Comments for “Next Generation Connectivity & Mobility Plan”
This intersection goes into flash mode at night (midnight if I’m not mistaken) and gives University Dr. the yellow light, which poses a risk for any pedestrians walking back to campus. Cars are usually flying down this street, especially late at night. The Blue Loop stops running after 12:25, so walking is the only option for those parking their cars in the lots on Hastings.
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There are ped/bike crossing signs here but rarely followed. A raised crossing would be better here.
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This intersection is incredibly dangerous. Cars routinely turn without looking for pedestrians or bikers. Numerous blind corners with limited visibility.
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Bicycle/Pedestrian Priority
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I live in east college heights and one of the reasons I chose this neighborhood was walkability. This intersection is a hazard. Drivers constantly blow the red light and speeding along Atherton is a major problem. Red light cameras on this intersection and others used by pedestrians would be very helpful.
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Connection to Teaberry lane for vehicles to alleviate traffic on Atherton.
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I don't want a connection to Teaberry off Park Ave or through Glenn. It's one of the few bike and pedestrian paths that is safe from cars. We need more of those, not fewer.
Like Liked 4 timesAgree with the safe bike/pedestrian pathways; this area is very heavily used by bikes/peds for recreation, commuting.
Like Liked 0 timesThis is not a go. It gives cars no where to go but dead end neighborhood of Teaberry. Not in borough. Park ave. is a private road along golf course. Not a public road, looks public but not. Atherton car traffic will not be alleviated. To alleviate Atherton traffic go out the bike path along south side of golf course, intersect Blue Course after crossing golf course driveway.
Like Liked 0 timesThis bike path is one of the only safe ways for bikes or pedestrians to travel to campus. Cars are already driving too fast through west college heights narrow streets. Additional traffic would make it even more unsafe
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The intersection needs a longer, dedicated pedestrian crossing light. Turns and ped crossing should not coincide. Also, ped cross buttons should override the RIDICULOUSLY long light Atherton has here.
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crossing Atherton here as a pedestrian or driving a motor vehicle is dangerous due to speeding and drivers running the red light. Red light cameras and police enforcement of the speed limits are a necessity to keep individuals safe
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It's often safer to cross Beaver mid-block here when traffic on Beaver gets backed up than at the intersection of Burrows and Beaver. Previous design decisions have made this intersection part of one of the main entrances to campus. It's really dangerous to walk here.
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Yes, this is so dangerous! Pedestrians get the signal for "right of way" to walk when the light facing Burrowes turns green; but, since Beaver is a one-way, almost every car with the green light is turning left. I've personally seen so many pedestrians get cut off by a car that's turning left, watched a car slam on its brakes, or watched cars turn left on a right light.
Like Liked 1 timeThe traffic and busses trying to turn always have such a hard time because the crosswalk is ignored or is tied badly. It's a left-hand turn onto a one way street with the opposite direction also being one way, it should not have a crosswalk on that side.
Like Liked 2 timesLet's make southbound Burrowes between Calder and Beaver bus-only (so fewer vehicles have to turn left), rather than obstructing pedestrians.
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It's pretty typical to see cars going way too fast here and ignoring pedestrians in the crosswalks. If Allen can't be pedestrianize (why not?) things can be done to slow cars down. Narrow the lanes, make it wind a little, traffic tables for every crosswalk. Cars should be treated as second class citizens on roads like this and pugh, it shouldn't be like a freeway.
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the so-called bike lane going down the hill on allen should go away as soon as it slopes down. I have been right hooked at speed here, incredible. Also, someone passed me to take a right turn and stopped when they realized they were going to hit me. Fortunately I could go to their left. Allen needs traffic calming badly. I suggest chicanes and one-way sections.
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Many cities enact 'neighborways' and install speed tables and/or mini roundabouts at intersections among other things to help reduce speed. I definitely see either or both of these being a good option on Allen and many other streets in town.
Like Liked 1 timeThis intersection needs a traffic calming device. While biking downhill on Allen st, I have been nearly hit by cars multiple times that are turning left from Hamilton to go up Allen. I also have seen other bikes get hit at this intersection.
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This is a sidewalk. A side WALK. It's dangerous to mix cyclists and pedestrians on this sidewalk and entirely inadequate. The intersection of university and atherton is impossible to traverse safely on a bicycle. Motorists turn right on red without stopping or looking, particularly when they are coming from campus on University. It should be illegal to turn right on red there. They lost the right by not looking.
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Its far more dangerous to mix cyclists and motor vehicles, particularly at an offset intersection that doesn't allow designated space for them, with a higher posted speed limit. The physics of the interaction clash with a pedestrian are far more forgiving than with a car or truck. Not every intersection, road, and instance has the ability to cater to hobbyists out for a spin.
Like Liked 2 timesCalling people on bikes "hobbyists out for a spin" is exactly the opposite of how State College can increase the amount of people biking.
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September 14 2023
* Correction: the Blue Loop runs until 12:55 on Saturdays and Sundays.
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