Comments for “Santa Cruz Bicycle / Pedestrian Corridors”
Crossing from Plymouth across Ocean to access Felker can be a little dicey for cyclists. Left onto southbound Ocean from Plymouth also due to the low radius turn and porkchop for motorists from southbound Ocean Ext.
BikeLink eLockers near the wharf or Boardwalk area would be nice.
I love and depend on the BikeLink elockers downtown.
The cycletrack is a wonderful facility but its use as a loading zone and pedestrian walkway detracts from this. Can we get some enforcement on both issues here?
Where the bike path intersects with the line to the Boardwalk restrooms is always dicey and dangerous. people have no idea they are just standing in the middle of a bike corridor.
Signage for busses not to park in bike lanes. On 2 occasions over the summer I saw numerous tourist buses actually parked in the bike lane.
Many visitors think the bike lane is their own pedestrian sidewalk. Better signage on ground and more signs.
Needs a sign telling people about the Arroyo Seco trail
Someone placed sandbags around all the storm drains. They have been there for months. Very dangerous for bicyclists.
Signage telling people to not block bike pathway. Always difficult to move through this area on Wednesdays. Let's of people drumming and blocking access.
There is no space for bikes traveling uphill on E Cliff Drive and the sidewalk is too narrow. Bike access needs to be provided somehow.
Bike access needed across bridge
All San Lorenzo River levee undercrossings need lighting to deter people from hanging out. Feels unsafe, uninviting and dangerous.
Traveling towards the new ramp, the roadway stencils make you think it's only one way since they all serve users coming off the bridge, and there's no mid-path striping.
A bike and ped crossing is critical here (not just walk-your-bike type of bike access)
The bike lane on the lower end of Western in the NB/uphill direction needs to be wider. The SB direction didn't need a bike lane at the lower end since bikes travel as fast as cars and should use the full lane anyway. Consider redistribution of next space at the next repaving.
Repave King St and keep it in good shape (esp since it's an alternate route for Mission St). Add sharrows.
Green bike lane needed at the crossing of the cycle tracks and rail road
New traffic circle train track crossing is extremely dangerous. Crashing on tracks is bad, crashing on them in front of cars potentially deadly.
The SL Riverway is one of the best transportation resources in Santa Cruz for bikes, yet it is unsafe due to transient people threatening, heckling, and blocking the way. I don't feel safe as a tall 32yo male and can only imagine what other users might feel. It would be awesome to clean up the path and promote cycling more.
King St in its entirety is insufficient for safe and efficient bicycle transportation. Eliminate stop signs, divert traffic, enforce speeding, improve signage, etc. See Clinton St or 52nd Ave in Portland OR as model bike boulevards.
Sidewalks on both sides for safe routes to schools
Need sidewalks on both sides of Goss
Bike lockers for transit users
Dangerous to cross train tracks on bike