

    Liked 2 times
  25. April 08 2015

    Interstate, freeway, or expressway

    "Road Diet" on I-84 itself, instead of the Sullivan's Gulch MUP. Build a protected bike lane / cycle track along freeway center, with MUP ramped to overpasses and 8 foot sound walls, from 205 MUP to MLK/Grand.

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