Comments for “Transportation System Plan Update”

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  1. April 27 2018

    Remove the curb on Farmington from Marlin to 185th, and build a proper, raised sidewalk.

  2. April 27 2018

    Providing a bicycle/pedestrian connection between NE 43rd Avenue and NE 47th Avenue (along with the extension of Hidden Creek Drive between NE 53rd Avenue and NE 47th Avenue) would provide the opportunity to connect roads, etc. for a low stress bicycle/pedestrian connection (other than Main/Baseline or Cornell) for a significant portion of the City.

  3. April 27 2018

    The eventual connection of Hidden Creek Drive to NE 47th Avenue will, in addition to redistributing vehicular traffic, also provide the potential for a lower stress pedestrian and bicycle connection.

  4. April 27 2018

    There is lots of traffic in the morning commute, cars turning left from Estate to JSR, but traffic on JSR are not following the 20 mph during school times.

  5. April 27 2018

    A left turn here in the evening hours takes a long time.

  6. April 27 2018

    The strange loss of a lane as you go northbound on 28th/25th is confusing, and the need to shift from the left lane to the right lane to continue to go straight can cause late lane changes. The shopping center needs to give up some parking space to allow the lane to continue through.

  7. April 27 2018

    We have no safe way to cross NE Century Blvd to get to Orenco Woods Park from the west side of Dogwood. Please put in a pedestrian cross walk. Cars will not stop-especially during rush hour.

  8. April 26 2018

    There should be plans for an overpass at Cornelius Pass and TV Highway. Traffic is going to be very snarled at this intersection in a couple of years.

  9. April 26 2018

    I've been concerned ever since the lanes were re-done. There is no sign that the lanes are shifting, although signs are often put up about lanes shifting in other locations. If a driver is unfamiliar with the area, and following a large truck, there is no way for them to know they can't just go straight without leaving their lane. Please put signs up about lanes shifting.

  10. April 26 2018

    Although this is a legal crosswalk, drivers don't treat it like one. It is difficult for my daughter to cross safely after school. I would like a painted crosswalk or at least a sign to raise awareness, especially due to all the HS drivers

  11. April 26 2018

    NE 17th avenue has no sidewalks along a large part of the street and has quite a bit of pedestrian traffic.

  12. April 26 2018

    A sidewalk / pedestrian walkway from Cornell to Grant would be a welcome addition here.

  13. April 26 2018

    Once this area is built out with the hundreds of homes that are planned, traffic along TV Hwy, Alexander, 229th, Cornelius and surrounding areas are going to be GREATLY IMPACTED - these areas are already congested, and building out these homes are going to create even greater congestion. 229th probably needs to be widened greatly and signal lights put in.

  14. April 26 2018

    Southbound traffic back up on 1st street due to the traffic light needing a signal for vehicles turning left (eastbound.)

  15. April 26 2018

    Needs a stop sign

  16. April 26 2018

    Westbound on Evergreen, two lanes become one-the right lane ends and all too often, road rage develops as commuters try their best to squeeze in and "take cuts."

  17. April 26 2018

    The road here is very narrow and there needs to be reminders to cars that they cannot edge behind bicyclists. Since there is no bike lane, bicyclists legally have the right to "take the road".

  18. April 26 2018

    At the moment there is no bus service along West Union. With more development happening in this area, it would be nice to have a few bus stops to connect those who work/live along West Union into the surrounding transit system. Perhaps extend the 46/47 bus routes?

  19. April 26 2018

    Horrible corner for walking

  20. April 26 2018

    Speed bumps on this circle would prevent frequent high speed drivers at night going around the circle for fun.

  21. April 26 2018

    A stop sign at Prahl and Intel entrance on 15th would slow down the very high speed drivers on 15th. Or speed bumps in several places along 15th to get Intel traffic to slow down. More police patrols of this street to deter speeders please!

  22. April 26 2018

    Lots of homeless people at the transit center in Hillsboro, always a lot of police activity, feels unsafe

  23. April 26 2018

    It's very difficult to see pedestrians and bicycles in the crosswalk across Holly and in the bike lane when turning right from 185th onto Holly, and cars often take this turn too quickly to effectively see people in the crosswalk, especially in the dark. Perhaps a "right turn watch for pedestrians" sign at the light and keeping the bushes at the corner thinned out and trimmed low would help with visibility?

  24. April 26 2018

    Sidewalks for walkers and bike lanes needed all along 15th, not safe at all as with the high traffic going too fast along 15th.

  25. April 26 2018

    Covering the ditches and adding sidewalks and a bike lane to Sunrise would be fantastic. Mooberry Elementary students are all bused due to lack of sidewalks in this area and the road is too narrow with the ditches.