Comments for “Santa Cruz Bicycle / Pedestrian Corridors”

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  1. August 28 2015

    This intersection at the clock tower is a difficult area for cyclists. A green safety Lane would be great so cyclists can cross to turn left at Cedar street by the Lighthouse bank. Otherwise, a green Lane across mission/water St would allow cyclists to safely move to the left turn Lane to go down Pacific if that is the preferred pathway.

  2. August 28 2015

    Long stretch on Broadway between Branciforite and Seabright with no crosswalks.

  3. August 28 2015

    Uneven pavement right at intersection. A green lane would be great on Broadway.

  4. August 28 2015

    Pavment uneven in bike lane.

  5. August 28 2015

    No clear way to cross highway. Needs signage to direct northbound bicyclists to the sidewalk on the overpass (since otherwise they will be sent on a freeway on ramp). Also needs crossing signal or bike sensor.

  6. August 28 2015

    No sidewalk on north side of Prospect Heights. One block from elementary school!

  7. August 28 2015

    Traffic making left turn from Morrissey onto Soquel is often unaware that they are to yield to oncoming traffic (esp bikes and pedestrians) from S. Morrissey. Intersection would be safer if left turns were controlled by a light or if there was more obvious signage.

  8. August 28 2015

    Free right turn onto Chestnut extension should be eliminated. Cars come from behind pedestrian and are difficult to see. Corner should be rebuilt more like Capitola Road and Soquel Ave where cars have a less sweeping turn and pass in front of the pedestrian.

  9. August 28 2015

    Free right turn should be eliminated from Soquel onto Front. The tiny island the pedestrian has to stand on is unsafe and often overcrowded with peds waiting to cross Front and Soquel.

  10. August 28 2015

    Need marked crosswalk across Swift to alert drivers of considerable ped traffic headed for Kellys Bakery and wineries.

  11. August 28 2015

    Can be unsafe to make a left turn on Felker. I have had cars pass me on the left, even when I took the lane at the stop light at Ocean Street and put my left hand out the entire time.

  12. August 28 2015

    This path should continue under Water Street.

  13. August 28 2015

    I agree, lots of people block the bike path and don't seem to pay attention when you honk or announce you are coming.
    I think the entire level could use marking indicating direction much like a street

  14. August 28 2015

    There should be sidewalks on boths sides, or at least complete the sidewalk on the right side of the road as you are going up Thurber. Currently sidewalk on one side then it ends and students have to cross a very busy road with cars coming down the hill fast to get to the sidewalk on the otherside.

  15. August 28 2015

    Sidewalks on both sides of the street all the way to Soquel Drive.

  16. August 28 2015

    Walkway to give peds a safe place out of bike lane

  17. August 28 2015

    When Bethany Curve crosses a street there should be a street sign telling the ped what street is being crossed.
    Also, there are some missing wheelchair curb-cuts at some of the street intersections.

  18. August 28 2015

    Stripe more of the crosswalks across W Cliff. I was yelled-at today by a motorist who didn't know that crossing at Fair (or any other intersect) is a legal, unmarked crosswalk.

  19. August 28 2015

    Reopen the walkway between the old school admin building and Chestnut.

  20. August 28 2015

    It would be very useful to be able to walk to the Arboretum. But sidewalks are missing.

  21. August 28 2015

    Sign here says Not a Through Street. This is true only for cars. There should be a sign directing peds to the stairway to the levee and downtown.

  22. August 28 2015

    Make Pacific downtown a ped mall. Get rid of the cars downtown.

  23. August 28 2015

    Need sidewalks on both sides of Delaware.

  24. August 28 2015

    Sidewalk needs to be brought to corner for visibility by drivers. Currently many drivers turn from Mission Extension onto Nat. Bridges and don't see peds crossing Nat. Bridges. With new school and hotel in the area this is urgent need.

  25. August 28 2015

    Lack of sidewalk forced me to walk out in the street along this busy road. A car parked along the curb meant I had to walk in the car travel lane. This is a major route to Safeway.