Comments for “ODOT Region 1 Active Transportation Needs Inventory”
Sidewalk Meets Standard
Crossing to the north from this location with the walk sign can be extremely hazardous for pedestrians. The hazard is from vehicles coming fast out of the off-ramp with a green light and turning right-ward at the same time that pedestrians have the WALK signal. Drivers tend to not notice that pedestrians have the green. Please install some sort of "PEDESTRIANS PRESENT" warning signal for vehicles and prioritize the signals for pedestrians.
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Substandard Sidewalk Facility
The existing 82nd Avenue pedestrian crossing at Pacific Street is not well located and an improved pedestrian crossing could make both nearby bus stops more accessible. Please look into installing a rapid flash beacon about halfway between Oregon Street and Pacific Street and removing the existing pedestrian island at Pacific. This would improve southbound access to 82nd for vehicles coming from Pacific and at the same time it would provide much better pedestrian access to and between Montavilla Park and the Milepost 5 artists community.
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Sidewalk Facility Gap
Sidewalks sorely need to be installed on this side of Highway 30.
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Sidewalk Facility Gap
We need the sidewalk to continue up through 110th Ave on this side of the Highway.
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Substandard Sidewalk Facility
These sidewalks are very frightening, but the bridge provides an important connection across the river. bTHe driving lanes feel too narrow and they are too close to the sidewalk. The 4-lane condition encourages speeding and weaving. If the outer lanes were closed to motorists, the motorists lanes could be made a bit bigger, bikes would separated from cars, peds would buffered from cars, and motorists would have a much safer and predictable experience. Perhaps Jersey barriers could be used for a one-year trial closure?
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Substandard Sidewalk Facility
This sidewalk is too narrow and in many locations bicyclists have no other option but to use the sidewalk for most of the way between the 82nd Avenue Max Station and Montavilla Park and Community Center. This is potentially a very high demand route for bikes.
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Shared Use Path
extend the ramp north on the west side of the bridge so it cuts diagonally across the grassy ODOT-land and uses the Montana alley to access Shaver
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Sidewalk Facility Gap
the facilites for peds and bikes is terrifyingly indequate!
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Interstate, freeway, or expressway
need safe, accessible route on both sides of MLK and Grand, and some way to cross I84 between Grand and 12th. The sliplane at Everett to access I84 is inappropriate for urban conditions. Could this be rebuilt to become a perpendicular turn onto the ramp? At the very least, curb cuts and ped crossing heads should be added to theeast side of Grand at Everett
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Sidewalk Meets Standard
Crossing the northbound onramp here could be made safer with signals that give higher priority to pedestrians. It would be good to have a flashing signal/sign warning drivers when pedestrians are trying to cross this extremely busy onramp.
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Sidewalk Facility Gap
The opportunity exists to improve conditions for disadvantaged road users by simply removing a Northbound motor vehicle lane from SW Miles to SW Hamilton. The existing conditions create way too much traffic and congestions for what otherwise might be a pleasant corridor to travel via walking or bicycling.
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Sidewalk Meets Standard
How on earth can the map say this stretch of sidewalk "meets the standard" ? There is actually a gate across the sidewalk at this curb cut to keep people from using it, topped with a red caution flag (for whom, I wonder?). There is no separation from high-speed traffic along this narrow sidewalk and the remaining usable curb cut leads people directly out into traffic. The blind turn for drivers from Barbur onto 5th Ave is the scariest place for me to cross on my walk to the grocery store. Please take off the green line and replace it with the usual brown.
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Substandard Sidewalk Facility
There should be pedestrian crossings at least every two blocks along Macadam. As it is, there are no lights between Nevada and Nebraska (6 blocks) or between Nebraska and Pendleton (4 blocks, two of which are double-size blocks), which creates a dilemma for people on foot who would like to reach destinations across the street.
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Substandard Sidewalk Facility
Sidewalk needs separation from traffic on this stretch of Taylors Ferry where cars are racing uphill and often spewing dirty water onto the sidewalk.
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Substandard Sidewalk Facility
The curb cut at this intersection (westbound on Barbur at intersection of 3rd Ave) is dangerous and unusable for people in wheelchairs or strollers
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Sidewalk Meets Standard
Crossing the 72nd Ave bridge over 217 is a major problem for cyclists - no bike lanes, bad pavement, southbound uphill.
I tried to add this on the bike page but couldn't get the box to come up.
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Shared Use Path
Add a stair case from the pedestrian bridge crossing I-205 to the SE Main Max Station. This would save people walking from the western side of I-205 3 minutes (according to Google maps walking directions) every trip by allowing them to bypass the large detour of the sloping loop. This improves safety by eliminating one street crossing and one Max track crossing.
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Shared Use Path
Add paved walking surfaces where desire lines are. There are multiple desire lines along the sloping loop. Please add a paved surface along these desire lines. The users of this facility have shown where they would like to walk. Now please make where they would like to walk safer and more convenient.
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Sidewalk Facility Gap
This would be a great area for pedestrian improvements. There are no good places for pedestrians, but there are nearby places pedestrians could easily walk to (instead of the max or using a car), like the expo center, dog park, Slough trails, or just wanting to walk to Delta Park.
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Sidewalk Facility Gap
The lack of sidewalks in this portion of the city is atrocious! There are not enough safe crossings and too many places where there are no sidewalks or only partial sidewalks (1/2 block) which forces pedestrians to share the road or bike lane next to 45+ mph traffic. When taken into consideration with the many surrounding neighborhood streets lacking in sidewalks as well as thoroughfares such as Killingsworth, 42nd, 59th, etc., it is almost impossible to travel without a car.
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