Comments for “ODOT Region 1 Active Transportation Needs Inventory”
Interstate, freeway, or expressway
Extend the path along highway 26 to go further out into Washington County
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Crossing Needs
The crossing is not the same going from N to S as from S to N for people on bikes. Going southbound, there is a button facing out onto the road. Going northbound, you have to ride onto the sidewalk to get to the button to get permission to cross safely.
In addition, drivers who turn when the walk light shows treat the stop sign as a green light and do not always respect bikes & peds in the cross walk (riding across on the walk light I once had a driver tell me I should "get a car" after he almost ran me over while I was crossing on my bike in the crosswalk northbound and he was making a left turn onto Lombard travelling southbound.
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Rural Shoulder is Substandard
Good shoulder/bike lane badly needed all the way to Estacada/Milo McIver.
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Rural Shoulder is Substandard
Bike lanes badly needed on 212 all the way from Clackamas to 26.
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Substandard Bicycle Facility
Make a way to cross Bridge of the Gods for pedestrians and bicycles that is safe, separated and more pleasant than the grating. If you can't do this, don't make us pay the toll!
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Bicycle Facility Gap
This convenience store makes this the worst spot on 82nd, narrowing the sidewalk to less than 1 foot! It's treacherous to even walk your bike at this point, but it's the only connection to Fred Meyer.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
Creating a connection through the cemetery would be an excellent alternative to 82nd by opening 80th from SE Cooper to Division.
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Shared Use Path
This is quite a steep connection and has an awkward approach. It needs a wider, clear entry. Also, the geese have left a ton of droppings here, making this path both disgusting and dangerous.
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Shared Use Path
Connect the MUP with SE Clinton St. to create a low-stress east-west alternative to SE Division St. Currently the Clinton St. Greenway only extends into the 70s, but Division St. from where Clinton drops off to I-205 is a harrowing cycling experience (definitely far from 8 to 80 friendly) and a family-friendly alternative to get to the MAX station is desperately needed.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
The "NCNM Island" is horrible to navigate on cycle or foot. Too many abrupt corners where cars suddenly appear, not enough crossings, and the ones that exist are either unmarked or have low compliance from cars. Everyone drives in "interstate mode" where they don't expect peds/bikes because non-motorized means of traffic are banned on many of the surrounding roads. There is a bus stop directly across Hwy 26 from NCNM (right before the Ross Island Bridge) and yet there's no way to get to it that doesn't involve a huge detour (and the most direct of the detours involves an unmarked crossing and a sketchy bridge underpass). I've witnessed people unable to figure out how to get to the bus stop dash across Hwy 26 in a gap in traffic.
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Bicycle Facility Meets Standard
"Minimum standards" indeed. On all "suburban highways"--wide streets with high volumes, much higher than cycling speeds, and lots of vehicles turning in and out of parking lots, where bicycles are so rare drivers entirely forget to look out for them--unbroken protected lanes (painted green! with conflict zone striping at all intersections) are crucial. I'm a pretty confident cyclist, but I'd never ride Hall Blvd because I've experienced it as a driver and I barely even trust myself to not get into a conflict situation with the rare cyclist brave enough to ride this stretch on the road (I've seen more than a few sidewalk riders). It doesn't help that many cars in this stretch are either heading toward/from 217 and are in "motor vehicles only, high speed, yield to no one" interstate driving mode.
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Substandard Bicycle Facility
Bicycling and walking along TV Hwy is horrible and east of here cars often travel 60mph. Almost impossible to cross. Even being on the roadside feels life threatening. Please add the bike/ped trail along the north tracks as soon as possible so that Forest Grove, Cornelius and Hillsboro are safely connected.
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Crossing Needs
The south side turning lanes need stop lights. Drivers are too concerned with watching oncoming traffic from the west to pay attention to pedestrians from the east.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
110th and Larch connection to 5th St. are good work around to 217 on/off ramps, but need good signage and better transitions at intersections. Out of area person doesn't know where these will dead end; you know 217, Canyon and Farmington go through.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
There should be a bike and ped friendly way from Eastbound Multnomah Blvd to Northbound Barbur, rather than dumping all traffic onto I-5.
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Bicycle Facility Gap
This gap requires a merge into high-speed traffic, then a stoplight, then a trimet bus stop, just before the reaching Multnomah Blvd and its cycletrack. Fixing this two-block gap would make Southbound Barbur to Westbound Multnomah an easy ride, instead of one just for the Strong & Fearless.
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Shared Use Path
This was a nice addition for pedestrians and cyclists. Hopefully more of these bridges can be built in places such as NE 7th/8th/9th over I-84.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
You know what would be cool? Bike lanes on NW Couch for crossing 405 from 14th to 16th. And bike specific traffic lights would also be a nice touch.
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Substandard Bicycle Facility
A connection to the Springwater corridor on the Willamette here would be preferred to creating some sort of facility along SE McLoughlin because of speed, noise, and pollution caused by vehicles.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
Cars exiting the freeway traveling at high speeds here cause dangerous situations for anyone crossing Montgomery. A light or flashing cross button would be helpful.
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Shared Use Path
This "shared use path" is dangerous to enter from NE 47th Ave when traveling North by bike. A marked left turn area could help?
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
Freeway onramp traffic backs up into intersection/bike lane everyday. Consider adding camera to enforce this.
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
Missing connection from NE 2nd + 3rd Ave to NE Lloyd Blvd. This should also connect to a Banfield multi-use path.
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Shared Use Path
This overpass may be suitable for pedestrians, but not so much for bikes. It is quite narrow. More importantly, approaching it from the street when South of Powell requires dangerously crossing oncoming traffic with no street markings, as does exiting it onto 9th Ave when North of Powell.
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